
How to translate a Django application using Poedit?

I run django-admin makemessages -l ro -e html,txt,rml in the application's directory (above the locale directory) to generate the PO files. When I open a PO file with Poedit, e.g. locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES/django.po, I can not see where the message is being referenced. The paths from the catalog look like this: #: admin.py:12 admin.py:23 ...

poedit and xml files

Hello, How to configure poedit to extract strings from xml file? I have Zend Framework navigation items in .xml like this: <entry-i> <label>Text to translate</label> <params> ... <params> <entry-i> And I want poedit to read just messages from <label>s. ...

How to make PoEdit correctly parse custom "ngettext" implementation?

I've coded a gettext wrapper that makes the whole process of l10n a little bit simpler but somehow I can't get PoEdit to correctly identify and parse plural version calls to the function. This is what I originally had: _e(array('%d house', '%d houses'), 5); But that doesn't work at all, PoEdit picks nothing at all. I also tried: _e('...

Do you know how to parse string which are wrapped in a keywords ?

Hi, I'm trying to parse an application with Poedit. Most of my translation use a translate() method but in some views file (.phtml) I use a special keyword such as My string Do you know could I specify to poedit ? Thank you Edit: I know how to add keyword such translate, setLabel, etc... but they are all methods. I need to add some...

how to get poedit working?

Hi there, i have followed the instructions in http://www.bunchacode.com/programming/internationalization-and-localization-in-cakephp/ but i keep getting this error xgettext: language `php' unknown i have googled like crazy. i cannot find it. ...

Using Poedit with XAMPP

I am struggling for quite a while now to get into translation files with PHP's gettext() function and creating the files with Poedit. Poedit didn't come with a helpfile either and I tried lots of things found online but nothing works.. I am on Mac OSX with an XAMPP configuration. on OSX my XAMPP dir is /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/h...

Zend framework, gettext, poedit and human language in which key strings are written

I'm writing a website using ZendFramework and decided to use the gettext system to internationalize its content. In my views I write string in french and provide a this moment only one file "en.mo" to translate sentences to english. I would like to avoid to maintain a file "fr.mo" which would only translate a sentence to the exact same s...