This question really comes down to healthy social dynamics in a dev team. It's pretty much never a good idea to go to your fellow developers with the intent of converting them or showing them the light. If they are interested, and more importantly if your practices are truly better than theirs, then they will come ask you about your mode of development eventually, because you will get noticed.
Understand, however, that there are a lot of folks who develop software without using many of the tools that you use, and many of them are much, much better than you are at it. I can personally think of at least 3 guys I worked with who wrote code and never wrote automated unit tests and never had a problem with it. I'm talking about fellows who've shipped hundreds of thousands of lines of functional, compact, well-factored code that was only occasionally (and necessarily, in those spots) arcane. One of them did prototype-to-production development (AKA RAD/Prototyped Waterfall), another one did his own warped version of the Rational life cycle, and one frankly just wrote magical code.
I'm assuming none of those apply to the people you're trying to convert, but please don't make the classic mistake of assuming that the people you work with are stupid just because they don't work the way that you do. Prove your practices work, and let people adopt practices at their own pace. If you're good at what you do they'll come asking about something, and while you're helping them out you can show off a little about your approach.
The only legitimate practice I've found that can augment this in a non-destructive way is a team activity based around sharing knowledge. I asked my team to start doing "Tech Sessions" showing off tools and knowledge they've picked up. I don't dominate those sessions, but once in a while I get a chance to run one to show off something like unit testing or TDD practices or pattern in practical use or just some novel piece of code I've written that I happen to like.
The most important things about those tech sessions are that a) they are voluntary and b) everyone is invited to contribute topics/session presentations. There's no value attached to a particular topic or presenter. We just take a Friday afternoon once a week or once every few weeks (depending on how busy we are) and laze around looking at code as a group. It's funny what you can learn when you actually make the attempt to listen to the people to whom you're preaching.