
how to check whether the given input field is String or not in java

hi i have a field called City , this should accepts only Characters but not special characters or numbers can any one help with regix logic thanks in advance thanks Sunny Mate ...

SQL Load Data Special Characters

I'm trying to import data into SQL from a CSV in PHP My Admin so it may be a PHP My Admin problem. The problem i'm having is that some of the columns use special characters for instance: "Adán, Antonio" Ends up as just "Ad". The column structure is as follows: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `players` ( `player_name` varchar(255) COLLA...

wcf forces chars escaping in response

Hi, All I want to return unescaped html in the WCF response, therefore I need CDATA section to be included in the response all the time. I realized I have no chance with DataContractSerializer. So I have tried to mark my operation with [XmlSerializerFormat] and implement IXmlSerializable in the response class. I see that my serializ...

Storing a char in a char pointer

I have a global variable that is a *char. My main function header reads as int main(int argc, char* argv[argc]){...}. These two lines of code have to remain the way they are. The first argument of my main function is a number of type *char, that I convert to a char using atoi(...);. I am basically changing the ASCII value to its corresp...

What is a vertical tab?

What was the original historical use of the vertical tab character (\v in the C language, ASCII 11)? Did it ever have a key on a keyboard? How did someone generate it? Is there any language or system still in use today where the vertical tab character does something interesting and useful? ...

jquery how to retrieve the number of characters in a p tag?

Hi all, my problem is very simple: I want to know how many characters are inside a 'p' tag and if the number is over 100 fire an event on hover. I tried to retrieve the char number like this: var charLength = $('.myPar').val().length; <p class="myPar">this is the content of the paragraph</p> it returns always zero as value and it seem...

Work out how many characters can fit into DIV with JavaScript

Does anyone know what the best method would be to work out how many characters can fit inside a DIV block in HTML using JavaScript? Any advise would greatly help. ...

Database charset conversion

Hi there. I've moved database from one host to another. I've used PMA to export and bigdump to import. The whole database have latin2 charset set everywhere where it's possible. However in database, special chars (polish ąęłó, etc.) are broken. When I used SELECT i see "bushes" - "Ä�" insetad of "ą". Then I've set document encoding to ...

Divide/split a string on quotation marks

I have the following string: I would "surely" like to "go to school". Now, I would like to split this string at the ellipses, that is i would like to get the following output: I would surely like to go to school . ...

PHP Print puts spurious characters in web page at start of print ()

When I include some PHP in my page to populate a load of HTML everything is preceeded with the characters . It's probably something daft but it's driving me nuts. I'm a newcomer to PHP so kid gloves please. This is my include statement <?php $PSName="Solar Numbers"; $whereto="bot"; include("../php/");?> and this is the...

MySQL and polish words

hello, I have noticed a problem with "non-english" (polish) characters using MySQL. query "select 'abcde'='ąbćdę'" returns "1" and the strings are not equals ... could you help me ? :) thx!!! ...

Special Characters in FPDF with PHP

I have a web form that users can fill out and that content fills up a PDF with FPDF and PHP. When a user enters a word with an apostrophe, a slash appears before it on the PDF. Similarly, special characters like trademark symbols are encoded wrong. The FPDF FAQs say to use: $str = utf8_decode($str); But I'm just not sure how to appl...

Facebook share displaying weird characters

I just added a facebook share icon to my website, when I hit the button the facebook popup displays weird special characters the character won't display here but it's a square with 00 over 97 for example instead of a single quote I tried changing the quote to a the special character &#8217; but this doesnt' work either also tried mes...

Limit characters for mysql_query(select) lookup

Is there an efficient way to limit the number of characters for a mysql query lookup? So, if a text column field had 18000 characters, but I only need to query 500 characters, is there a way to mysql_query("select text_column from random_table limit_char_count 500")? ...

Is there a better way of adding a few characters to a TMemo?

I am using a TMemo to hold received characters from a serial port for viewing. As they arrive I am doing: Memo1.Text := Memo1.Text + sReceivedChars; This works fine but I presume it is rather inefficient, having to get the existing text before concatenating my few characters and then writing it back. I would really like a 'SendChars()...

Foolproof Unique title for Urls

Within my application UI want to avoid id numbers within the urls if possible so the best way to do this would be to create a a unique version of the title that's valid for url schemas. SO do a something the same but as the you allow duplicate questions they have the id within the URI!

Display Special Characters (Korean Letters) in RichTextBox

Hi, My question might be a little bit confusing, but I think it's still worth of paying some attention. Basically I'm designing a program to display all printable Unicode characters in a RichTextBox. I'm using VC# 2010 Express Edition. However, the RichTextBox has a critical problem: some special characters cannot be displayed correc...

Remove Non English Characters PHP

hey, how can i parse a string to remove all non english characters in php right now I want to remove things like სოფო ნი� Thanks :) ...

Counting characters in C

Hi all I'm trying to write a program that counts all the characters in a string. I originally had it, but then realized I can't count spaces. I can't see why this does not work. for(m=0; z[m] != 0; m++) { if(z[m] != ' ') { charcount ++; } } Any assistance appreciated. Edit* Does it make a difference if the input(str...

how to get first 5 characters from string using php

How to get first 5 characters from string using php $myStr = "HelloWordl"; result should be like this $result = "Hello"; ...