
LLVM Clang 2.6 and Xcode 3.2!

So, I've just downloaded the LLVM Clang (2.6) binaries. Mac OS X 10.6 comes with Clang 1.0.Do you know how to integrate a later version of Clang with the Xcode 3.2.x IDE? Just overwriting files seems a little bit risky. ...

Clang static analyzer on Windows

Does anybody have any success running clang static analyzer on Windows? I have successfully built llvm and clang (using VS 2008). Running scan-build results in the following error: The getpwuid function is unimplemented at scan-build line 35. Some research shows that getpwuid is not supported on Windows platforms. ...

Suppressing "'…' is deprecated" when using respondsToSelector

I'm supporting 10.4+ by picking the most-current API at runtime: if ([fileManager respondsToSelector:@selector(removeItemAtPath:error:)]) [fileManager removeItemAtPath:downloadDir error:NULL]; else [fileManager removeFileAtPath:downloadDir handler:nil]; In this case, 10.5 and up will use removeItemAtPath:error: and 10.4 will u...

How do I see the llvm intermidiate representation in Xcode

I'm compiling with clang-llvm 1.0 on Xcode 3.2.1 I want to see LLVM's intermidiate representation. How do I do this ? Thanks. ...

Why's the Build and Analyze command not finding obvious memory management errors?

For some reason, the Clang Static Analyzer in my Xcode doesn't complain about anything. I made big memory management mistakes to try it (alloc and no release), but it never finds them and doesn't complain about them. Even after clean all targets and again Build and Analyze. I was building for Simulator 3.1 Must I set that up specifical...

Which libraries do you need to link against for a clang program using blocks.

I've discovered (below) that I need to use -fblocks when compiling code which uses blocks. What library do I need to link against to let the linker resolve _NSConcreteStackBlock? (On Ubuntu 9.10 AMD64.) Thanks, Chris. chris@chris-desktop:~$ clang ctest.c ctest.c:3:25: error: blocks support disabled - compile with -fblocks or pick ...

llvm clang 2.6: "not using the clang compiler for C++ inputs "

Hello LLVM 2.6 + clang. Trying to compile C++ file and get: clang: warning: not using the clang compiler for C++ inputs How can I start clang in C++ mode? ...

Compiling Ruby and Python interpreters with Clang?

I'm just curious; are there any benchmarks about how compiling interpreters for dynamic languages with Clang affects the performance of these languages? Do those interpreters even compile? ...

What is g++'s -pthread equiv in clang?

I'm switching over from g++ to clang however, in g++, I have the -pthread flag, which clang does not seem to recognize. What is the equiv in clang? EDIT: My clang build is pulling from svn on March 5 2010. ...

How do CLang 'blocks' work? Looks really cool. However, I don't understand it. I don't see examples it. I don't see examples of ideas hard to express in C++ as is, but trivial to express in blocks. Can anyone enlighten me on this? Thanks! ...

Additional macro support in clang?

Since LLVM/cLang is especially well designed. This seems like a great opportunity to augment the C/C++ macro/preprocessor system. Does anyone know of additional macro/preprocessor abilities added by Clang or side projects to make the macro system more powerful (like turing complete) Thakns! Note: I am asking about macros. Not C++ ...

Using clang to analyze C++ code

We want to do some fairly simple analysis of user's C++ code and then use that information to instrument their code (basically regen their code with a bit of instrumentation code) so that the user can run a dynamic analysis of their code and get stats on things like ranges of values of certain numeric types. clang should be able to hand...

Memory leak found with clang but cant release and autorelease crashes

I have a class that builds a request based on a few passed in variables. The class also has all the delegate methods to receive the data and stores it in a property for the calling class to retrieve. When the class initializes it creates a connection and then returns itself: NSURLConnection *connection; if (self = [super init]) { ...

LLVM C++ IDE for windows

Hello Is there some C/C++ IDE for windows, which is integrated with LLVM compiler (and clang C/C++ analyzer), just like modern Xcode do. I have Dev-Cpp (it uses outdated gcc) and Code::Blocks (with some gcc). But Gcc gives me very cryptic error messages. I want to get some more user-friendly error messages from clang frontend. Yes, cl...

Should I be aiming for no analyzer results when I run Build and Analyze

I have read numerous times that Build and Analyze is not perfect. When I run it, it does turn out some useful information and has definitely improved my code, but it also gives results that are not necessary problems. At the minute I'm changing my code to try and get rid of all the Analyzer results, whether they are a problem or not. Is ...

clang compiler does not support -pg

I've been porting over a project from g++ to clang. Clang;s compiler claims to not support -pg ... so no gprofile? What's the expected way to profile under clang? Valgrind & oprofile? Or is there some new llvm specific tool? ...

llvm-clang; function/variable names containing unicdoe charactrs

Hi! I'm interested in using unicode characters (like \apha) in function/varaible names in my c++ program which I will compile with clang++ on linux. Does anyone know of a good guide / list of rules to go by for making sure that everything ends up compiling fine / aoiding linking errors / ... Thanks! ...

g++/clang ultra fast parse but not compile mode?

Is there some ultra fast "syntax check my code, but don't compile mode" for g++/clang? Where the only goal is to just check if the code I have is valid C++ code? ...

Recommended Clang command line options

The Manual for Clang seems to be work in progress, so could you help me formulate the definitive command line options for compiling ANSI-C (AKA C89, C90) with maximum strictness and relevant/helpful warnings? Clang is a compiler front end for the C, C++, and Objective-C programming languages. It uses the Low Level Virtual Machi...

What predefined macro can I use to detect clang ?

I'm trying to detect the compiler used to compile my source code. I can easily find predefined macros to check for MSVC or GCC (see for example), but I cannot find any macro to check for clang. Does someone know if clang defines a macro like __CLANG__ in order to know what is currently compiling my code ? ...