
Question about updating multiple tables with LINQ and ASP.NET MVC

Just a quick one really, I'm just looking for a bit of clarification. I'm looking to update multiple tables from one "Create" action, before I try it, I was just wondering if it's possible to simply just do the following: db.hdCalls.InsertOnSubmit(a) db.hdCustomers.InsertOnSubmit(b) db.hdAssign.InsertOnSubmit(c) db.SubmitChanges() Or...

Working with DefaultOrEmpty in LINQ

Incase of Default or Empty i want to supply some value string[] str = {string.Empty, "hello", "world" }; var select = str.Select(s => s).DefaultIfEmpty("nodata"); GridView1.DataSource = Select; GridView1.DataBind(); why did not my grid fill with nodata hello world instead i receive hello world ...

C++ Function clarification

Given: x = MyFunc(2); My understanding: The variable x is assigned to the function MyFunc(2). First, MyFunc( ) is called. When it returns, its return value if any, is assigned to x.? ...

Python urlparse, correct or incorrect?

Python's urlparse function parses an url into six components (scheme, netloc, path and others stuff) Now I've found that parsing "" return no netloc but a path "". Should't it be netloc = "" and path = "/path/file.ext"? Do we really need a "://" to determine wether or not a ...

C++ reference variable clarification

Hi All, I think most would be surprised about the topic again, However I am referring to a book "C++ Common Knowledge: Essential Intermediate Programming" written by "Stephen C. Dewhurst". In the book, he quotes a particular sentence (in section under Item 5. References Are Aliases, Not Pointers), which is as below A reference is ...

(C++ header file question) Can someone help clairify how header files work?

Hi I've been working with C++ for a good couple of weeks now, but the mechanism behind header files (or the linker I suppose?) confuses the heck out of me. I've gotten in the habit of creating a "main.h" to group my other header files and keep the main.cpp tidy, but sometimes those header files complain about not being able to find a di...

Webkit canvas drawImage() and canvas not-integer scale factor bug?

Hi. I've got a problem with canvas context drawImage() method if an image is drawn on a canvas that already has not-integer scale factor. It seems that such images are clipped in a weird way (sometimes the most right part of an image is clipped, sometimes the most bottom side, sometimes both). This problem appears at least in Google Chr...