
Clean source code files of invisible characters

I have a bizarre problem: Somewhere in my HTML/PHP code there's a hidden, invisible character that I can't seem to get rid of. By copying it from Firebug and converting it I identified it as  or 'Zero width no-break space'. It shows up as non-empty text node in my website and is causing a serious layout problem. The problem is,...

richTextBox limit of characters?

Hello, I'm having a problem with storing amazing amounts of text in a rich TextBox. I'm trying to read a text file fairly big( anywhere from 90mb to 450mb), and put what I've read in a rich textbox. It works in a simple program, but when I do in a complicated program I get an OutOfMemory exception. One thing to note is that when I e...

getc(stdin) reads keyboard input to integers, but what if I want to read keyboard input to character strings? (C++) Thanks

#include "stdafx.h" #include "string.h" #include "stdio.h" void CharReadWrite(FILE *fin); FILE *fptr2; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { char alpha= getc(stdin); char filename=alpha; if (fopen_s( &fptr2, filename, "r" ) != 0 ) printf( "File stream %s was not opened\n", filename ); else printf( "The fi...

how to delete every n-th char in file (via batch or vbs)?

Hello, how can I delete every n-th (4000th) char (space character) in a file (.txt or .sql) best via batch or vbs? Thanks in advance! ...

translating letters vs special characters

I've got a bunch of data which could be mixed characters, special characters, and 'accent' characters, etc. I've been using php inconv with translit, but noticed today that a bullet point gets converted to 'bull'. I don't know what other characters like this don't get converted or deleted. $, *, %, etc do get removed. Basically what... replacing sql collation specific characters

Regardless of the sql database collation being used is there any way to replace the special characters when displayed in the interface. At least is there any way to implement that for the "Turkish I" so discussed here :-) I want to eliminate small dotless 'i'. ...

SQLite sort by price doesn't work

Hi everyone. I have a column called price and all the values are TEXT so like this: "$26.71". I want to sort this column in descending order but i can't because the column is not defined as INTEGER and it has a "$" character in front of all the values. What should i do in order to make this work?? Thanks. ...

How do I import using FasterCSV a row with a name like "Ciarán"?

I am trying to load in my data migration a member database. Quite a few of the names have special characters such as "Ciarán". I've set up a simple example like this: require 'rubygems' require 'fastercsv' FasterCSV.foreach("/Users/developer/Work/madmin/db/data/Members.csv") do |row| puts row.inspect end and I get the following: ...

Regular expression trouble

I've been struggling with getting a working regular expression for a little project of mine. Can anyone help me with a regex that matches anything inside <> symbols, but only when they are not preceded by a \ symbol? For example: <Escaped characters \<\> are right in the middle of this sentence.>, <Here is another sentence.> Must mat...

Performance - Python vs. C#/C++/C reading char-by-char

So I have these giant XML files (and by giant, I mean like 1.5GB+) and they don't have CRLFs. I'm trying to run a diff-like program to find the differences between these files. Since I've yet to find a diff program that won't explode due to memory exhaustion, I've decided the best bet was to add CRLFs after closing tags. I wrote a pyth...

Is it possible to display superscript characters in the alert() dialog?

Is it possible to display superscripted characters (not only numbers) in the alert(), confirm() or prompt() dialogue boxes in JavaScript? Due to some reasons I need to insert a text: 2 followed by superscripted 'n' 2^n Into JavaScript alert, confirm and prompt boxes. Fast google searching did help but not exactly I found a way to dis...

jQuery AJAX call undefined error with special characters

Hi, I tried to make an AJAX call using jQuery, the data has special characters, e.g {'data':'<p>test</p>'}. It seems failed to pass this data in the first place. It will work if i just pass {'data':'test'}. encodeURIComponent and JSON.stringify failed here due to the special character < > /. Could anyone please help with it? Thanks. $...

Characters allowed in GET parameter

Hello! Which characters are allowed in GET parameters without encoding or escaping them? I mean something like this: What can you have there instead of XYZ? I think only the following characters: a-z (A-Z) 0-9 - _ Is this the full list or are there additional characters allowed? I hope you...

C# disable the TAB

I have this code: this.searchInput.KeyPress += new System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventHandler(this.inputKeypress); private void Keypress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { // If Tab has been pressed if(122 == (int)e.KeyChar) { switchTab(sTab); MessageBox....

Is there an alphabetical character check in prolog?

Greetings, Is there was test or a predicate I can use in prolog to verify that a certain given character is alphabetical? Right now, what I'm doing is: List of unallawed characters: \n -> 10, space -> 32, !->33, .->46, ,->44, :->58, ;->59% % 63->? , 45 -> -, 34->", 39-> % \+memb...

Converting Decimal to ASCII Character

I am trying to convert an decimal number to it's character equivalent. For example: int j = 65 // The character equivalent would be 'A'. Sorry, forgot to specify the language. I thought I did. I am using the Cocoa/Object-C. It is really frustrating. I have tried the following but it is still not converting correctly. char_num1 ...

Handling special characters ñ in MVC

Hello, I have a Web application using MVC (c#). When generate a View from a controller, characters like ñ appears without any problems. But when run debugger mode the page doesn't display this characters and show me this: Compañía > Crear Appreciate any help Regards ...

Using JavaScript to truncate text to a certain size (8 KB)

I'm using the Zemanta API, which accepts up to 8 KB of text per call. I'm extracting the text to send to Zemanta from Web pages using JavaScript, so I'm looking for a function that will truncate my text at exactly 8 KB. Zemanta should do this truncation on its own (i.e., if you send it a larger string), but I need to shuttle this text a...

Character Conversion Still Not RIght (Objective-C)

FIrst, thanks to all who responded to my first two questions. I have tried what was suggested and still nothing works. I thought I would create another post with the code that I am using. Just for some background: I am creating a guessing game for my son and I need to change characters form character to decimal to character. I have ...

Character with encoding UTF8 has no equivalent in WIN1252

I am getting the following exception: Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: character 0xefbfbd of encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in "WIN1252" Is there a way to eradicate such characters, either via SQL or programmatically? (SQL solution should be preferred). I was thinking of connecting to the DB using WIN1252 but i...