
How to call c++ binary from Perl or PHP (CGI-BIN using Apache on Linux ) ?

I have a website cgi-bin program that is written in c++. Unfortunately the website provider for my friend's site only allows Perl or PHP cgi-bin scripts. Is there an easy way to simply have a very small Perl or PHP wrapper that just calls the c++ compiled binary? Would the c++ program still be able to read from stdin for POST comman...

How do I enable a .exe file located in cgi-bin in IIS 7?

I have a cgi-bin application with the .exe extension which I need to execute on IIS 7. How do I enable this? ...

Form with Hidden Tags to cybercart- bring it up on the same page?

Hi, what I want to do is basically this: On ONE page, my customers can click a VIEW CART link and the contents of their cart shows below on that same page. here is my basic link form: <FORM METHOD=post ACTION=""&gt; <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=merchant VALUE="jessicas"/> <INPUT TYPE=h...

What were the main disadvantages of CGI-BIN based web development?

I was fortunate enough to not do any cgi-bin .cgi based web development. But generally those who have do not seem to 'miss' those days. A project I recently joined has a performance issue when dealing with the pages that need to communicate to a legacy system that has a CGI-BIN based API. That system is COGNOS 7. The feedback I re...

How do I remove "cgi-bin" from my URLs?

I'm creating a small application on an embedded device that has a boa web server running on it. I'm creating a web application in a mixture of plain HTML pages and Perl scripts to interface with the main application. Is there a way to hide the fact that some of the pages are being served out of the cgi-bin on the device? What I have n...

Can I autodiscover parameters to shell or Perl scripts to "meta" program WEB UIs for them?

Is it possible to auto-discover parameters to shell/Perl scripts in order to "meta" program WEB UIs for them? I have a bunch of "legacy" scripts that I'd like to "web wrap". So far I have created a CGI-BIN web app with about 3 parameters that can call a bash/Perl reporting script. But it now occurs to me maybe there is quicker or aut...

Need a http server with some specific criteria

Hi everyone, I've been looking for a webserver for my project but I haven't been able to satisfy myself. I need a http server that has support for compiled CGI scripts (exe), for Windows, and must be able to use relative paths. It would be a bonus if the server could be a minimal/lightweight as possible. The hardest part in my search th...

mod_python with apache2, (Re)importing module error

I'm trying to get mod-python to work with apache2 but not having any success. I've followed a few tutorials for getting mod-python working but I can't see what I'm doing wrong. When I visit I actually get my 404 page! (whereas I get a 403 forbidden if the file really doesn't exist) Here's my set...

CGI-PHP error and Redirection Issue Wordpress MU

Hi, I installed wordpress Mu at But when I visit I get Security Alert! The PHP CGI cannot be accessed directly. This PHP CGI binary was compiled with force-cgi-redirect enabled. This means that a page will only be ser...

CGI script not executing every page visit

I have a CGI script that generates a file on the server and then redirects the browser to that newly generated file. #!/bin/bash printf "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; cat /myspecialdir/foo > /httpd/foo.html echo "<HTML><HEAD><BODY>" echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"CACHE-CONTROL\" CONTENT=\"NO-CACHE\">" echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Refresh\" CONT...

Apache rewrite with implicit redirection.

Hi, I've been trying to do this for some time unsuccesfully. I'll say in advance that this is probably a newbie question so apologies but I do need some assistance with this. I am trying to redirect requests to cgi-bin/java-rmi.cgi to a servlet on tomcat (from apache). I've managed to redirect to the servlet successfully but I have no...

Check what is posted when submit button is clicked?

Is it possible to check what data is sent to the server when a "submit" button is clicked on a website? Don't know if it's important but the site is powered by CGI scripts. ...

Passing CGI arguments to an executable in Apache on Windows

I was under the impression that I could put any old executable program in the cgi-bin directory of Apache and have it be used as a CGI script. Specifically, if I have a C# program static class TestProg { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Write("Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"); Console.WriteLine("Argum...

What's the cgi-bin equivalent of getRequestDispatcher("/myURL").forward(request, response)?

I'm using #!/bin/sh as my language. ...

CGIemail script working in Safari but not Firefox or Opera

Here is the text file I am linking to: To: Subject: DDD Message From: [name] Email: [emailaddress] Message: [comments] [$HTTP_USER_AGENT] and here is the html I am using: <form id="myform" action="" method="post" enctype="text/plain" name="info" t...

To put the output of a server side script into an HTML file, should you use #include or #exec?

If I want to insert the output of a script into an HTML file using server side includes, is it better to use <!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/" --> or <!--#exec cmd="python /cgi-bin/" --> ? ...

My cgi script can't write to cgi-bin folder of Apache

I m working on a python version cgi script which needs to create img files (which will be shown on the web page) in cgi-bin folder. But it fails with: [Wed Oct 28 16:13:51 2009] [error] [client ::1] OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'average/' [Note] 'average/' is the folder that the cgi script is going to create first for saving...

cgi-bin directory contents: What else can be stored there, apart from the CGI scripts/executables?

What files should/should not be stored in the cgi-bin folder/directory on a web server? Obviously, executable scripts/files that make up a web application, called from a web browser can be stored there. But is there a common industry opinion about what else can be stored there? Is there a very strong reason why nothing else apart than...

CGI Error on IIS 6 Win 2003 hosted at GoDaddy

We have a C++ application running in the CGI-BIN of our site hosted by GoDaddy. The program receives parameters from a web page and calls into our server where we return a key. The program then pieces together some html and inserts the key to display to the user. We have had the program working since 11/2008. No changes were made by u...

Should I delete the cgi-bin folder in a subdomain I just created?

Using cpanel on my hosting account, I created a subdomain - e.g. A cgi-bin folder was automatically created in the directory for Do I need it? I'm only using the subdomain to install wordpress on it. I don't really understand what the cgi-bin folder is for and I'm happy to leave it if it d...