
How can I inject an object into an WCF IErrorHandler implementation with Castle Windsor?

I'm developing a set of services using WCF. The application is doing dependency injection with Castle Windsor. I've added an IErrorHandler implementation that is added to services via an attribute. Everything is working thus far. The IErrorHandler object (of a class called FaultHandler is being applied properly and invoked. Now I'm addi...

WCF Error Handling without fault contract

I have a WCF service which all operations return type is OperationStatus: [DataContract] public abstract class ServiceResponse { [DataMember] public bool Success { get; set; } [DataMember] public String StatusReason { get; set; } } I'd like to create an ErrorHandler to catch all exceptions and then I'd like it to ret...

Implement 'Ping' functionality using Message Inspector causes WCF runtime to throw NullReferenceException

I'm using WCF to implement a web service. This web service requires a 'ping' feature as a health monitor for each service. This functionality has been implemented using IDispatchMessageInspector and is configured for each endpoint of a service. This is due to a business requirement for the 'ping' to be as near the actual service code as ...

IErrorHandler doesn't seem to be handling my errors in WCF .. any ideas?

Have been reading around on IErrorHandler and want to go the config route. so, I have read the following in an attempt to implement it. MSDN Keyvan Nayyeri blog about the type defintion Rory Primrose Blog This is basically just the msdn example wrapped in a class that inherits IErrorHandler and IServiceBehaviour ... then this is wra...

Implementing IErrorHandler using class level Attributes in WCF

Had no luck with getting it working via config files, so decided to attempt to go the more robust route of doign it via class level attributes. If I can get this working it is clearly a great way of wrapping exceptions in Faults in the service layer withou trepeating lots of code. However the code in the attribute never seems to get run...

Custom JSON IErrorHandler in WCF returning StatusCode 200/504 when should return 400

Hi! I have a WCF service that among other bindings also uses WebHttpBinding for JSON inputs/results. I made a custom IErrorHandler implementation in order to be able to set the StatusCode to 400 when something goes wrong and also return a JSON understandable message. It´s the straight implementation that you can find everywhere (nice w...

MSMQ thru WCF is swallowing badly formatted messages, no errors, no warnings

I have a service that responds to messages on an MSMQ, using WCF. When the message is well formatted, it works as normal, and we're happy. When the message is intended for a different service, and the action is different, the message stays on the queue, we get log entries, we fix, and we're happy. But when the message has the right acti...