
Working with XLSWRITE in MATLAB: How do I delete empty cells?

I am generating an Excel file through MATLAB and I have empty cells in the middle of it. Here is the code I am using to initialize an empty matrix: newfile = cell(5,5); [newfile{:}] = deal(''); [newfile{:}] = deal(' '); I then do some processing and write the data to a file using XLSWRITE. The spreadsheet ends up having some empty cel...

What is the proper way to specify a path to 'app' in a Rails plugin?

This question came about because the cells gem specifies template directories using File.join('app','cells'). That works fine until you run Rails as a daemon (scripts/server -d). The daemon switches directories to / which leaves the cells template paths pointing to the wrong absolute path. My solution was to set the default paths to Fil...

Problem dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier, custom cell

Hi, i have custom cell with 2 buttons(the function of these buttons is just to disable the button that was pressed). When i use dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier in this classic way: - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"Cell"; cell = ...

CELLS: User input check - Alert if value is incorrect- If cell blank, do not run macro.

My problem: I have two ranges “R16” and R01”. These ranges were set by swiping a range and then renaming it in the upper left panel of sheet. Each range requires users to fill in each cell with a value. R16 requires users to enter a number of 0 through 6. The range R01 requires a value of 0 or 1 to be entered. NO cell can be left...

iPhone: Cells order changes in UITableView Section After Call to reloadSections: Method

I have a table with two sections. A segmented control in first sections changes which rows are displayed in the second section. My problem is that the order of the rows and which row are displayed in the second section shifts improperly upon each subsequent press of a button in the segmented control. I allow a user to add a product to ...

[WM6-HTC] get GSM neighbors cells info

Hello experts, I always wonder if there's any way that we can get the informations (id, phone signal strength, bcch ...) from all the surround cells in Windows mobile 6 (with C#/C++ on my HTC touch HD). With RIL, we can only extract the info of current cell, but not the neighbors. I'm inspired by this thread: forum.xda-developers.com/s...

TableView Cells unresponsive

I have a TableView and I wish to be able to press several cells one after the other and have messages appear. At the moment the cells are often unresponsive. I found some coed for a similar problem someone was kind enough to post, however, although he claimed it worked 100% it doesn't work for me. The app won't even build. Here's the c...

Simple Excel function that splits a numbered entered into one cell randomy and evenly over 3 others.

Hi all, I am looking for a simple function that will take a number entered into a single cell say 20 and divide it evenly and randomly over three other cells, none of the values can be 0. ie. A1 = 20 then B1=6 C1=8 D1=6 Thanks!! ...

In matlab, how do I apply a function of two arguments to two cellarrays of equal length?

So I have two cell arrays: A = {2 2 2 2} B = {[1 2] [3 2] [5 5] [7 7]} and a function of two arguments: F = @(a, b) [a * b(1), (b(2) / 3), (b(1) + a) * 22] And I want to apply the function to the two cell arrays like so: idealfun(F, A, B) and have it do the right thing (return a cell array with four cells of 1x3 vectors). Any i...

Outlook 2007 Table Column Width Issue

I have a table with three cells as a signature for Outlook. However, the third cell occupies a lot more space because it has a lot more text, causing the entire table row to be pushed down, so the other two cells have huge gaps of white space. I'm just trying to have the three cells take up equal vertical space, no matter how far the wid...

How to create a cell array of k similar objects in Matlab?

I want to create an 1,k cell of m,m matrices. I have some trouble trying to initialize it. My first idea was to do this myCell = cell{1,K}; for k = 1:K myCell{1,k} = eye(m); end But it seems like such ugly way to initialize it. There have to be a better way? ...

DataGridView fails SelectedCells property

Hi! in my project I have 3 DataGridView and I need to retrieve the SelectedCells of the grid in 2 grids this works fine, but in one ( and the code is exactly the same of the other 2) the grid.SelectedCells.Count is 1 but If I go in the inspector to view which cell is selected, the result is 0,0... thanks ...

Excel c# add cells to range

Is it possible to add cells to a range? Because the cells i need, aren't next to each other. Example: I need to add the cells with x in one range x 0 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x Is this possible? and if so, how? Thanks ...

dynamically insert new rows in the table (JavaScript) ?

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function addNewRow() { var table = document.getElementById("table1"); var tr = table.insertRow(); var td = tr.insertCell(); td.innerHTML= "a"; td = tr.insertCell(); td.innerHTML= "b"; td = tr.insertCell(); td.innerHTML= "c"; td = tr.insertCell(...

Excel 2010 add yes/no combo box to the each cells in one column.

Hello, subject. How can I to do it ? thanks. ...

JAVA - Out Of Memory Error while writing Excel Cells in jxl

I am using JXL to write an excel file of 50000 rows and 30 columns. My code looks like this: for (int j = 0; j < countOfRows; j++) { myWritableSheet.addCell(new Label(0, j, myResultSet.getString(1), myWritableCellFormat)); myWritableSheet.addCell(new Label(1, j, myResultSet.getString(2), myWritableCellFormat)); ..... ..... } Whil...

how to split or merge the cell in datagrid view using c#?

i like to split/merge the datagridview in c# windows form application .is it possible in c#. ...

Conditional Colorization in Excel if a defined text is not exist.

Hi all, i'am trying to make a conditional colorization in Excel 2007. Let me explain in more detail. If a user writes some desired words (e.g: Alper) in A1 cell there is not problem, but if user write another word (not Alper) then i want to colorize A1 cell as red (as warning). And i want to do that for all A colmuns (A1,A2,......AN). It...

Working with cells

I got the following simple functions: Public Function AddFields(field1 As Range, field2 As Range) As String AddFields = "=" + field1.Address + "+" + field2.Address End Function Private Function GetCustomerCount(monthNumber As Integer) As Range If monthNumber < 6 Then GetCustomerCount = Range("D13") ElseIf monthNumb...

navigate to custom cells

Hi, i've created a custom cell table view with the following header file: @interface Tab1 : UITableViewController { ApplicationCell *tmpCell; NSArray *data; } and i have individualcell class and nib file, there is no nib file for tableview since i am using custom cell. this function works fine. now i want to have this custom cell v...