
What good alternatives to poEdit are there?

I'm looking for a .po/.mo editor. I am using gettext for the translation files but don't really like poEdit. It has to run on Windows Vista and it would be even better if it was built into Visual Studio 2008 so I could develop and translate I really want something that helps me translate and makes translation easier. I want to have sugg...

poedit workaround for dynamic gettext

I have started using gettext for translating text and messages i send to user. I am using poedit as an editor, but i am struggling with dynamic messages. For example i have things like the login where i have a variable that tells the type of error. $this->translate('page-error-' . $error); When i auto update from poedit this gets rea...

Poedit regex based parser?

In our JS files we use the following format for Gettext translation: var str1 = '!t[The text that should be translated]'; var str2 = '!t[Some more text]'; This JS files will be parsed using PHP and the parsed strings get translated via Zend Framework Zend_Translate. The generated JS looks like this: var str1 = 'The text that should...

php string variables in gettext

Hello, How does gettext translate string variables? It doesn't seem to want to do it.. lets say I have $sentence = "Hello World"; and then I want to echo ($sentence); ... how can I do that so that I can translate what's inside $sentence in Poedit?I can use -> echo sprintf(("%s test"), $sentence) and this will print "Hello World test" in...

php string variables in gettext (forgot one case scenario)

I've posted a question yesterday but I just realized that the answer doesn't seem to be working for a certain situation. The post was http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1349159/php-string-variables-in-gettext/1349209#1349209 and here is what I asked about: Hello, How does gettext translate string variables? It doesn't seem to...

poEdit not creating source files

I am using poedit with zend_translate. I have done everything required in zend. I have created some sample code in zend view files $this->translate("Hello"); I have then created a new catalog in poedit. I specified the initial settings (like base directory, translation function) I edited php parser tab: a) *.php to *.php;*.phtml ...

Translating php app with gettext

From my previous questions about gettext, one of the biggest benefits of using PHP's gettext extension instead of other methods of language translation was that it is super easy to have other people make translation files with a program called Poedit. Now I have gettext working in my app but I have not made any translation files yet, ...

How to load language with gettext in PHP?

I have created a language file in poedit for the use of the PHP gettext function, now on the page I am trying to test it on, I cannot get it to find/load the .po or .mo file I created, does anyone see what I am doing wrong? $locale = "en_US"; putenv("LC_ALL=$locale"); setlocale(LC_ALL, $locale); bindtextdomain("default", "/includes/loca...

translate .js files using gettext

Hi, I found this cool js gettext library -> http://code.google.com/p/gettext-js/ but I don't understand how to implement it. I am using poedit to edit the translations and I can see that it works when I checkout the project and run the demo file but when I make changes to the text, the .po files don't get updated and I can't see the new...

How to set gettext text domain in Poedit?

I need to parse my php files where is used several text-domains. I want to parse just one specific domain (others have been already translated) How to make Poedit to do that? Is it required to compile mo file bounded to some text-domain? If it is, how to do it in Poedit. I am using windows and do not want to install Cigwin with Gettext...

Php gettext is not displaying the translated text (after generationg the .pot and .mo files with poEdit)!

I followed the folling tutorial: http://mel.melaxis.com/devblog/2005/08/06/localizing-php-web-sites-using-gettext/ about Php gettext extension (I unchecked the comment in the php.ini) The gettext is activated but it doesn't show up the translation (German). Here are the files: C:\wamp\www\php-test\test.php: <?php require_once("local...

How do I create more than 1 translation for a string in poEdit?

I followed this tutorial http://mel.melaxis.com/devblog/2005/08/06/localizing-php-web-sites-using-gettext/ where Hello World is translated into German. If I want to translate Hello World to other language. Do I have to create another message.po and messge.mo file or I can add another translation in the same file or there's another way? ...

Can't make (UTF-8) Traditional Chinese Character to work in PHP gettext extension (.po and .mo files created in poEdit)

I Checked MSDN and the locale string is zh_Hant but I also tried with zh_TW (Chinese, Taiwan). The Traditional Chinese Characters look OK in the poEditor, but when I open the file in the browser the characters are just weird symbols («¢Åo¥@¬É!). I think the translation is working but there' something wrong with the encoding (I used UTF-8...

cakephp, i18n .po files, How to use them correctly

I have finally managed to set up a multilingual cakephp site. Although not finished it is the first time where I can change the DEFAULT_LANGUAGE in the bootstrap and I can see the language to change. My problem right now is that I cannot understand very well how to use the po files correctly. According to the tutorials I've used I need ...

How to generate a .po file?

On Windows using WAMPserver (Apache, MySql, Php) I have the following: //test.php if (!defined('LC_MESSAGES')) define('LC_MESSAGES', 6); $lang = "sv"; putenv("LANG=$lang"); setlocale(LC_ALL, $lang); $domain = "messages"; bindtextdomain($domain, "./locale"); textdomain($domain); echo _("This is a string"); It works fine, i.e. it out...

Poedit - Exlude directory

Hello, is it possible to exlude a directory from the scan path of Poedit? ...

Google translate service for GNU gettext PO files that supports ngettext style plurals

I'm looking for a front-end to google translate that supports translating GNU gettext PO files with NGETEXT style plurals, eg. msgid_plural, msgid[0] ... msgid[n]. I've found several free translation services for PO files [1], but none of these services support ngettext style plural strings. Our PO files have a fair number of plurals th...

Translate XSL files with PHP and gettext

Is it possible to translate XSL files using PHP and gettext? I'm building a web application where most of the user interface code is in XSL files. I'm using PHP gettext to translate PHP pages and an app called Poedit to translate the texts. All this works very well! I would need a way to translate the XSL files too, preferably so that P...

How do I configure Poedit to read XSL files

This is one line in my code: <xsl:value-of select="php:function('gettext','Hello world')" /> How do I get Poedit to automatically find the text string from the .xsl file? ...

How to ignore PHP break lines with POEdit parser?

I am currently translating my PHP application using gettext with POEdit. Since I respect the print margin in my source code, I was used to writing strings like that: print $this->translate("A long string of text that needs to follow the print margin and since php outputs whitespaces for every break line I do my sites renders...