
How to Center and Color a Word in a GridDataView Column?

Hi I'm wondering how to center and color a word in a GridDataView Column? trash trash FIRST trash trash trash trash trash tras... trash trash trash trash SECOND trash trash trash trash ...trash trash trash trash THIRD trash trash trash tra In the above example, "FIRST", "SECOND", "THIRD" are supposed be colored and ...

Using Markdown, how do I center an image and its caption?

I want to end up with: Hello there! <image> This is an image Hi! Where the image and the text This is an image are centered on the page. How do I accomplish this with Markdown? Edit: Note that I'm looking to horizontally center the image and text on the page. ...

iTunes connect enable game center

Hi Everyone, I try to test Game Center in my iPhone game, but when i try to connect whit the following lines of code i get a alert that says "This game is not recognized by Game Center.". [[GKLocalPlayer localPlayer] authenticateWithCompletionHandler:^(NSError *error) { if (error == nil) { // Insert code here to handle...

Is there a way to delete scores in Apple's Game Center programmaticaly?

I did not find a way in the GameKit documentation to delete a player's score from within my app. Is this possible? Thanks! ...

SVG object drag from centre

All, Am working on an SVG application that requires an object to be moved from one location to another. I have implemented drag and drop, however, upon mousedown, I want the cursor to 'grab' the object from the centre of that object. I also want to predefine that centre point. As an example, if there is a circle, when the user clicks ...

How do you center your main window in WPF?

I have a WPF application and I need to know how to center the wain window programatically (not in XAML). I need to be able to do this both at startup and in response to certain user events. It has to be dynamically calculated since the window size itself is dynamic. What's the simplest way to do this? Under old Win32 code, I'd call the...