
race conditions in WCF with non-oneway methods

I'm designing a client-server chat application (in fact I'm not, but let's pretend I am:)), and I'm a bit puzzled by some race conditions I've experienced. Let's say I've got the following code: public interface IServer { [OperationContract(IsOneWay = false)] [FaultContract(typeof(ChatException))] void BroadcastMessage(string msg...

does WCF's NetTCPBinding supports Socks Proxy?

I've got a client/server WCF application I want to deploy in a corporate environement. They usually don't allow direct Internet connections, so I must use their SOCKS proxy. Is it possible to use the netTcpBinding channel over a socks proxy? ...

WCF with netTcpBinding and Certificate transport security

I need to secure a WCF service that uses netTcpBinding and connects directly with a Windows Forms based application. I only need it to be secured at the transport layer. I'm pretty sure that I have it working locally, i.e. I can run the service locally, and connect to it with the client. When I try to setup the service so that it is r...

Anonymous clients connecting to WCF

This article from Microsoft details how to implement transport security with an anonymous client. I'd like to know if it is possible to achieve the same goal, using netTcpBinding instead of WsHttpBinding and hosting the service as a Windows Service. ...

WCF Self Hosting Performance

I am in the process of writing an enterprise-level application utilizing WCF and NetTCP services. I chose NetTCP initially out of curiosity, but later determined it to be the best option for me since I can have services that are called that take 5+ hours to return results due to the amount of data crunching involved. The way I currently...

What exactly do I need to do to host a WCF service in IIS 7.0 using netTcpBinding?

Hello Everyone: I've been trying for more than a week without any success at all, to host a very simple HelloWorld-like wcf service using netTcpBinding. With http, everything is ok. I can access my service even from a remote machine. But with tcp problems arise. I have performed all the steps I'm supposed to, in order to host my servi...

netTcpBinding without windows credentials?

I've got a machine control application where I have a single client computer and 5 server boxes communicating on the machine subnet. There is no domain controller. I would like to use netTcpBinding to allow for reliability and transaction support. Is is possible to use UserName / Password authentication with this binding, when a dom...

.net distributed grid computing migration, recommendations on libraries, architecture

I have a c# multi-threaded monte carlo simulation, the application is already structured such that it can be partitioned by into Tasks that execute independently, a TaskController executes Tasks, aggregates intermediate results, checks for convergence (early termination criteria) then returns final results, this is currently implemented ...

Is it possible to use netTcpBinding with the VS 2008 development server?

Is it possible to have a WCF service configuration like this: <service behaviorConfiguration="WcfService1.Service1Behavior" name="WcfService1.Service1"> <endpoint address="" binding="netTcpBinding" bindingConfiguration="" contract="WcfService1.IService1"> </endpoint> <endpoint address="mex" binding="mexTcpBinding...

What's the fastest possible security configuration for netTcpBinding?

I'm running a WCF service that, among other things, is used as the back end for a web site. Because both the web site and the WCF service are running on the same machine, and in the interests of performance, I set it up with a netTcpBinding. Now the thing is, because they exist on the same box, I really don't care about either transpor...

Can two applications share same WCF NetTcpBinding port if they use different end point addresses?

I have a Client and Server scenario, where a service is installed on the client and another service on the server. I have no issues when these are installed on different machines. However, I would like to also be able to install both the Client service and Server service on the same machine. I could set them up to use different ports, ho...

Trouble getting WCF to work with netTcpBinding

Below is my app.config <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <system.serviceModel> <services> <service name="Indexer"> <endpoint address="net.tcp://localhost:8000/Indexer/" binding="netTcpBinding" bindingConfiguration="TransactionalTCP" contract="Me.IIndexer" /> </service> <ser...

Creating a custom binding in WCF from an existing nettcpbinding

Can anyone tell me how to create a custom binding that reproduces the exact same behavior from the following in WCF? <netTcpBinding> <binding name="SecureTcp" > <security mode="TransportWithMessageCredential"> <transport clientCredentialType="Certificate" /> <message clientCredentialType="UserN...

Detecting Client Death in WCF Duplex Contracts.

I'm trying to build a SOA where clients can perform long running queries on the server and the server responds using a callback. I'd like to be able to detect if the client disconnects (through user initiated shutdown, unhandled exception or loss of network connectivity) so that the server can choose to cancel the expensive request. I...

Determine amount of space a serialized object transmitted in a WCF netTCP binding takes?

Is there a way to know how much space a serialized object transmitted in a WCF netTCP binding takes? I am getting a The socket connection was aborted. This could be caused by an error processing your message or a receive timeout being exceeded by the remote host, or an underlying network resource issue. Local socket timeou...

Streamed transfer + netTcpBinding = framing mode not supported?

Can anybody explain what this error means: The .Net Framing mode being used is not supported by blah blah yadda I can't find any info worthwhile. The exception says to check the server logs, however I can't find anything in them relating to this error. I don't know what the hell a "framing mode" is, otherwise I'd try different ...

When creating a WCF Service with NetTcpBinding, use endpoint "localhost" or machine's host name?

I have a WCF service that uses the NetTcpBinding and is running within a Windows service. Remote clients connect to this service. So far, I have defined the endpoint to use "localhost". If the host machine has multiple network adapters, will it receive messages on all adapters? Would it be better to assign the machine's host name to t...

Anyone got IIS working reliably as a WCF client

I'm trying to get IIS6 to work reliably with a WCF service I have hosted in a separate Windows Service application on the same machine. Users connect to IIS via some HTTP exposed services, which is working fine, and then IIS needs to get some information from the Windows service to put in the HTTP response. I also need a callback channel...

netTcpBinding or wsHttpBinding

I have a WCF Service hosted as Windows Service and client is an ASP.Net application consuming WCF Service methods. In process of implementing security, I am confused over which among netTcpBinding/wsHttpBinding will be suitable for my case. Most likely all the applications in scene (WCF Service, Windows Service, ASP.Net Website) will b...

How to get reliable call-backs with WCF using NetTcpBinding

I am planning to use the NetTcpBinding for an application that needs to keep a hand-full of clients in sync. Whenever there is a change of state at the server, all the connected clients must be informed. However I need the clients to automatically reconnect if there is a network problem, any outstanding callbacks from the server for t...