
Mysql server does not support 4-byte encoded utf8 characters

I got a server error running a Data transfer component from Sql Server to MySql db. Error message reads as follows: [MySql][ODBC 5.1 Driver][mysqld-5.0.67-community-nt-log]Server does not support 4-byte encoded UTF8 characters. Source Sql Server table contain nvarchar columns, target MySql table contain varchar columns. Any expert she...

How to display non english characters in php?

Hi guys I've a basic question in php: I've 2 files: An html form with a textarea and a php file. All I want is to print the text the user types after submit is pressed. It all goes well when only english characters are typed but I get gibberish when I type arabic or chinese for instance. Is there a way to display all the characters? ...

How can i handle Special characters( =) in XML

Hello All I have some special characters in my data inside xml.So i am getting error to handle them. <SubFilePath>;amp;autoPlay=true&amp;amp;autoRewind=false&lt;/SubFilePath&gt; "'=' is an unexpected token. The expected token is '"; I know how to handle other special like "<","...

How to ignore bad characters in a SQL query

The short story is I have a SQL Server DB with varchar fields instead of datetime (don't ask, it's a long story and can't be fixed). Somehow we've recently been getting weird / random characters inserted in these fields instead of what should be there (either NULL, '' or YYYY-MM-DD). Something like this: '?+x' with high-bit ascii charact...

iPhone Application in spanish using foreign characters

Hi guys. i'm making an iphone application using some characters of spanish language. All of these characters are being included on a various text files. The matter is that when i import the data using NSMutableArrays or NSData objects, all the special characters was replaced for extranges symbols. I try to solve this problem using for al...

What's the opposite of a nbsp?

A &nbsp; character is a space which doesn't allow for line breaking. <p>lorem ipsum here&nbsp;are&nbsp;some&nbsp;words and so on</p> | lorem ipsum | | here are some words and so | | on | What's the opposite of that? That is, a character which is NOT rendered as a space, but CAN be used for line ...

How do I make my javascript character counter work inside php?

Hello, I have a javascript character counter that I use inside of a text area. It works great in normal html, but when I put the exact same code inside of a text area inside php, nothing. Here it is in html when it works fine: <div id="counter"> <span id="counter_airway" style="font-size:11px; color:#666666;">140 Character Limit</sp...

MSBuild - Writing Escape Characters to Files

I've got a very similar scenario to the one described in this post. It describes how to load the contents of a file that contains properties & items, making sure they're resolved as part of the process. I'm doing the same thing except writing the contents away to another text file (generally .ini file). In short I'd start by importing a...

What is the semicolon reserved for in URLs?

The RFC 3986 URI: Generic Syntax spec lists a semicolon as a reserved (sub-delim) character: reserved = gen-delims / sub-delims gen-delims = ":" / "/" / "?" / "#" / "[" / "]" / "@" sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")" / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "=" What is the reserved purpose of the ";" of the semicolon ...

Need a simple tool for analysing unicode characters

I'm surprised I can't find a simple tool for this. Basically, sometimes as a result of text munging, or using some piece of software, I end up with some text that has some troublesome characters - such as looking a lot like other characters, but being distinct from them. I'd like a tool (preferably online, javascript based) where I can p...

JavaScipt: Unicode space character

I want to insert the space character into the innerHTML of a DOM element, but the space character must be declare in unicode syntax. For exxample, something like this: ...innerHTML += '\u83838383'; ...

getchar() and counting sentences and words in C

I'm creating a program which follows certain rules to result in a count of the words, syllables, and sentences in a given text file. A sentence is a collection of words separated by whitespace that ends in a . or ! or ? However, this is also a sentence: Greetings, earthlings.. The way I've approached this program is to scan through t...

Recognizing Spaces in text [C]

I'm writing a program that deciphers sentences, syllables, and words given in a basic text file. The program cycles through the file character by character. It first looks if it is some kind of end-of-sentence marker, like ! ? : ; or . Then if the character is not a space or tab, it assumes it is a character. Finally, it identifies tha...

Counting Syllables one char at a time [C]

I'm writing a program which reads text from a file, and determines the number of sentences, words, and syllables of that file. The trick is, it must only read one character a time, and work with that. Which means it can't just store the whole file in an array. So, with that in mind, heres how my program works: while(character != EOF) {...

Allow certain characters in certain positions in text box (

For example I only the second character in each line to be an x, while the 3nd to 10th character must be a hex digit. At the moment I use a Select Case, then check the position of the caret (using textbox.selectionstart) and see if the key being pressed is a "legal" character. Is there a better way of doing this as it slows down on larg...

How do I determine if a character is within a range in Clojure?

I'm trying to write a function that checks if a character is within a certain hexadecimal range. I'm trying the code shown below: (def current \s) (and (>= current (char 0x20)) (<= current (char 0xD7FF))) I get the following error: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Character cannot be cast to java.lang.Number (NO_SOURCE_FILE...

Can't make (UTF-8) Traditional Chinese Character to work in PHP gettext extension (.po and .mo files created in poEdit)

I Checked MSDN and the locale string is zh_Hant but I also tried with zh_TW (Chinese, Taiwan). The Traditional Chinese Characters look OK in the poEditor, but when I open the file in the browser the characters are just weird symbols («¢Åo¥@¬É!). I think the translation is working but there' something wrong with the encoding (I used UTF-8...

using javascript, how can I count a mix of asian characters and english words

Hello, I need to take a string of mixed Asian characters (for now, assume only Chinese kanji or Japanese kanji/hiragana/katakana) and "Alphanumeric" (i.e., Enlgish, French), and count it in the following way: 1) count each Asian CHARACTER as 1; 2) count each Alphanumeric WORD as 1; a few examples: 株式会社myCompany = 4 chars + 1 word = 5...

Can't get the right characters to display from the database.

Hello, I'm re-designing a Web site and I have a problem with the existing data base: The database collate is set to utf8_unicode_ci and in the table row I'm calling the collate seems to be set to latin1_swedish_ci the characters store in it are Japanese (but even in phpmyadmin) you see other characters (I guess because of the latin1_swed...

Convert Special Characters (other language) to English in PHP

Is there a function that coverts special characters to their english equivalents. For Eg. Convert é to e. Etc... ...