
Linker for Clang?

Which linker do I use for clang? If I use clang or ld as a linker, I get massive amounts of errors as if I didn't link with the standard library. g++ $(OBJS) -o $(BINDIR)/obtap It seems I have to use g++ in order to link my clang objects. ...

What happened to XCode Build and Analyze results?

This is similar to another question that wasn't really answered: I used XCode's Build and Analyze for the first time on a large project and came up with a number of analyzer warnings. I corrected a few and wanted to verify my changes were being 'a...

LLVM Compiler 2.0: Warning with "using namespace std;"

In Xcode using LLVM 2.0, when I put the line using namespace std; in my C++ code, I get this warning: Semantic Issue Using directive refers to implicitly-defined namespace 'std' Is there a way to fix this? Why is it giving that warning? ...

Setting up "Clang" for Iphone Development in Xcode 3.2.4: Troubles with bash commands

Hello there, I wanted to do some Memory-Leak tracking on my App, but somehow I am not able to run Clang Static Analyzer because I always get an error message saying "command not found" when executing it with the terminal. There was no ".bash_profile" file on my mac, so I created one. Is there anything missing? Here is a picture of my...