
wtf is WTF? (in WebKit code base)

I downloaded Chromium's code base and ran across the WTF namespace. namespace WTF { /* * C++'s idea of a reinterpret_cast lacks sufficient cojones. */ template<typename TO, typename FROM> TO bitwise_cast(FROM in) { COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(TO) == sizeof(FROM), WTF_wtf_reinterpret_cast_sizeof_types_is_equal...

Chromium Build Fails on Windows

I am attempting to build Chromium for windows (using Visual Studio 2008 SP1) and it fails with about 37 errors. Here's a selection: Error 1 error LNK2005: "wchar_t const * const switches::kProcessChannelID" (?kProcessChannelID@switches@@3QB_WB) already defined in ipc.lib(ipc_switches.obj) common.lib chrome_dll Error 2 error LNK2005:...

Chromium extensions: How to run a content_script after all the document's listeners are triggered?

How can one run a chromium extension content_script after window.load and after all other window.load listeners have been triggered? I'm currently hacking thru a site's javascript attempting to improve it's functionality. But I want such improvements to happen after all it's ready js is finished. What I actually need is a way to set a ...

Chrome extension API to manipulate other installed Chrome extensions?

I'm writing a Google Chrome extension that needs to do a lot of things with other extensions, such as: List installed extensions and read their IDs Request extension installation, update and removal (preferably without bothering the user) Modify extension settings and so on. Which of these are possible, and which are not (due to e.g....

Is it possible to run the Chromium Browser on Android?

Since you should be able to build Chromium browser on any reasonably modern Linux distribution, can we assume that you should be able to build it onto Android ? ...

Keyboard Shortcuts in Google Chrome / Chromium Extensions

I've created a basic extension for Google Chrome to change the behavior of which tab is selected when you close a tab so that the selected tab is the last one you had selected instead of just the one before the tab you closed. I want to add keyboard shortcuts, and I've found a way to do that using jquery and jquery hotkeys, but the prob...

Is it possible to read the clipboard contents in Chrome without an onPaste handler?

Is it possible to read the clipboard without user interaction? Just like IE's window.clipdData.getData("Text")? I've seen other questions, such as Is it possible to read the clipboard contents in Firefox, Safari, and Chrome using Javascript?, but the onpaste event is not what we are looking for. ...

jQuery ajax doesn't seem to be reading HTML data in Chromium

I have an HTML (App) file that reads another HTML (data) file via jQuery.ajax(). It then finds specific tags in the data HTML file and uses text within the tags to display sort-of tool tips. Here's the App HTML file: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "

Import/export localData to/from a user profile of Chrome/Chromium?

Is it safe to just copy/paste a specific sqlite file with .localstorage extension in folder of "User Data\Default\Local Storage\" from one profile to another? ...

Does using msysgit lead to repository corruption?

While stumbling through the chromium code documentation, I came across this post: If you are using msysgit, you are asking for trouble. Using both msysgit (including TortoiseGit) and cygwin's version of git is a path to lead to repository corruption so it's safer to s...

Chrome extension - Message Passing

Hey there. I'm trying to get the info that is set on the Options Page to alter the behavior of my extension. Basically, if a checkbox on OptionsPage is set to true, the extension runs, otherwise it doesn't. I'm returning true on the background.html for testing purposes, but still, it doesn't work. Would you guys help me out? Thanks! ...

Chrome extension Page Action JS

I'm trying to create an extension using this docs: I want a part of JS code to run when document is ready (loaded). This is my manifest.json: { "name": "OwnExtension", "version": "0.1", "content_scripts": [ { "matches": ["*"], ...

Hiding a Chromium window through AppleScript

I recognise that Google Chrome & Chromium aren't highly AppleScript enabled yet. But, I was wondering if there was a way to use the "System Events" to hide a particular window or tab? Here is what I have so far ... tell application "System Events" tell process "Google Chrome" repeat with theWindow in windows set thePageName...

Getting DOM from page using Chromium/WebKit

Trying to get access to a page's DOM after rendering. I do not need to view the page and plan to apply this programmatically without any GUI or interaction. The reason I am interested in post-rendering is that I want to know where objects appear. Some location information is coded in the HTML (e.g., via offsetLeft), but much is not. ...

Content script communicate with bg page [Synchronous]

Howdy, ok I'm aware that a content script can communicate with the background page using: chrome.extension.sendRequest({action:'test'}, function(response) { //code here... }); someFunction(); But is it possible to communicate synchronously? Basically wait until the response comes back to the content script before executing someFun...

Can I use Chromium in my closed source app?

I would like to know if it is possible and what is necessary in order to use Chromium in my closed source app. Since Chromium uses many other open-source libraries with different types of licenses I am not sure if I can use it or not. I don't want to waste programming hours and then realize that is not possible to use it. ...

Third party IPC calls to Chromium to capture/filter traffic

I want to implement a network level AdBlock/NoScript-like tool for Chromium, but Chromium Extension API can not do much about controlling raw request data. So here is the idea: Capture all HTTP queries, and cancel one if URL or MIME matches. Hand craft packets, like insert a header to an HTTP query. Can this be implemented by runnin...

Strange behavior of Chromium browser after apache configuration

I have tried mod_fcgid from this source then before finishing steps I changed it back to mod_php by reversing what I did aptitude purge apache2-suexec libapache2-mod-fcgid php5-cgi then enabled php5 a2enmod php5 then diseabled following modules a2dismod suexec a2dismod include a2dismod fcgid After than when ever I pointed out Chromi...

Chrome Extension Development : Message passing Problem

Hi All, Having a problem while passing messages using content scripts in Google chrome extension dev My Code structure looks like this: popup.html: var oList; function getHTML() { chrome.tabs.getSelected(null, function(tab) { chrome.tabs.sendRequest(, {action:"getHTML"}, function handler(response) { oList = respons...

Message Passing in Chrome

Hi All, Have a small doubt in how message passing works in chrome using content scrips. I modified the default example ( for message passing given in the chromium documentation to the one that looks below : popup.html function t...