
Form submission asks to save exe, would like it to run instead

When I submit my basic form from the html file, it gives me the option to save the exe I just want the exe to run instead. (To re-populate the template html file) What do I need to do to just run the exe once the form is submitted? <form action="Lib.exe" method=POST ID="Form1"> Enter Index to DELETE<br> <input type=text name="user" ID...

What can make Class::Loader fail where "use" and "new" do not?

I'm working on a very large CGI application that uses Crypt::RSA, which is properly installed. I get a "attempted to call a null reference as a function" type of error (I can't go back to get the exact error right now because we had to rollback for a release date) when I try to run any the embedded library. I trace the null reference t...

Why would Apache be URL decoding my query string?

Hello, My Web host has refused to help me with this, so I'm coming to the wise folks here for some help "black-box debugging". Here's an edited version of what I sent to them: I have two (among other) domains at dreamhost: 1) 2) I noticed today that when I host a CGI script on #1, that by th...

retrieving XMLHttpRequest parameters in python

Client-side code submits an object (in the POST request body) or query string (if using GET method) via ajax request to a python cgi script. Please note that the object/query string parameters are not coming from a <form> or <isindex>. How can I retrieve these parameters from within the server-side python script using standard library...

How do I create a webpage with buttons that invoke various Python scripts on the system serving the webpage?

I'm a hobbyist (and fairly new) programmer who has written several useful (to me) scripts in python to handle various system automation tasks that involve copying, renaming, and downloading files amongst other sundry activities. I'd like to create a web page served from one of my systems that would merely present a few buttons which wou...

Run CGI application without redirecting from HTML

I have an html page populated from a cgi app. Right now when I make a change on my html page through a form <form action="/cgi-bin/Lib.exe" method=POST name="checks" ID="Form2"> It takes me from http://localhost/index.html to http://localhost/cgi-bin/Lib.exe where the CGI outputs some debug lines I put in there. I then have to manua...

Setting up the default script interpreter in Apache on Linux

On Windows, the following registry setting configures the script interpreter to be used by Apache: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.cgi\Shell\ExecCGI\Command=C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe How is this done on Linux? ...

php calling bash problem

I have this simple php script <?php echo '<pre>'; // Outputs all the result of shellcommand "ls", and returns // the last output line into $last_line. Stores the return value // of the shell command in $retval. $last_line = $output = system ("~/public_html/cgi-bin/ &> ~/public_html/errors.txt",$retval); // Printing additional i...

How do I remove "cgi-bin" from my URLs?

I'm creating a small application on an embedded device that has a boa web server running on it. I'm creating a web application in a mixture of plain HTML pages and Perl scripts to interface with the main application. Is there a way to hide the fact that some of the pages are being served out of the cgi-bin on the device? What I have n...

ACL for a network device

Hi, I need to implement ACL based authentication mechanism for a device. This device can be accessed through various interfaces like web pages, TL1 (basically through some command prompt) etc. I need to keep ACL logic centralized so that request from any interface can be authenticated. ACL logic would basically check whether the logg...

IIS7 - Default document in another (virtual) directory

I have a Website that has a cgi-bin (virtual) directory. I want when someone comes to the site they are automatically brought to I would like to do this without META Redirect if possible. Can this be configured in IIS7? I know in IIS6, I could specify the default doc...

Self-referential URLs

What's the most reliable, generic way to construct a self-referential URL? In other words, I want to generate the[:port] portion of the URL that the user's browser is hitting. I'm using PHP running under Apache. A few complications: Relying on $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] is dangerous, because that seems to come straight ...

cgi and tomcat

Hello, im trying to run a cgi script (.cgi) with tomcat. I am getting the below error and cant find out whats wrong. I know i should really use apache and mod proxy but this really isnt my area of expertise so im taking the easy way out! Thanks for any help. Cannot run program "perl" (in directory "C:\Java\tomcat\...

How can I implement server-side rate limiting for a Perl web service?

I have a Perl-based CGI/Fast CGI web service and want to rate-limit clients by IP address to stop aggressive clients causing too much work. I have looked around for some code and found Algorithm::TokenBucket in CPAN but that is for client requests; it has no persistence and has no per-user config so is not really useful for server-side ...

Why can't my apache process write to my world-writeable file?

Hi, I'm having this problem and I reached a deadlock, I would try anything I've reached a deadend. My problem goes like this: I have a Perl/CGI script installed on Fedora 9 machine running apache2, this script have a config file which placed in the same directory, this config file has 777 permissions. The script can't write to the fi...

Is there a good way to call a CGI script from a PHP script?

I saw that there is a virtual() function in PHP that will call a CGI script, but is that the best way? Can I pass any parameters to that scripts as well? I saw some examples using file_get_contents() or include() and passing in the URL of a CGI script, but that feels like a hack. ...

Python 3.0 urllib.parse error "Type str doesn't support the buffer API"

File "/usr/local/lib/python3.0/", line 477, in __init__ self.read_urlencoded() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.0/", line 577, in read_urlencoded self.strict_parsing): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.0/urllib/", line 377, in parse_qsl pairs = [s2 for s1 in qs.split('&') for s2 in s1.split(';')] TypeError: T...

How do I configure apache2 to run Perl CGI scripts?

Hello, Im would like to configure apache2 running on Kubuntu to execute Perl CGI scripts. I've tried some steps I came across by googling, but nothing seems to work. Can someone please point me to the right way of achieving this? Thank You. ...

python upload - where are tmp/FILES ?

hi, I'm running python 2.4 from cgi and I'm trying to upload to a cloud service using a python api. In php, the $_FILE array contains a "tmp" element which is where the file lives until you place it where you want it. What's the equivalent in python? if I do this fileitem = form['file'] fileitem.filename is the name of the file ...

What is CGI mode?

What does it mean when we say an application can run in CGI mode? I was reviewing the features of various CMS systems on and "CGI mode support" was listed as a feature. What are the other "modes" in which a web application can run? ...