
jquery change event trigger

Hello everyone, I have a problem in need of help of JQuery. JQuery give my input to increase the use of case change. the code: #(".inp").bind("change",function (){ if(isNaN(this.value)){ this.value = 0; } } When I first time to enter characters, change case happened, input values changed to 0 But when I enter the same charact...

How To Report Progress Changed

I need to report progress changed. Consider the following code: Public Class Calculator Public Event CalculationProgress (ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MyCalculationProgressEventArgs) Public Function Calculate(..).. ' Perform calculation here ... ' Reporting proggress Dim args As New MyCalculationProgressEventArgs(myobj, myValue)...

Using JavaScript to change the URL used when a page is bookmarked...

JavaScript doesn't allow you to update window.location without triggering a reload. While I agree with this policy in principle (it shouldn't be possible to visit my website and have JavaScript change the location bar to read,) I believe that it should be possible to change to ...

Changing behavior of an object at runtime

How can be changed the behavior of an object at runtime? (using C++) I will give a simple example. I have a class Operator that contains a method Operate. Let’s suppose it looks like this: double operate(double a, double b) { return 0.0; } The user will give some input values for a and b, and will choose what operation to perform let’s s...

Call Javascript onchange event by programatically changing textbox value

the problem I'm facing is this: I have a textbox for a date range along side a calendar control. When the user selects a date from the calendar, it fills that date into the textbox When this happens I want to fire a javascript function, however, the 'onchange' event doesn't seem to happen. I'd ideally like to be able to add the eve...

On Change event for dynamically created Drop dow list VB.NET

Hi, I have a website where the user requires to add and remove Headlines from the main page. The headlines are stored in a database with a column titled 'Display' (true or false) which decides if the headlines appear. I want the user to have the ability to add or remove headlines from the main page, so have created another page which cre...

asp:how to reload page explicitly.

i have provided a button to change theme of onclick event handler of the button.i am making change in web confif file page section's theme attribute.but on postback theme is not changed untill i do one more i want to postback pa explicitly in eventhandler of button. ...

Changing fill color of MovieClip Actionscript 3

Hi, i want to ask, how to change only fill color of an instance on the stage - i can do it by using ColorTransform object, but it changes color of the whole instance, not just the fill. I want to change only the fill color, not the stroke color. can anybody help me? this is my code: function paint(){ var myColorTransform:ColorTrans...

Can I change the column that links to the item with edit menu in a sharepoint list?

There was a similar question asked but it wasn't exactly what I am trying to do. Here is a link to the question: Two solutons were offered to that question. Could either of these solutions work for an imported list I have wh...

How to replace a string in a SQL Server Table Column

i have a table (SQL Sever, in this case) which references paths (UNC or otherwise), but now the path is going to change. In the path column, I have many records and I need to change just a portion of the path, but not the entire path. And - I need to change the same string to the new one, in every record. How can i do this with a simple...

using multiple Schema with NHibernate

hello every one i using NHibernate with PostgreSQL, My database has many Schema, so i must retrieve data from multiple schema: I have a Sql Query like this: in this case i have two Schema: medibv0409 and medibv select a.mabn,1 as loaiba,e.nhantu,b.maql,to_number(to_char(a.ngay,'yyyy'))-to_number(c.namsinh) as tuoi,c.phai,b.sonao,

Android: Can not change the text appears in AlertDialog

Today I faced a very weird problem. In my game I create AlertDialog to show the user next level challenges when one is succeeded. So, the corresponding code is like this. when the game is succeeded showDialog( is called and the following code is executed. So, I am expecting to execute this code in every call. Howeve...

How to quickly get whether a directory has changed using C++ without a monitoring thread or process?

The change includes adding or removing files in the directory, or changes of its sub-directories. Is there any windows APIs which can get thus changes? I don't have a thread or process to monitor the file system. ...

using jquery to insert javascript (for Quicktime) into a <div>

Hiya, I'm pretty new to javascript and programming and have run into a brick wall with my project. I have a div which contains the javascript to embed a quicktime player, when the page is first loaded no .mov file is pointed at by the page so a placeholder div is 'unhidden' and the player div is set to style.display = 'none'. So far so...

variable is being redefined?

Hello, I'm currently using checkboxes to set permissions within my PHP application. On the user management page, if the user has the permission, defined by 1 or 0 in the database, the box with be checked or unchecked respectively. Below is the code that is being used to check whether if the box should be checked or not: <div><input type...

Does anyone here use Struts 1 for a new project?

I have a scenario where customers are asking to develop a new project on struts 1. It appears they have many applications running on Struts 1 and the in house IT team is comfortable with it. For data access, we are asked to write JDBC, no ORM, not even Spring DAO. They have developed a framework and we have been asked to use that. I'm ...

Altering SQL column type and adding PK constraint

How to change the type of a column in a SQL table? I've got: CREATE TABLE table( id INTEGER, salt TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, step INT, insert_date TIMESTAMP ); I'd like to change salt's type to just TEXT and id's type to INTEGER PRIMARY KEY. UPD: I'm using SQLite. ...

How to persuade on important software development issues

There are a number of concerns in software development that I consider to be important yet find continuing resistance from other developers. Topics such as using automated unit tests, test driven design, thinking about the maintenance end of the SDLC from the moment you start (i.e. thinking of future developers), usability, etc. I do un...

AS3 Textbox Change Event Not Firing

I built a quiz game with a cartoon question bubble. The bubble is re sized to the length of the question. I want to a change event on the dynamic textbox to call a function that changes the size of the question bubble. However, the change event is never called when my textbox value is modified dynamically from code. question_txt.add...

jQuery change() problem

I have the following code: $('.groupselect').livequery(function(){ $('.groupselect').unbind().change(function(){ _this = this; _id = $(_this).attr('id'); //alert($(_this).val()); alert($(_this).attr('id')); }); }); I can take the value from the element, but i cant take the value from the id at...