
Expose a WCF Service through a Named Pipes binding

Intro: I successfully implemented a WCF Service hosted in a Windows Service a few days ago. The community here at StackOverflow helped me with the WSDL exposure here. I thank you once again. However recently I found out that there is another potential client for this service this time located on the same machine as the service and this ...

How can I communicate with WCF from Delphi using Named Pipes Binding

Can I use Delphi 2007 to communicate with a WCF service using the netnamedpipebinding ? If so, then how? ...

What is the maximum size that maxReceivedMessageSize can be set to for a NetNamedPipeBinding?

I noticed that 2147483647 seems to be a popular choice for maxReceivedMessageSize but is this the limit? ...

How to host a WCF service in a web application with netNamedPipeBinding and WAS on Windows Vista

I am trying to host a WCF service with netNamedPipeBinding in a web applicaion on a Vista machine. I enabled the non-HTTP service activation as described in this article: I configured the service as follows: <endpoint address="net.pipe://myservice" binding="netNamedPipeBinding" bi...

Anyone got IIS working reliably as a WCF client

I'm trying to get IIS6 to work reliably with a WCF service I have hosted in a separate Windows Service application on the same machine. Users connect to IIS via some HTTP exposed services, which is working fine, and then IIS needs to get some information from the Windows service to put in the HTTP response. I also need a callback channel...

Named pipe not found when using WCF netNamedPipeBinding

I am the developer of a WCF service. My test clients work very well with it. But when it comes to real clients (using the same client proxy), it fails. The same WCF service works with netTcpBinding, this error occurs only with netNamedPipeBinding, even with ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Single Here is the exception There was no ...

How to secure a WCF service using NetNamedPipesBinding so that it can only be called by the current user?

I'm using a WCF service with the NetNamedPipesBinding to communicate between two AppDomains in my process. How do I secure the service so that it is not accessible to other users on the same machine? I have already taken the precaution of using a GUID in the Endpoint Address, so there's a little security through obscurity, but I'm look...

How to disable reliable session in netNamedPipeBinding in WCF?

How do I disable reliable sessions in a named pipe binding? ...

How to allow netNamedPipeBinding to work with requiring UAC?

I have a service running under Local system account. I have an application that run in a non-UAC mode. Both interact with each other as both act as server and client. Application as client can communicate with Service. But Service as client cannot communicate with application. If I run with UAC the problem is solved. <customBinding> ...

Under what circumstances does it make sense to run a WCF client and server on the same machine?

In Learning WCF, by Michele Bustamante, there is a section that describes a binding called the NetNamedPipes binding. The book says that this binding can only be used for WCF services that will be called exclusively from the same machine. Under what circumstances would it make sense to use this? Ordinarily, I would write asynchronous ...

Problems connecting to WCF Service via NetNamedPipeBinding

I'm having trouble figuring out how to get a named pipe WCF service to work. The service is in a seperate assembly from the executable. The config looks like this: <system.serviceModel> <bindings> <netNamedPipeBinding> <binding name="NoSecurityIPC"> <security mode="None" /> </binding> </netNa...

WCF Named Pipe IPC

I have been trying to get up to speed on Named Pipes this week. The task I am trying to solve with them is that I have an existing windows service that is acting as a device driver that funnels data from an external device into a database. Now I have to modify this service and add an optional user front end (on the same machine, using ...

Should I use the NetNamedPipe binding in WCF for security reasons?

The WCF documentation says that the "Net Named Pipe" binding can be used for fast interprocess communication on a single machine. It cannot be used for communication across machines. I would like to know if using the Net Named Pipe binding will protect my service from being attacked from outside the network. I've been told that the an...

Using WCF's net.pipe in a website with impersonate=true

Hi all. I'm trying to use WCF named pipes in a web site, and it's failing with errors: There was no endpoint listening at net.pipe://localhost/mypipename that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details. and the InnerException: The pipe name co...

Setting SPN on endpointaddress for NetNamedPipe service endpoint

I'm getting the "There was no endpoint listening at net.pipe://localhost" error as described in other places but I cannot seem to find a real answer. This is a great identifier of the problem: When using WCF, Windows authentication is performed through SSPI-Negotiate, which in most cases will select ...

How do I troubleshoot PipeExceptions and CommunicationExceptions in WCF?

I have an application consisting of several WCF services, some of which are implemented in Workflow Foundation (.NET 3.5), others just plain C#. These services communicate with each other over a netNamedPipeBinding for performance reasons. The trouble is that I'm seeing more and more CommunicationExceptions and underlying PipeExceptions ...