
chained msi's/Bootstrapper/prerequisite?

I have a few component msi packages that need to installed together to form the end application. The problem is: the components that make up the package can be updated and the component relaunched on the http file server.What approach should i take? The installer that i am writing is the 'master' installer. Which needs to be able to r...

How to chain TFS builds?

I have a scenario where I want to call one TFS build from another, the first one does the build and the second one does staging. This will allow me do multiple custom staging for the same solution. I know, I can pull this off with an exec task in the second build and call tfsbuild.exe to queue a build from the first build definition. Bu...

javascript - multiple dependent/cascading/chained select boxes on same form

I'm populating select box options via jquery and json but I'm not sure how to address multiple instances of the same chained select boxes within my form. Because the select boxes are only rendered when needed some records will have ten sets of chained select boxes and others will only need one. How does one generate unique selects to s...

Apply jquery selectbox style on chained selectbox

Hi all, I have created a pair of chained selectboxes in my page. The second selectbox is filled with a set of values, depending on the first box's selected value. The script that makes the two selectboxes work like this, uses php and javascript. This is the code I'm using: form <select name="continent" tabindex="1" onChange="get...

Trying to create a 6 level combobox that uses JSON on the backend

I have been looking at a lot of combo boxes but have yet to see one that uses JSON on the backend or one that is more than six fields. I was trying to use as a resource but am having trouble implementing JSON at the backend. Would someone mind giving me a hand? ...

What's the motive behind Chained Package clauses in Scala?

Chained package clause were introduced in Scala 2.8, as described by Martin Odersky on the Scala site. I don't quite get the intuition behind this. Following was the example in the Scala book for the nested packages: package bobsrockets { package navigation { // In package bobsrockets.navigation class Navigator ...

how to create a chain select form in cakephp

Hello My business directory application calls for 3 chained select boxes, and I'm using cakephp to build this application. The hierarchy and order of choices for the sections is this: 1 - business group 2 - business type 3 - city (included in table customer) The relationships are: customer HABTM business types business groups hav...