
Interesting issue with WCF wsHttpBinding through a Firewall

I have a web application deployed in an internet hosting provider. This web application consumes a WCF Service deployed at an IIS server located at my company’s application server, in order to have data access to the company’s database, the network guys allowed me to expose this WCF service through a firewall for security reasons. A diag...

What is the difference between wsHttpBinding and ws2007HttpBinding ?

On the MSDN we can read : The WS2007HttpBinding class adds a system-provided binding similar to WSHttpBinding but uses the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) standard versions of the ReliableSession, Security, and TransactionFlow protocols. No changes to the object model or default settings a...

Is there a way to extend WSHttpBinding to allow SwA?

Using WCF, can I create my own binding (based on WSHttpBinding) and use it manipulate the HTTP request so that I could add standard MIME attachments to it (SwA)? ...

WCF wsHttpBinding 'algorithmSuite' cannot be parsed error

Hello everyone, I am using VSTS 2008 + C# + .Net 3.0. I am using self-hosted WCF. When executing the following statement (host.Open()), there is the following binding not found error. I have posted my whole app.config file, any ideas what is wrong? ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(typeof(MyWCFService)); host.Open(); Error message, ...

no WCF max response message size setting in wshttpbinding?

Hello everyone, I am surprised to see that no WCF max response message size setting in wshttpbinding? My question is whether there is max response message size setting in wshttpbinding? I am using .Net 3.0 + C# + VSTS 2008. BTW: I have found max request message size setting and tested it works. thanks in advance, George ...

Consuming a WCF WsHttpBinding WebService in Java

Hey guys, I'm trying to get a Java Client to communicate with a WCF wshttpbinding WebService. But I am unable to do so. The call either hangs, or I get "musunderstoodheader expcetions". My Web Service is just the default Visual Studio generated "WCF Service Library Template". My Web Service Client is just a blank IntelliJ project, wi...

wsHttpBinding over Internet

We have a set of WCF services hosted in IIS and secured with wsHttpBinding and exposed on Internet. When I am trying to consume those services from a client I am getting an error "Request for the security token has invalid or malformed elements." I am using <security mode="Message"> <message clientCredentialType="None" ne...

Minimal client which supports message-level security over the channel interface

I'm trying to build a minimal client for a WCF service, using the WSHttpBinding with SecurityMode: Message over a direct channel interface. My current code is very simple: EndpointIdentity i = EndpointIdentity.CreateX509CertificateIdentity(clientCertificate); EndpointAddress a = new EndpointAddress(new Uri("http://myServerUrl"), i); WS...

WCF binding -wsHttpBinding uses a session?

In a previous thread one of the respondents said that using wsHttpBinding used a session. Since I'm working in a clustered IIS environment, should I disable this? As far as I know, sessions don't work in a cluster. If I need to disable this, how do I go about it? ...

Hosting Multiple hosts under IIS for WCF

Hello everyone, I need to use multiple hosts under IIS for WCF. We're using wshttpbinding and we've found NO success so far even after checking out a couple of similar questions on stackoveflow. Here is my web.config <?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- Note: As an alternative to hand editing this file you can use the web admin tool to ...

WCF: The request for security token could not be satisfied because authentication failed.

I have two WCF services on the same machine. One is the publisher and one is the listener. The Publisher is dynamically creating proxies based upon and endpoint. I am configuring the proxy in code like this: WSHttpBinding binding = new WSHttpBinding(SecurityMode.Message, true); binding.Security.Message.Negotia...

netTcpBinding or wsHttpBinding

I have a WCF Service hosted as Windows Service and client is an ASP.Net application consuming WCF Service methods. In process of implementing security, I am confused over which among netTcpBinding/wsHttpBinding will be suitable for my case. Most likely all the applications in scene (WCF Service, Windows Service, ASP.Net Website) will b...

wshttpbinding support in silverlight 4

Does silverlight 4 beta supports wshttpbinding (wcf)? If not, will it be supported in stable release? ...

Calling a WCF WebService in PHP via wsHttpBinding.

I have a WCF webservice I can connect to it via basicHttp, but not wsHttp. I try to conenct to it via wshttp via the following: $service = new SoapClient ("http://service.companyname.local:6666/Service/?wsdl", array( "location" => "http://service.companyname.local:6666/Service/WCF", "trace" => true, 'soap_version' => SOAP_1...

WSHttp binding and ReliableSession / MaxRetryCount

When using a WSHttpBinding in WCF with reliableSessions enabled, my service reference updates itself to: <reliableSession ordered="true" inactivityTimeout="00:10:00" enabled="true"> </reliableSession> I cannot add the maxRetryCount attribute to the reliableSession as long as the binding is configured as a WSHttpBinding. Now my questi...

WCF Digital Signing, Message Inspectors

Hi dear stackoverflow visitors:) I have another question about wcf. Here is my scenario: I am using wsHttpBinding, security mode TransportWithMessageCredential On my wcf service, I intercept the outgoing message with dispatch message inspector, before the SOAP message is sent to my client. Using 3rd party APIs I digitally sign the SOA...

Is is possible to inspect the actual XML data before it is encrypted with wsHttpBinding?

I have created a WCF proxy (with svcutil) that sends data to the server with wsHttpBinding. Is is possible to show the XML before it is encrypted to see the actual data/values? ...

Proxy between BasicHttpBinding and WsHttpBinding

Hi all, For an important customer, I've to implement a SoapClient in PHP to connect to a .Net webservice setup in WsHttpBinding. I know PHP SoapClient doesn't support it. So my goal is to develop a proxy software written in C# which will be a 'bridge' between BasicHttpBinding and WsHttpBinding. So PHP will communicate only with BasicHt...

WCF wsHttpBinding "There was no channel that could accept the message with action"

[Update] Solved the Problem by generating a new web.config. Possible error was the second endpoint ("mex"). [Update/] I have a webservice in IIS. I'm trying to call a function but i get an errormessage like: There was no channel that could accept the message with action 'http://Datenlotsen.Cyquest/ICyquestService/ValidateSelfAssessmen...

WCF: SecurityNegotiationException when using client

So I've been trying to set up certificate authentication for my clients and services. The eventual goal is to partition data based on the certificate a client connects with (i.e. the certificate becomes their credentials in to the greater system and their data is partitioned based on these credentials). I have been able to set it up suc...