
chat application: pubsubhubbub vs xmpp

I'm unsure on the best stack to build a chat application. Currently I'm thinking of two main options: facebook tornado cons: does not use the main chat protocol xmpp but pubsubhubbub pros: i really like its simplicity for development (webserver + webframework); pubsubhubbub also seems simpler as a protocol than xmpp; and i know python...

Chat client on Mobile

We have to develop a chat client for mobile. The devices should be for the following: Android iPhone Blackberry Symbian Windows mobile Windows CE Palm Which technology we should use for the multiple OS computability. We like the most of code common. This chat client also support the video and audio chat. ...

What is the most efficient way to create a web video chat ?

What is the more efficient way to create a web video chat ? What tecnologies ? What server side and client side languages ? What type fo server ? etc . Thanks ;) ...

How do I set a Jabber status with python-xmpp?

How do I set a GChat or jabber status via python? Right now I've got this: import xmpp new_status = "blah blah blah" login = 'email' pwd = 'password' cnx = xmpp.Client('') cnx.connect( server=('',5223) ) cnx.auth(login, pwd, 'botty') pres = xmpp.Presence() pres.setStatus(new_status) cnx.send(pres) I...

Best approach for a scalable PHP (AJAX based) chat system

Hi, I'm building a chat system for a company and I'm wondering as to what the best way to build the system would be? The current setup we have is a Nginx HTTP Server with PHP and Memcacheq (as a message queue that appends the chat messages to the user's own queue). We then poll the Nginx server (through a Comet style request) and query...

Chat Service / Server for ASP.NET

I'm looking to have a livechat service integrated within a site where I can create chat rooms on the fly based on participants tied to that specific area... Anyone recommend using a 3rd party service I can install on the server that integrated easily with .NET, or just build one using polling method? I'd like something with socket conn...

ASP.NET MVC ajax chat

I built an ajax chat in one of my mvc website. everything is working fine. I am using polling. At certain interval i am using $.post to get the messages from the db. But there is a problem. The message retrieved using $.post keeps on repeating. here is my javascript code and controller method. var t; function GetMessage...

Is it possible to extend GMail Chat widget?

I want to add a new status to Gmail chat widget, so that when it is selected, the client connects to my jabber server. Is it possible to achieve this? ...

Ultimate chat-client API for .NET?

Does anyone know of a .NET API (source-code is preferrable of course) that I can access all the common chat clients thru it (GT, Yahoo, MSN, AIM, FB, ICQ, SKYPE and more)? I guess I am looking for a .NET library project that performs something like pidjin. I need it because I hate Pidgin's interface and functionality, and I want to hav...

Are this chat using "long polling" or "http streaming" ?

Are this chat using "long polling" or "http streaming" ? ...

chat application on appengine

I am willing to implement a chat website on appengine.But i found that appengine will not allow me to go with server push.(as it will kill response after 30 sec). So whats the other method that can be used?Will polling cause bad user experince??Meaning will the user have to wait for some time to retrive new messages from server?? What...

XMPP/jabber client help

I want to develop a chat application with floowing features 1)user A visits website clinks on chat . 2)Website picks another user B who is single(who is not paired) and pairs him with A. 3)Now A and B can chat till they want. Now here neight A or B are registered member of website.Neight they ave any accouunt. Can i develop such thi...

running my own jabber/xmpp server

Can i make my own jabber server.So that if i run my website xyz then people should be be able to get theri jabber id from my website by registering on my website. Is there any open source implementation of jabber server that i can use? ...

SOCKET chat C# with private messaging

I want to create SOCKET chat(server + clients) with private messaging. When client write smth to stream, he should notify server that it is private message for user X, how can i do this? Actually i can do smth like this: string command = "PRIV|" + txtMessage.Text; swSender.WriteLine(command); but i think it isn't good, for example...

Need a advise on chat application solution integration for website.

Dear sir/madam, I am building an web portal. We have a client requirement for live chat integration with our web portal. I was searching for a free online chat service, but i couldn't able find one which i am looking for. My requirement is similar to online help. At the end, as usual i am raising my request...

Open-Source Chat Room Script

Is there any Open Source Chat Script with following features. I need this to integrate in my (PHP based) website: Multiple Chat Room Admins SUbrooms Translation/Languages ..... ...

Good solutions for an video chat based service website

I'm looking to build a internet service website based on video chat. I need one that does the following: • suggest two chat participants through IM, and they can choose to accept the chat request and connect over video. (video roulette) • can determine how long two participants are chatting for. (or can be coded in) • can monitor and ...

Flex or Silverlight which one is best?

Hello, I am working on a video chat applicaton, i am not sure which one is the best for the current market?? please any suggestions?? ...

How to initiate chatting between two clients and two clients only, using applets and servlets?

Hello everyone, I first need to apologize for my earlier questions. (You can check my profile for them)They seemed to ask more questions than give answers. Hence, I am laying down the actual question that started all them absurd questions. I am trying to design a chat applet. Till now, I have coded the applet, servlet and communication...

Online voice chat: Why client-server model vs. peer-to-peer model?

I am adding online voice chat to a Silverlight app. I've been reviewing current apps, services and SDKs found thru online searches and forums. I'm finding that the majority of these implement a client-server (C/S) model and I'm trying to understand why that model versus a peer-to-peer (PTP) model. To me PTP would be preferable because go...