
WCF MSMQ binding with an IIS service - how to instantiate the service?

I have a WCF service with netMsmqBinding. My client can send messages to my queue, and when the service is running it retrieves messages from the queue as expected. If the service is not running, messages received are queued until the service starts. My problem is that the service does not start when a message hits the queue. The ser...

How to create a WCF dead-letter service for MSMQ3.0

Hi, I'm trying to create a service reading the dead-letter from the transactional system dead letter queue. The service configuration looks like this: <service name="NotificationDeadLetterQueueService"> <endpoint address="net.msmq://localhost/system$;DeadXact" binding="netMsmqBinding" contract="INotificationService" /> </servic...

MSMQ3 wcf dead letter queue handling service method does not always get activated

Hi folk, I have a distributed application system using msmq3.0 in multiple parts, containing an application server, a notification distribution service and some clients. The application server and the notification distribution service observe both the system transactional dead letter queue. In a distributed deployment everything works ...

Why are my queued WCF messages silently disappearing?

I have a transactional MSMQ queue setup on server THOR. I am able to post messages to that queue from a workstation with the following code: var queue = new MessageQueue("FormatName:Direct=OS:thor\\private\\myqueue"); using (var tx = new MessageQueueTransaction()) { tx.Begin(); queue.Send("test", tx); tx.Commit(); } However,...