
WAS Non-HTTP activation - hooking application startup

I'm trying to integrate a netTcpBinding based application that is hosted inside WAS with an IoC container (autofac/spring). Unfortunately, when it starts inside WAS and due to the fact that it is not an Http based application, no events are fired inside the Global application class. I need to catch the application domain startup so tha...

Can CPython speak with WCF?

I would like to write a CPython app that would consume WCF services that use NetNamedPipeBinding and NetTcpBinding. It is possible? What library enables that? ...

what is the global.asax Application_Start equivalent when using WAS in IIS7

Hi I'd like to use the netTcpBinding for my WCF application which is currently hosted in IIS7, which means configuring it to use WAS instead. This is fairly straight forward however, my application previously made use of the Application_Start event in the global.asax file. I do not require access to the httpContext(which I understand ac...

WCF NetTcpBinding Security - how does it work?

Hi, encountered the following problems trying to work through the quagmire of settings in WCF... I created a WCF client server service using a NetTcp binding. I didn't make any changes to the security settings and when running on one machine it works very nicely. However, when I ran my client from another machine it complained that the ...

CSLA with WCF nettcpbinding

Hi. I am using CSLA.NET. It works realy nice with the wsHttpBinding. Now, I have my own Windows-Service and search the solution, that I can use this Windows-Service as the CSLA-Server and using nettcpbinding. Can someone give me a tip how to going on? Perhaps someone has a sample how I can do that. Thank you! Best Regards, Thomas ...

WCF - Disabling security in nettcpbinding (c#)

Hello everyone. I'm trying to make a self hosted WCF app that uses nettcpbinding but works in an environment without a domain. It's just two regular windows pc's, one is the server and the other one will be the client. The problem with this is that when I try to get the client to connect it's rejected because of the security settings. ...

WCF on Win Server 2008 and IIS7 with only net.tcp binding hide IIS features

Hi all, I've installed HTTP Activation and Non-HTTP Activation IIS's features for Framework.NET 3.0 under WCF Activation feature. I'm trying to remove http and https bindings (under default Web Site) from IIS Manager and leave others (net.tcp, net.msmq, etc.) but if I close and re-open IIS manager I not found any icons in the right pan...

WCF, Duplex callback, recieveTimeout netTcpBinding

Ive got a Host / Client WCF Service and client that is using netTcpBinding and a callback method. <bindings> <netTcpBinding> <binding name="tcp_Unsecured" receiveTimeout="00:01:00" sendTimeout="00:01:00"> <security mode="None" /> <reliableSession enabled="true" ordered="true" inactivityTimeout="00:10:00...

Silverlight WCF netTcpBinding problem

Trying to call a WCF with a netTcpBinding via Silverlight, I am getting the error: "TCP error code 10013: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.. This could be due to attempting to access a service in a cross-domain way while the service is not configured for cross-domain access. You may nee...

What is the purpose of WCF reliable session?

The documentation around this topic is poor. I use WCF services with NetTcpBinding hosted in Windows service. The problem is that a session is dropped when it is inactive for some time. What I need is the session which is always alive. Is WCF reliable session something that can help? Or I can just play with timeout settings? ...

Silverlight 4 NetTcpBinding programmatic configuration

I'd like to configure a NetTcpBinding programatically for a silverlight 4 client. (NetTcpBinding is now supported) Here is the code I use to do this for a Windows Forms client: EndpointAddress endpointAddress = new EndpointAddress(uri); NetTcpBinding netTcpBinding = new NetTcpBinding(); MyServiceClient agentClient = new MyService...

Mono WCF NetTcp service takes only one client at a time

While trying to build a client-server WCF application in Mono we ran into some issues. Reducing it to just a bare example we found that the service only accepts one client at a time. If another client attempts to connect, it hangs until the first one disconnects. Simply changing to BasicHttpBinding fixes it but we need NetTcpBinding for...

Problem while communicating with WCF service using netTcpBinding

I have a WCF service run on Windows Server 2008 RC2 IIS 7 with no firewall. When I trying to call it with netTcpBinding binding, I get this exception: System.TimeoutException: The open operation did not complete within the allotted timeout of 00:00:30. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer ti...

how to create nettcpbinding of this custombinding

I am new at WCF programming model and I want to use netTcpBinding. Before I ask my question below this is my custom binding : <customBinding> <binding name="basic"> <security authenticationMode="UserNameForCertificate"/> <binaryMessageEncoding/> <httpsTransport/> </binding> </customBinding> When I create a se...

WCF net.tcp server disconnects - how to handle properly on client side?

I'm stuck with a bit of an annoying problem right now. I've got a Silverlight 4 application (which runs OOB by default). It uses WCF with net.tcp as means of communicating with the server. The client uses a central instance of the wcf client proxy. As long as everything keeps running on the server side, everything's fine. If i kill the...

Does a WCF Service that runs over require IIS

Hello, I'm trying to deploy a WCF service that uses a netTcpBinding (and a mexTcpBinding for metadata) on a remote server (Win 2008 R2) without installing IIS. Trouble is, everything I'm trying is telling me I need various IIS components installed on the remote box. Is that really the case? It seems to me that, with a connectio...

What is the correct WCF net.tcp binding security for this scenario?

Hi guys. I have a WCF service which is hosted in a Windows Service and has net.tcp endpoint. The clients are in the same LAN (Workgroup) as the service but they don't have the server's Windows user accounts. PS: When I set the Security.Mode to None in both client and server, I receive the following error: The requested upgrade is no...

WCF Service with netTcpBinding + windows Authentication hosted with IIS and using roles for authorization

I am having a WCF Service which is hosted with IIS with nettcpbinding and Windows authentication, I am trying to do authorization with user name/roles. But service is allowing any user to access it. Is this possible in first place? ...

Soap Envelope through WCF netTcp Binding

Hi :) 1) I've noticed that the netTCP binding uses SOAP as the envelope, which I think then it uses SOAP as a message protocol. How could I create my own SOAP message, send it through the netTCP and the other side understand it? 2)Today, our application creates the SOAP envelope from scratch putting the proper namespaces and body eleme...

How to Prioritize Outgoing Messages with WCF

I would like to be able to prioritize the outgoing data/messages from a WCF service. Here's the basic scenario: Client requests from server a data stream. The data stream is live, large, and potentially unending (equipment monitoring data). We'll call this HighPriorityDataStream. Client requests additional data. We'll call this LowPri...