
What happened if CFile::Write throws an exception?

Assume that write operation throws an exception hafl-way, is there any data written into the file, or there is no data written in the file? Thank you! ...

Can file pointer change during the process of write or read of a CFile object

I have a CFile object, which can be accessed by multiple threads. There is the possibility that one thread is writing data to this file while another thread is reading data from the file. I want to know is there any unsafety under this policy? Can the file pointer change before the write or read process complete? Is the answer is yes, ho...

Will CFile* take large amout of memory?

I created a pool for CFile in order to prevent frequent Open and Close file operation. However I have a question about such a CFile* pool(), CMapStringToOb m_mAvailableFileObjList; If files are large, is this pool memory-consuming? My application seem to occupy large memory, I just doubt about this part, and I'm not sure. Many Thank...

Question About CFile Seek.

I am using MFC CFile Seek function. I have a problem about Seek out of file length. CFile cfile; BOOL bResult = cfile.Open( L"C:\\2.TXT", CFile::modeReadWrite | CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeNoTruncate | CFile::typeBinary | CFile::shareDenyNone); cfile.Seek(10000, CFile::End); cfile.Close(); MSDN: Remarks The Seek function ...

How to get a CString object from a file with CFile::Read() in Unicode?

The charset is Unicode. I want to write a string of CString type into a file, and then read it out from the file afterwards. I write the string into a file with CFile::Write() method: int nLen = strSample.GetLength()*sizeof(TCHAR); file.Write(strSample.GetBuffer(), nLen); Here is the question: I want to obtain the CString from the fil...

Not able to read the contents in the file in MFC using the function Cfile?

Hello friends,,I am not able to read the contents in the file if I manually write something in the file...If there are contents existing already am able to read the contents...but if I go and manually write something in the file and try to read I am not able to read the contents that I have edited..check the code below that I am using to...

UTF-8, CString and CFile? (C++, MFC)

Hello! I'm currently working on a MFC program that specifically has to work with UTF-8. At some point, I have to write UTF-8 data into a file; to do that, I'm using CFiles and CStrings. When I get to write utf-8 (russian characters, to be more precise) data into a file, the output looks like Ðàñïå÷àòàíî: Ñèñòåìà Ïðîèçâîäñòâî and et...

Getting error message from CStdioFile::Open()?

If CStdioFile::Open fails, I want to be able to report the cause of the error. However, it appears as though it never throws an exception. Also, when I try the following: CStdioFile file; CFileException exc; bool bSuccess = (file.Open(_T("FileDNE"), _O_RDONLY, &exc) == TRUE); ASSERT_FALSE(bSuccess); CString err; exc.GetErrorMessage(e...

Is there any way to speed up frequent file write operations? CFile.

My task is to write small parts of data to file frequently and guaranteed. It's a some type of logging system, that must provide a guaranteed safety and speed of saving data to disk. I found that brakes appear in the Flush() function that is called too often. So, I decided to get rid of it. I used flags, that prohibit buffering and cach...