
setTimeout in javascript not giving browser 'breathing room'

Alright, I thought I had this whole setTimeout thing perfect but I seem to be horribly mistaken. I'm using excanvas and javascript to draw a map of my home state, however the drawing procedure chokes the browser. Right now I'm forced to pander to IE6 because I'm in a big organisation, which is probably a large part of the slowness. So ...

Character encoding for US Census Cartographic Boundary Files

I'm trying to import the US Census cartographic boundary files (available here: http://www.census.gov/geo/www/cob/bdy_files.html ) into a GeoDjango application. However, python is complaining about UnicodeDecodeErrors (for example, for the non-ascii characters in Puerto Rico). The shapefile description file (*.dbf) doesn't specify what...

How do I get core clojure functions to work with my defrecords

I have a defrecord called a bag. It behaves like a list of item to count. This is sometimes called a frequency or a census. I want to be able to do the following (def b (bag/create [:k 1 :k2 3]) (keys bag) => (:k :k1) I tried the following: (defrecord MapBag [state] ...