
Reading the transactional dead-letter queue by wcf

Hello, I'm trying to create a dead letter queue service in wcf with following service configuration: <service name="NotificationDeadLetterQueueService"> <endpoint address="net.msmq://localhost/system$;DeadXact" binding="netMsmqBinding" contract="INotificationService" /> </service> If I start the service host, I get a System.Me...

How to create a WCF dead-letter service for MSMQ3.0

Hi, I'm trying to create a service reading the dead-letter from the transactional system dead letter queue. The service configuration looks like this: <service name="NotificationDeadLetterQueueService"> <endpoint address="net.msmq://localhost/system$;DeadXact" binding="netMsmqBinding" contract="INotificationService" /> </servic...

MSMQ3 wcf dead letter queue handling service method does not always get activated

Hi folk, I have a distributed application system using msmq3.0 in multiple parts, containing an application server, a notification distribution service and some clients. The application server and the notification distribution service observe both the system transactional dead letter queue. In a distributed deployment everything works ...

ActiveMQ : dead letter queue keeps my messages order

Hi, I use ActiveMQ as a broker to deliver messages. Theses messages are intented to be written in a dabatase. Sometimes, the database is unreachable or down. In that case, I want to rollback my message to retry later this message and I want to continue reading other messages. This code works fine, except one point : the rollbacked mess...