
Implementation of WS-ReliableMessaging for Axis 1.4.

Do you know what implementation's of WS-ReliableMessaging for Axis 1.4 you have used? ...

SOAP Libraries Implementing WS-ReliableMessaging

Hello Everyone, I'm looking for SOAP libraries that implement WS-ReliableMessaging. So far I've come across Apache's Sandesha implementation for Axis. Are there any other frameworks that provide an implementation of the WS-ReliableMessaging specification? Thanks! ...

Axis 2/C on Symbian

I am doing a little bit of research into consuming web services on mobile platforms. In particular I'm currently looking at the Symbian platform. Now, I've seen gSOAP used from a Symbian environment. Has anyone seen or used the C version of Axis 2 on Symbian at all? I'm attempting to explore multiple options, and in particular support fo...

Understanding WCF reliable session retry behaviour

Hi, all! I have several questions about WCF reliable session reliability: Does WCF re-serialize a message during a retry attempt? 2. If 1 is correct - does it happen after message parameters were disposed or not? 3. If 2 is correct - is there any way to identify message was sent for sure? I could not yet figure that out via reflect...

WCF WebService - Is there a way to determine that client received response?

Lets say I have a WCF service that a client can use to receive message from some server side message queue. As an example, lets say there is a server-side queue of email in a data table: ID | MESSAGE_TEXT | SENT ------------------------ 1 | Hi! | N 2 | A 2nd Msg | N Lets define our service as: [OperationContract] public...

WSHttp binding and ReliableSession / MaxRetryCount

When using a WSHttpBinding in WCF with reliableSessions enabled, my service reference updates itself to: <reliableSession ordered="true" inactivityTimeout="00:10:00" enabled="true"> </reliableSession> I cannot add the maxRetryCount attribute to the reliableSession as long as the binding is configured as a WSHttpBinding. Now my questi...

WCF - retry doesn't work?

I have the following config for my binding: <binding name="wshttp" openTimeout="00:01:00" sendTimeout="00:02:00" receiveTimeout="00:03:00" closeTimeout="00:04:00"> ..snap <reliableSession inactivityTimeout="00:05:00" maxRetryCount="8" ordered="true"/> ..snap </binding> My expectation here is, that when the client proxy ...

WCF ReliableSession and Timeouts

I have a WCF service used mainly for managing documents in a repository. I used the chunking channel sample from MS so that I could upload/download huge files. Now I implemented reliable session with the service and I am seeing some strange behaviors. Here are the timeout values I am using. this.SendTimeout = new TimeSpan(0,10,0...

How may I teach that SOAP is not a reliable transport?

I need to teach that a HTTP SOAP call may be received but the caller may not get the response due to a network failure (among other problems). (This problem made WS-ReliableMessaging be developed) How would you guys show this problem to a web service developer so they can develop taking into account that duplicate messages may be receiv...

WCF ReliableMessaging method called twice

Using Fiddler, we see 3 HTTP requests (and matching responses) for each call when: WS-ReliableMessaging is enabled, and, the method returns a large amount of data (17MB) The first HTTP request is a SOAP message with the action "CreateSequence" (presumable to establish the reliable session). The second and third HTTP requests are iden...

Problems with WCF reliable session (reliable messaging)

Hi, In our WCF application I am trying to configure reliable sessions. Service: <wsHttpBinding> <binding name="BindingStabiHTTP" maxBufferPoolSize="524288" maxReceivedMessageSize="2097152" messageEncoding="Text"> <reliableSession enabled="true" ordered="true" inactivityTimeout="00:10:00"/> ...

Apache CXF - Creating a Reliable Messaging Client to deploy in Tomcat / Weblogic

Hello everyone, I've been using Apache CXF 2.2.8 in an attempt to implement a web services client that supports WS-Reliable Messaging. To start, I built and ran the included ws-rm sample that ships with CXF (using the mvn -Pserver and mvn -Pclient commands), and it works as advertised. Now, I would like to run this sample in Tomcat (u...

client wsHttpBinding reliable message

Hi all, I am hosting my own WCF service in a web site through configuration. I need to use Sessions so the server will not get clogged with inactive clients. So I want to use reliable messaging, but an exception gets throw on the actual service call: ActionNotSupportedException: The action is...

WCF reliable sessions via proxy server - not sending authentication credentials on Windows XP

Hello, I have a full trust XBAP which connects using reliable sessions to a remote service using the endpoint configuration attached below. The catch is that when running the application behind a client's organizational proxy server, the WCF requests are blocked on Windows XP but pass through fine on Windows 7. My suspicion (pending fur...

Exception notification with WCF ReliableSession enabled

We recently enabled ReliableSessions on one of our applications and have noticed some very frustrating side effects with Exception Notification. If Reliable sessions is disabled and the serverUrl is mistyped we get a 'EndpointNotFoundException' return withing a few seconds or if (popular error) a user mistypes their credentials we get a ...

Who Needs (SOAP) Reliable Messaging?

I spotted a very good argument against protocol-based (viz. SOAP) reliable messaging. Is this a flame-war topic, or is there a fair degree of consensus about this? I think the author's "Netherlands" case-study ought to have included an in-order example as well. p.s. I wish google had a "contrast" tool, that finds sites with opposing p...