
Android - How to decrypt an XML file?

I am trying to to download and decrypt an encrypted XML file. I have implemented the download part and have tested with an unencrypted file and it works fine. However I now need to be able to download an XML file that has been encrypted using AES and the key "XXXX" So I am only concerned with decryption as the encryption on the XML fi...

Decrypting with Cipher and AES yields 208 decrypted bytes followed by trash...

I got an annoying problem here I have no clue about how to solve... A system writes encrypted data to files, some are serialized objects, others text (XML) files. The base class that does the decryption when needed initializes a Cipher with AES encryption, prepares a key (read from a file) and has to ways to access data: A way to get a...

Java AES Decrypting problem

I have been tasked with decrypting a file in Java that has been encrypted using the following criteria: AES encryption algorithm with 128-bit key, ECB mode and PKCS7 padding. The encrypted file format is: - first byte is hex 0x31 – specifying encryption method used (1 for AES) - followed by the encrypted bytes of the input file I...


What should be the Parameter that we need to specify with Cipher if the encryption in RSA is set to RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING? ...

encrypt PBEWithMD5AndDES in j2me

i'm triing to get this code to work on j2me (it is working a java program) but not yet in j2me public static String generate(String plaintext, String passphase) throws Exception { try { PBEKeySpec pbeKeySpec = new PBEKeySpec(passphase.toCharArray()); PBEParameterSpec pbeParamSpec; SecretKe...