
Install certificates in to the Windows Local user certificate store in C#

I'm writing a windows service that needs serveral certificates in the certificate store in order to connect to a third party web service. On my installer I call a small application (C#) that creates a user to run the service as. Works fine. I now need to install about 10 certificates (don't ask!) into the users certificate store but c...

Get list of certificates from the certificate store in C#

For an secure application I need a possibility to select a certificate in a dialog. How can I access with C# to the certifacte store or a part of it (e.g. storeLocation="Local Machine" and storeName="My") and get a list/collections of all certificates from there. I suppose I can do this with System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates ...

Where did 'My" certificate store go?

Because I'm awesome I'm trying to run the latest WIF demo app using VS2k10 B2 on my 7 boxen... 64bit of course (my neckbeard is strong) I'm having a problem getting it running. Part of the whole demo thing requires I install some certificates on the local machine. Problem is that they ask me to install some of the website certs into a ...

OpenSSL SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file with Windows certificate store

Hi, I have a native C++ library which uses OpenSSL for TLS. It reads the private key using SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file and everything is fine, Then I created a C# wrapper which reads the certificates from Windows certificate store according to certain OIDs and the subject name. And here is the problem - I might get more than one certifi...

Access Local Machine Certificate Store in Java?

Is it possible to access certificates stored in the Local Machine store (rather than Current User) from a Java Servlet? I've tried using the MSCAPI provider opening the "Windows-MY" and "Windows-ROOT" stores, but neither contain certificates from the Local Machine store. ...

Get List of Certificate Store Names in C#

I am able to get certificate collection in particulaer store by using the following statment. X509Store.Certificates But not sure how I can get the list of certificate store names present under current user or local machine. I also checked the StoreName enumeration but it only lists the standard store names but not the ones defined by...