
Why does maxConcurrentSessions default to such a low value? And what is a safe value?

In WCF maxConcurrentSessions defaults to 10, so limiting a server from having more then 10 open TCP connections to it. Why is this so? Is it safe for me just to set it to a very high value for a server that has a "handful" (or two) of clients, but needs to keeps a netTcpBinding open for each clients due to sending events to the clients...

What is the trade of between OneWay and Async calls for broadcasting events to clients? (WCF)

I am writing a WCF (netTcpBinding planned at present) client/server application that has to support a “handful” of clients including sending events to the clients. I do not wish the server to block while the clients process the events. Logically I cannot see match difference between marking the callback methods as “OneWay” or cal...

How can I find a TCP port that is free with NetTcpBinding (WCF) (so a server can bind to it)

Find the next TCP port in .Net says how to do this in raw .net, but not how to safely to this with WCF. In my unit tests, I need to use the NetTcpBinding, I do not wish to hard code the port it is using. Therefore how can I get the NetTcpBinding to automatically choose a free port when used in my ServiceHost? How can I get it to tel...

What WCF binding is most performant?

I have to get the maximum throughput performance in my WCF service. In one of my tests the service below got only 50k data items per minute using NetTcpBinding. Would a disconnected binding like NetMsmqBinding improve this performance? Service and client uses WCF and run in the same machine. [ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = Insta...

Duplex Mode StreamedRequest not working with Reliable Session Binding.

Hi. I have been struggling with this for a while and could really use some help. I am attempting to design a WCF endpoint that allows for the streaming of images to the server and then returns imageURLs (i.e: ""). Currently, the call to my WCF method looks like this: for (var i = 0; i <= (Reque...

How to I find out when my WCF server has exited (and closed it TCP connection)

I am using the nettcpbinding binding (with reliably messaging at present). When the server does a serviceHost.Close(), the TCP connection should be cleanly closed and therefore the client side should be told. How do I hook this event with WCF? (Note this is not the same as the TCP connection being closed by a network problem, when re...

Windows Authentication / Encryption in WCF With NetTcpBinding

I'm trying to understand how windows authentication / encryption works with the NetTcpBinding in WCF. I need to know exactly what encryption algorithm is used to encrypt the data going across the wire (and some documentation to prove it). Will windows authentication / encryption still work if the client and or host is not on a domain? ...

Connecting to a WCF service in php via NetTcpBinding

I can't find a duplicate for this question, but I honestly hope I'm not the first to ask. I have a WCF service that is sitting inside my LAN. For .NET clients on my lan, NetTcpBinding is the appropriate binding. However, one of my clients is a PHP web application. Is there any way to do this? Update: I am well aware I can have multiple...

Connecting to a WCF Service in PHP that has a a NetTCP Binding and a BasicHttpBinding

I have a WCF service. It has multiple clients and three endpoints. The endpoint bindings are nettcp, wsHttp and basicHttp. If I attempt to connect to it via php'd builtin SoapClient class like so: $service = new SoapClient ("http://service.companyname.local:6666/Service/?wsdl", array( "location" => "http://service.companyname....

NetTcpBinding with Streaming and Session

Hi! I’m trying to set up a WcfService with the use of NetTcpBinding. I use Transfer mode Streamed since I will transfer large files. I need to use Session, and I have read that NetTcpBinding supports this, but when I turn it on like: SessionMode=SessionMode.Required I get the error: System.InvalidOperationException: Contract requir...

WCF + SSL wsDualHttpBinding or netTcpBinding

Hi, I need to create a self-hosted WCF service. I need secure duplex connection between client and server through Internet. I read some documents of WCF and found that the netTcpBinding is suitable for intranet application, because the SSL is only point 2 point. If it is an internet application, the connection must not be point 2 point...

How to get the origin IP of a netTcpBinding call in WCF?

The called method have access to binding-level information like the origin IP address? ...

WCF - How to configure netTcpBinding for NTLM authentication?

I know how to configure basicHttpBinding for NTLM authentication, but can't figure out a way to do the same for netTcpBinding. Does netTcpBinding support NTLM? If so, how to force WCF service to use NTLM? BTW a well known method using identity element for some reason didn't work at all. I am looking for something like this - clientC...

WCF - Why netTCPBinding works fine with Kerberos authentication without any SPN setting?

In one of our networks we are utilizing the netTCPBinding. The WCF service hosted in windows service that run as a domain account. From the event viewer I can see that my WCF service uses Kerberos authentication. Everything works seamlessly "out-of-the-box" with simple default configuration without an <identity> element in the configu...

What does the term "pending dispatch" means?

According to MSDN , the "MaxConnections" parameter means: The NetTcpBinding.MaxConnections property controls the maximum number of connections to be pooled for subsequent reuse on the client and the maximum number of connections allowed to be pending dispatch on the server. what does the term "Pending Dispatch" mean? ...

Question on the "ListenBackLog" parameter in WCF netTcpBinding.

According to msdn this parameter means: controls the maximum number of queued connection requests that can be pending for a Web service. Does this parameter have any influence when used in a autogenerated WCF client proxy. (the one that created with svcutil....) ...

NetTcpBinding wcf service with remote access AND transport security?

Hi all, I am struggling with a WCF issue relating to name resolution-or something like so. When I consume a wcf service (netTcpBinding) on an application server via a web application on the web server it doesn't work. Ok it doesn't work in most situations. If you access the web application from the web server itself using localhost or 1...

Can I add a Service Reference with netTcpBinding in WCF?

Is it possible to add a service reference in visual studio, which generates the local proxy class to call the WCF service when using the netTcpBinding? As I understood it, the service reference method requires a WSDL to be exposed by the service, which is only supported by the http bindings no? Perhaps, could I add the service referenc...

How do I set ReliableSession.MaxPendingChannels when I create a NetTcpBinding in code?

We are getting this error: System.ServiceModel.ServerTooBusyException: The request to create a reliable session has been refused by the RM Destination. Server 'net.tcp://localhost:50000/' is too busy to process this request. Try again later. The channel could not be opened. As I understand it, I need to increase the v...

How can I tell that a NetTcp-based WCF connection was interrupted?

A WCF service is based on NetTcpBinding. It may happen that a client silently vanishes, leaving the server without knowledge that it is not connected anymore. I'm currently using a thread that pings all connected client to see if they are still alive, and removes disconnected clients. Is a ping thread the correct way to solve the issu...