
Why is dotnet's char.IsLower() a static method?

This seems to go against every design guideline. A static method that accepts a single argument of type T should usually just be a member method. It's so bizzare I actually had to post a StackOverflow question to understand IsUpper exists (as it didn't show up in auto-completion) Edit I understand my earlier statement needs a little e...

char vs char - how do you pronounce it?

Who pronounces the datatype "char" as in "charbroiled" or as in "character"? count as of 2009-01-01 12:38 EST: charbroiled 12 character 8 car 2 both - 1 ...

Java: how to check if character belongs to a specific unicode block?

I need to identify what character set my input belongs to. The goal is to distinguish between Arabic and English words in a mixed input (the input is unicode and is extracted from XML text nodes). I have noticed class Character.UnicodeBlock : is it related to my problem? How can I get it to work? Edit: The Character.UnicodeBlock ...

How to convert struct to char array in C

I'm trying to convert a struct to a char array to send over the network. However, I get some weird output from the char array when I do. #include <stdio.h> struct x { int x; } __attribute__((packed)); int main() { struct x a; a.x=127; char *b = (char *)&a; int i; for (i=0; i<4; i++) printf("%02x ", b[i]); ...

Why are C character literals ints instead of chars?

In C++, sizeof('a') == sizeof(char) == 1. This makes intuitive sense, since 'a' is a character literal, and sizeof(char) is defined to be 1 by the standard. But in C, sizeof('a') == sizeof(int). That is, it appears that C character literals are actually integers. Does anyone know why? I can find plenty of mentions of this C quirk but no ...

How to convert a single char into an int

I have a string of digits, e.g. "123456789", and I need to extract each one of them to use them in a calculation. I can of course access each char by index, but how do I convert it into an int? I've looked into atoi(), but it takes a string as argument. Hence I must convert each char into a string and then call atoi on it. Is there a be...

How to put values to const char **?

If I declare a variable const char ** stringTable, how should I be able to put values to it if it is a const? (It has to be const because a function I am supposed to use takes const char ** as a parameter.) Edit: No you cannot convert from char ** to const char ** implicitly. Compiler complains: cannot convert parameter 3 from 'char **'...

SQL ORDER chars numerically

I have a column of numbers stored as chars. When I do a ORDER BY for this column I get the following: 100 131 200 21 30 31000 etc. How can I order these chars numerically? Do I need to convert something or is there already an SQL command or function for this? Thank You. ...

Why am I able to read char[2] but not char[1]?

I am able to read char into char[2] in OCI C++ code, but I am not able to read to char[1]? Does anyone have any idea why? (oracle data type is char(1)) ...

Strange char* compile error?

Hello everyone, Anything wrong with my code below? I got the compile error! typedef unsigned char BYTE; void foo(char* & p) { return; } int main() { BYTE * buffer; // error C2664: 'foo' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'char *' to 'char *&' foo ((char*)buffer); return 0; } Thanks in advance, George ...

using string iterators over char* in boost regex

I am trying to search a char* to find matches and store each match as a struct using boost regex. I do not know how to use the std::string iterators over char*. So I created std::string from char* and using them. But now I want pointers in the original char* which can only be found using std::string I created. See the following code. The...

c++ outputting and inputting a single character

I am writing a program in c++ which implements a doubly-linked list that holds a single character in each node. I am inserting characters via the append function: doubly_linked_list adam; adam.append('a'); This function is implemented as follows: //Append node node* append(const item c){ //If the list is not empty... ...

Why Char.MinVal / .MaxVal are not static?

public struct Char { public const char MaxValue = (char)0xffff; public const char MinValue = '\0'; } Why don't make this fields to be static? What for it's always allocating additional memory for each char while this two values are permanent? Edit: I don't know how I could forget about been static implicitly! ...

Basic help needed for the C# program code

Hello, I am a newbie in programming and I want to write a program in Visual Studio with using C# language which uses a textbox and a button only. When the user writes string "A" in the textbox and presses the button, the program shows integer "5" in a messagebox. If the user writes string "B" in the textbox, the program shows integer "4"...

Oracle10 and JDBC: how to make CHAR ignore trailing spaces at comparision?

I have a query that has ... WHERE PRT_STATUS='ONT' ... The prt_status field is defined as CHAR(5) though. So it's always padded with spaces. The query matches nothing as the result. To make this query work I have to do ... WHERE rtrim(PRT_STATUS)='ONT' which does work. That's annoying. At the same time, a couple of pure-...

passing char buffer to functions and getting the size of the buffer

Hello, I have set the buffer to size 100. I display the buffer in the main function where the buffer is declared. However, when I pass the buffer to the function and get the sizeof '4', I was thinking it should be 100, as that is the size of the buffer that I created in main. output: buffer size: 100 sizeof(buffer): 4 #inc...

Acting only on text input in a KeyPress Event

I have a key press event, and I want the combobox to handle the keypress if the input is not textual. I.E. If it is the up or down key, let the combobox handle it like it normally would, but if it's punctuation, or alphanumeric I want to act on it. I thought Char.IsControl(e.KeyChar)) would do the trick, but it doesn't catch the arrow k...

Invalid Conversion Problem in C++

I have the following snippet: string base= tag1[j]; That gives the invalid conversion error. What's wrong with my code below? How can I overcome it. Full code is here: #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> #include <time.h> using namespace std; int main ( int arg_count, char *arg_vec[] ) { ...

converting char** to char* or char

I have a old program in which some library function is used and i dont have that library. So I am writing that program using libraries of c++. In that old code some function is there which is called like this *string = newstrdup("Some string goes here"); the string variable is declared as char **string; What he may be doing in that f...

Win32: Determine whether stdout handle is char or wchar stream

I'm writing a win32 utility function for our product that needs to call an arbitrary program via the shell and log its output. We do this by redirecting the stdout from the child process into a pipe: saAttr.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); saAttr.bInheritHandle = TRUE; saAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; Create...