
List of dependency jar files in Maven

Using Maven 2, is there a way I can list out the jar dependencies as just the file names? mvn dependency:build-classpath can list the jar files, but that will include the full path to their location in my local repository. What I need is essentially just a list of the file names (or the file names that the copy-dependencies goal copie...

JVM Launched via CreateProcess() Loses Classpath Library

I launch the following command line (process) from a Windows VC++ 6 program using CreateProcess (or _spawnv()): java -cp c:\dir\updates.jar;c:\dir\main.jar Main and class updates in updates.jar (overiding some in main.jar) are not read or found. It is as if the updates.jar library cannot be found or read. If I launch the same line ...

how can i get javac to search child directories of classpath?

I have 3 files: /a/ /a/aa/ /b/ and depends on and I basically want javac -classpath /a /b/ to work (i.e. have javac search below /a). Is there any way I can do this? ...

How do I include jars in a groovy script?

I have a groovy script that needs a library in a jar. How do I add that to the classpath? I want the script to be executable so I'm using #!/usr/bin/env groovy at the top of my script. ...

How to grant different permissions to various Java classes?

I have a Java application and I would like to make it extensible. To create an extension, developers within our company will write a Java class that implements a certain interface. They may also wish to write associated helper classes. I would like to load these extensions into the application without an outage. I would like to limit...

What's the minimum classpath for an Axis2 client?

I want to build an Axis2 client (I'm only accessing a remote web service, I'm not implementing one!) with Maven2 and I don't want to add 21MB of JARs to my project. What do I have to put in my pom.xml to compile the code when I've converted the WSDL with ADB? ...

Java classpath issues

Hi all - I've been trying to run a jar file - let's call it test.jar - that uses the Sybase jconn3.jar on a Unix system. I have created a MANIFEST.MF file that has the following: Class-Path: $SYBASE/jConnect-6_0/classes/jconn3.jar commons-net-1.3.0.jar This gives a ClassNotFoundError. $SYBASE is the system variable that points to /o...

Nested Folders in Eclipse Classpath

I'm trying to add two folders to my eclipse project's classpath, let's say Folder A and Folder B. B is inside A. Whenever I add A to the classpath <classpathentry kind="lib" path="/A"/> it works just fine, but I need to be able to access the files in B as well. Whenever I try to add <classpathentry kind="lib" path="/A/B"/> to th...

Error is loading the jars

i`m getting NoClassDefintion found error in my application even though i had the associated jars in my lin folder of my ear the error is java.rmi.RemoteException: EJB Exception: ; nested exception is: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/rave/web/ui/model/Option Note i had added the same user library to my eclipse its not s...

How you organize non-source-resources available at the classpath in your java-project?

In a software-project written in java you often have resources, that are part of the project and should be included on the classpath. For instance some templates or images, that should be accessible through the classpath (getResource). These files should be included into a produced JAR-file. It's clear that these resources should be add...

Compile CLASSPATH in a Windows batchfile

On a Unix systems it's very easy to compile the CLASSPATH by using find: LIBDIR=`find lib/ -name \*.jar` for DIR in $LIBDIR: do CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH:$DIR" done java -classpath $CLASSPATH com.example.MyClass What would be the aquivalent in a Windows batchfile? ...

Error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError on org.springframework.webflow.util.RandomGuid

Hi, I am sorry, my question is stupid, but I am not able to answer it, as a java illiterate. I run a tomcat (5) on CentOS5 (for a CAS server), and when I try to open this URL I get this error : first error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.springfram...

Difference between classpath and endorsed directory

Does anyone know what the difference is between adding an appropriate JAR-file (eg. Apache XALAN) to a JRE's endorsed directory and adding it to the application's classpath? Is it possible to take a jar-file that can be added to the endorsed lib and instead add it to the classpath? ...

How can one add an XML file in classpath at runtime in java?

I am not sure if a URLClassLoader can be used. Also, only the relative path of the XML is known. Thank You. ...

Is it possible to "add" to classpath dynamically in java?

Hi all, java -classpath ../classes;../jar;. parserTester How can i get the functionality in the above command programmatically? Like, is it possible to run as: java parserTester and get the same result? I tried using URLClassLoader but it modifies the classpath and does not add to it. Thanx! Thanks for the response Milhous. But tha...

Java cannot find symbol compile error

Hi, new to Java. I want to use the org.apache.commons.lang.WordUtils package. Tried importing it. Tried downloading it and adding it to my build path. When I use intellisense for the word WordUtils Eclipse auto puts the import statement at the top of the file. I get the following error when compiling: package org....

Eclipse: How to ensure jar in plugin is given priority over other versions elsewhere?

I am developing an eclipse plugin which contains a specific version of Lucene. I need to generate a search index and deploy it so that it can be read by another application which uses the same version of Lucene. I recently upgraded eclipse to 3.4 and the search index is now not readable by the 2nd application. I see that eclipse 3.4 con...

Specifying classpath for classes inside the JAR itself

If I have a class org.foobar.MyClass and want to put it in a JAR file, do I have to put it in the JAR's /org/foobar/ directory, or can I put it in /bin/org/foobar/ and somehow specify /bin/ as classpath inside the JAR itself? ...

Ant cannot find a class needed by an externally defined taskdef

I am trying to use the axis-java2wsdl ant task to create a wsdl from one of my java classes, but I cannot get the classpath correct. I am using Ubuntu's libaxis-java package which installs axis-ant.jar in $ANT_HOME/lib and axis.jar in /usr/share/java. The interesting parts of my build.xml look like this: <property name="library.dir" v...

How can I specify an Eclipse .classpath entry for specific O/S platform?

I am working on an SWT project as part of a team. We are constantly breaking each others build environment because Eclipses .classpath file is checked into version control and we include different SWT libraries for our machines. Depending on who committed last, the .classpath entry can be: <classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/swt/swt-...