
WCF ChannelFactory against SOA principles?

Is sharing a project containing the wcf interface and datacontracts and using these via ChannelFactory to consume the service against SOA principles? My architect is advising that generating a proxy using Add Service Reference is preferable. ...

Problems connecting to WCF Service via NetNamedPipeBinding

I'm having trouble figuring out how to get a named pipe WCF service to work. The service is in a seperate assembly from the executable. The config looks like this: <system.serviceModel> <bindings> <netNamedPipeBinding> <binding name="NoSecurityIPC"> <security mode="None" /> </binding> </netNa...

Channel Factory in WCF

Hi all i am new to WCF i wanted to know if i use channel factory and if i make any changes in service contract whether the changes will be updated automatically in the client system or not???If the changes are updated automatically how???? ...

Channel Factory client side DLL modification

can u give me an example how to use the channel factory and make changes in the service without changing anything in the client side???? ...

Channel Factory problem communication with .xamlx

Hello, We have a program calling xaml service via channel factory. The problem occurs when we try to call the service multiple times. The error is : The open operation did not complete within the allotted timeout of 00:00:30. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout. In xaml service web.config...

WCF: Comparisons between not closing ChannelFactory vs. constantly recreating the ChannelFactory and closing it

I have a WCF service that I consume in my code and generated as a ChannelFactory class. I know that the proper way to consume the WCF is to create the ChannelFactory (let's call this AwesomeClient), do the work, then call Close() on it. Here's my snippet: public static void DoSomething() { var client = new AwesomeClient(...

How do I create a simple Web Server using WCF without the ServiceHost class?

I've began to learn WCF and wish to understand its internals by creating a simple Web server using channel stacks directly. I have found a lot of theory in the web but I'd like to see a working sample code of receiving and responding an httprequest that I can test using any browser. I'm hoping for something that shows the setup of a cu...

creating WCF ChannelFactory<T>

I'm trying to convert an existing .NET Remoting application to WCF. Both server and client share common interface and all objects are server-activated objects. In WCF world, this would be similar to creating per-call service and using ChannelFactory to create a proxy. I'm struggling a bit with how to properly create ChannelFactory for AS...

How to dynamically set the server name of wcf service in silverlight

I need to deploy a silverlight 4 soltution where it consumes data from a WCF service. The challenge is this will be a production install and so I have no way of controlling the server name of the service and the silver light app will not be installed on the same server as the WCF. Starting down this path here is what I have come up wit...

Communicate with a REST service inside a REST service

Hi, i use the following code to communicate with a REST service: [ServiceContract()] interface ISomeService { [OperationContract()] [WebGet()] bool DoSomething(); } WebHttpBinding binding = new WebHttpBinding(); ChannelFactory<ISomeService> channelFactory = new ChannelFactory<ISomeService>(binding, "http://localhost:12000"...

WCF: How to diagnose faulted channels?

I'm working on shipping in a change for my lab that will hopefully help diagnose some weird channel-faulting weirdness we're seeing. There's a test application that uses DuplexChannelFactory to connect to a couple windows services, and for some reason the channels on this test application seem to be faulting quite a bit. I have plans to ...

Sending Cookies over WCF using the ChannelFactory

I use an IOC container which provides me with IService. In the case where IService is a WCF service it is provided by a channel factory When IService lives on the same machine it is able to access the same cookies and so no problem however once a WCF Service is called it needs to be sent those cookies. I've spent a lot of time trying to...