
Calling WCF with netMsmqBinding inside TransactionScope stopping transaction.

I have a WCF logging service that runs operates over MSMQ. Items are logged to a Sql Server 2005 database. Every functions correctly if used outside a TransactionScope. When used inside a TransactionScope instance the call always causes the transaction to be aborted. Message = "The transaction has aborted". What do I need to do to g...

WCF NetMsmqBindingin w7

I'm using NetMsmqBinding to build up service but got sth strange on w7. if the WCF Client and the service is on the same machine, the client cannot call the service successfully but result in "Access is denied" error (-1072824283, 0xc00e0025). the call can be done if the client is run as administrator. if the client and the service are...

What WCF binding is most performant?

I have to get the maximum throughput performance in my WCF service. In one of my tests the service below got only 50k data items per minute using NetTcpBinding. Would a disconnected binding like NetMsmqBinding improve this performance? Service and client uses WCF and run in the same machine. [ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = Insta...

deserializing messages from msmq send via netmsmq binding

We have wcf service and on error we send messages to "poison" queue using netmsmq binding rather than using System.Messaging's Send Method(). We tried fetching those message out of that poison queue but when deserializing i got a lot of junk data with hexadecimal values... ...

MSMQ private queue size limit

Hi, I am trying to put messages in a private queue defined on my local computer, but the queue size cannot exceed 8 MB. I am getting an exception every time after that size is reached. The size for the specific queue is set at 10 GB. I am running Windows 7 Professional. Is there a limitation because of that? ...

How to use MSMQ in WCF?

I can work with many WCF bindings, except netMsmqBinding. All I get is: CommunicationObjectFaultedException: "The communication object, System.ServiceModel.ServiceHost, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state." at System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject.Close(TimeSpan timeout) I tried it in...

MSMQ wcf activation issue with .net 4.0 and server 2008

I have .net 4.0 application ported from net 3.5 that uses net.msmq running on server 2008 x64 Setup net.msmq Service with address "net.msmq://localhost/private/msmqdataservice.svc" net.msmq endpoing with address "net.msmq://localhost/private/msmqdataservice.svc" queue in MSMQ -> name = "$private\msmqdataservice.svc" everything is wo...

Why are my messages continuing to be retried After the error has been handled ?

I have a poisoned message service. When I receive a poisoned message, the error is handled by a poisoned message handler, which sends an email, which then moves the message off of the queue. the problem I'm having is rather than sending one email. It sends 4-5 and I'm really struggling to figure out why this is happening. The way I do th...

Anyone seen this problem with protobuf-net over net.msmq

I am seeing a problem where I send large messages over wcf net.msmq using protobuf-net and get the following error: The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: Error in deserializing body of request message for operation 'DeliverData'. End element 'proto' from namespace 'http://mynamespace' expected If mes...

How to check if public MSMQ is empty

Is there any way to check if a public MSMQ is empty? For a private MSMQ it's easy: private bool IsQueueEmpty(string path) { bool isQueueEmpty = false; var myQueue = new MessageQueue(path); try { myQueue.Peek(new TimeSpan(0)); isQueueEmpty = false; ...

MSMQ thru WCF is swallowing badly formatted messages, no errors, no warnings

I have a service that responds to messages on an MSMQ, using WCF. When the message is well formatted, it works as normal, and we're happy. When the message is intended for a different service, and the action is different, the message stays on the queue, we get log entries, we fix, and we're happy. But when the message has the right acti...

Why are my queued WCF messages silently disappearing?

I have a transactional MSMQ queue setup on server THOR. I am able to post messages to that queue from a workstation with the following code: var queue = new MessageQueue("FormatName:Direct=OS:thor\\private\\myqueue"); using (var tx = new MessageQueueTransaction()) { tx.Begin(); queue.Send("test", tx); tx.Commit(); } However,...

Contract requires TwoWay (either request-reply or duplex), but Binding 'NetMsmqBinding' doesn't support it or isn't configured properly to support it.

I'm using WCF and netmsmqbinding. my environment is window 2003 server. the wcf servcie is hosting as a window service. thank you in advance for your help. ...