
Setting a variable in a class function, where can I use that variable

Hi all, If I have a class (like below) and in a function I set a variable (below:$this->example) but I havent declared the variable at the top of the class (e.g var $example;) where and how can I use this variable? I tried using it straight away in another function but it didn't work (I guess I could have made a mistake but it worked a...

Memory issue for global variable and class variable on iPhone/iPad/iPod touch

When we should use global variable and when class variable and why? I hope your experiences and ideas to share with us who are novice in this platform. Example: Let, i need to trace timestamp and position of touch events (eg. touch start, end) on a layer. I can trace it using global variable or class variable of the class which imple...

Pass a class variable to another class

Hey guys, I'd like to pass a class variable to another class and make it a class variable of that class. How would I do this in the following context? public class GLCamTest extends Activity { public float array[] = something; } class GLLayer extends GLSurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback, Camera.PreviewCallback...

In objective c, is it possible to set default value for a class variable?

I have searched for the ans in stackoverflow and google too, but didnt get what i need. What I am looking for: is there any way to set default values for class properties of a class? Like what we can do in Java, in the constructor of the class eg.- MyClass(int a, String str){//constructor this.a = a; this.str = str; // i am lok...

python subclass access to class variable of parent

I was surprised to to learn that a class variable of a subclass can't access a class variable of the parent without specifically indicating the class name of the parent: >>> class A(object): ... x = 0 ... >>> class B(A): ... y = x+1 ... Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "<stdin>", ...

storing passwords in class variables in python

I'm working on a python script that stores ssh passwords only during the current session. What I'm doing is declaring a class variable credentials = {}. When the script needs access to a specific server, it checks in credentials to see if credentials['server'] exists. If it does, it uses the password there, if it doesn't, it prompts the ...