
What's the use of chords?

Languages such as Nemerle support the idea of chords. I'd like to know what their practical use is. ...

Which DHT algorithm to use (if I want to join two separate DHTs)?

I've been looking into some DHT systems, specially Pastry and Chord. I've read some concerns about Chord's reaction to churn, though I believe that won't be a problem for the task I have at hands. I'm implementing some sort of social network service that doesn't rely on any central servers for a course project. I need the DHT for the loo...

Is there unresizable space in latex? Pictures in good looking grid.

I've created latex macro to typeset guitar chords diagrams(using picture environment). Now I want to make diagrams of different appear in good looking grid when typeset one next to each other as the picture shows: The picture. (on the picture: Labeled "First" bad layout of diagrams, labeled "Second" correct layout when equal number of ...

How to implement Chord function using GDIplus?

Here are the GDI functions Chord() provided by MFC: BOOL Chord( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, int x4, int y4 ); BOOL Chord( LPCRECT lpRect, POINT ptStart, POINT ptEnd ); It seems to me that no such method is privided by GDI+ (the Graphics class), so how do I implement my own Chord function (with the exact same proto...

Numeric operations over SHA-1 generated keys in C#

I'm trying to implement a Chord distributed hash table. I want to use SHA-1 as the hash function to generate node ids and map values to the DHT. However, I'll need to use numerical operations on the SHA-1 generated key, such as a modulo, for example. I wonder in which type of variable should I put the array of bytes I get, and how can I ...

How to write chords with MIDI?

Hello! How do I write a chord, i.e. a NoteOn of seveal notes on each above the other at the same time line? What should be the message for this chord. ...

Is there an open-source Chord DHT implementation for .NET?

I'm looking for a high level, decentralized, robust, scalable lookup/message passing package I can use with .NET 2.0. I believe Chord is the correct base algorithm for this use. Explicit, proven time guarantees are a must (e.g. lookups resolve in at most log(n) messages or steps). Chord routing looks sufficient. Suppose I want to prov...

How to calculate points of Chord

Hi, I need to calculate a chord`s starting and ending point, now I have the starting point which lies on the circumfrence of the circle and I also have the angle between starting point and ending point, but I cannot seem to find a way to determine the end of point of chord as it should lie on the circumfrence , I also have the centre an...

Guitar Chord Recognition Algorithm?

Hi! Whats a good digital signal processing algorithm that is good on guitar chords? Since Fast Fourier Transform I think only is accurate on single notes played on the guitar but not notes that are played simultaenously (i.e. chords). Thanks! ...