
Expose a WCF Service through a Named Pipes binding

Intro: I successfully implemented a WCF Service hosted in a Windows Service a few days ago. The community here at StackOverflow helped me with the WSDL exposure here. I thank you once again. However recently I found out that there is another potential client for this service this time located on the same machine as the service and this ...

What is the best way for a client app to find a server on a local network in C#?

The client connects to the server using GenuineChannels (we are considering switching to DotNetRemoting). What I mean by find is obtain the IP and port number of a server to connect to. It seems like a brute-force approach would be try every IP on the network try the active ports (not even sure if that's possible) but there must be a b...

Flexible, Solid and Portable Service Discovery

I am looking for a way for clients in a LAN to find all the instances of my server application without any configuration. Instead of hacking something myself, I'd like to use an existing solution. Personally, I need it to be done in Python, but I'd happy to hear about solutions in any other language. So why am I not using avahi or OpenS...

What's the best way to locate devices on a network?

I'm building software for a company that sells hardware devices. They want the software to be able to locate all devices on the network without restricting either of their IPs. What's the best way to do this? I'm thinking the hardware could subscribe to a "known" multicast address, have the software broadcast to it and the hardware woul...

Using DNS SRV records with C#

Is there a built in (to the .net framework) class or function to resolve a SRV entry to the corresponding records? IE: to an array of information (host, port, weight, priority) ...

Create a Windows (win32) service discoverable across the network

In short: How to reliably discover a server running somewhere on a (presumably multi-segmented) local area network with zero client configuration My client application has to locate the server application without knowing the server IP address. It has to work on a local LAN that may be split into segments with hubs or other switching dev...

Bluetooth UUID discovery

Does anyone know how a bluetooth device could pick up the discoverable devices' device IDs in range? I am ideally looking for the simplest solution that involves the smallest implimentation of the bluetooth protocols. A starting point would be good, I just wish to create a device that can store all the device ids of nearby bluetooth ...

PHP implementation of IdP discovery based OpenID?

Google have a very nice user friendly federated OpenID login with automagic endpoint discovery: This is implemented in Java Servlets, is there a PHP equivalent that can be used in conjunction with php-openid? The discovery mechanism, XRDS, is covered in the following document:

Fix non-standard web serverice port on contractRef and docRef

My problem is closely related to this one: My web service runs behind a port-forwarding firewall, so the port numbers reported in the WSDL document contain the internal high-numbered port. I wrote a SoapExtensionReflector class which is ab...

self organizing computer networks & node discovery: libraries, algorithms, docs: where do I begin?

hi, I would like to write a networked software without centralized directory, capable to automatically discover its fellow nodes and "self-organize" a resilient, "not too unbalanced" logical network (maybe i should define it as a graph with relatively short routes between each pair of nodes). in witch hunting times like these, maybe it...

WCF Discovery finds endpoint but host is "localhost"

I am trying to use the Discovery feature in WCF using as a starting point. It works fine on my machine, but then I wanted to run the service on a different machine. The service was discovered properly but the hostname of the found service is always "localhost" which is of co...

UPnP library for Java

Is there a library for implementing service discovery and publishing via UPnP? (I am trying to find some alternatives to JmDNS that while protocol-wise worked fine for our purposes, was highly unstable as a library, having an unacceptably bad tendency for deadlocking itself.) ...

Simple Java service discovery framework

I would like to discover all implementations of an interface during runtime in a Java app, and load those classes dynamically from JAR files that the user can add to a folder. It's a plug-in system, basically. I found a few solutions for this: Use SPI -- this is not very flexible: I'd like something that maybe works with annotations, ...

WCF DiscoveryClient returns references to localhost from remote machines

Hi, I have an app with a self-hosted WCF service. My WCF service gets published under the URI "net.tcp://localhost:8004/DocumentService". When I run the service on a remote machine and try to discover the service with the new .NET 4 class DiscoveryClient, the found services all have the URI "net.tcp://localhost:8004/DocumentService" t...

WCF discovery finds the endpoint but the address is localhost

Hi, I have a wcf discoverable service called "GetNameService" which is hosted on a PC @ It is hosted with wsHttpBinding and is discoverable thru' UdpEndpoint. I also have a client @ which discovers for such services in the same network. When I ran the client, I am able to discover the service but the end point o...

How to enable WCF Service Discovery when using file-less activation?

G'day guys, How do I go about enabling service discovering when using WCF's file-less service activation? With this approach it doesn't seem possible to specify explicit endpoint types or a behaviorConfiguration? My current attempt is as follows but service discovery still is not working: <bindings> <wsHttpBinding> <binding name...

Automatic service discovery protocols

I am currently looking into a variety of service discovery protocols available to Java and have come up with a small list: DNS-SD[1] a.k.a mDNS - implemented by jmDNS and also used as a backend for Zeroconf/Bonjous discovery provider for ECF (Eclipse Communication Framework) UPnP[2] - implemented by Cling library SLP - implemented by O...

how to broadcast/multicast a service over the network for clients to discover without any need for server IP

how to broadcast/multicast a service over the network for clients to discover without any need for server IP? how to let other clients discover the service from a server, without the client requiring the IP address of the server, similar to DHCP IP acquiring. broadcast? multicast? how do i implement the same in ruby or any other langua...

WCF discovery using bare UDP

Since ws-discovery is not working for me, I'm searching for alternative solutions with similar functionality. I prefer it simple to set up and maintain, issues like checking for interface matching are of very low importance. Basically, I want to broadcast a message on the local network and retrieve all answering IPs. So my first idea is ...