
Have you ever set a class for your css that uses it multiple times?

I always was told to take out multiple properties in your css that you use more then once, and add them all in one rule. Like below. (please excuse the poor example) I always seen this: .button, .list, .items { color: #444; } With multiple rules, can't that leave a lot of clutter? Only in css tutorials and examples Ive seen this: ...

How do I make an automake rule in an .mk file that deletes a directory upon cleaning?

I would like to delete a another directory when I run make clean, but I can't figure out how to code it up in the rules. I have tried clean-local: -rm -f del.dir but that didn't work. I also tried CLEANFILES = del.dir but that also didn't work. Any suggestions would be appreciated, Thanks for your time, Josh ...

Cleaning Visual Studio custom build step output

I've created a custom build step in Visual Studio 2010 that produces multiple files by running a command-line tool. The step creates these files as it should when invoking a build, but on a clean, it only cleans the first file I listed as an output of the step in the "Outputs" field of the custom build step. I've separated individual fil...

How to clean a certain field in a InlineFormSet ?

I need to clean a specific field in an inline formset, and I can't figure out how to do it. I've tried with the formsets def clean(self) method but don't know where to save the cleaned value. If I try to set the cleaned value to forms[0].data['field'] I get "This QueryDict instance is immutable" error. In "normal" forms it works by us...

How to clear cookies in WebKit?

Hello ;) i'm currently working with PyWebKitGtk in python ( I would like to clear all cookies in my own little browser. I found interesting method webkit.HTTPResponse.clearCookies() but I have no idea how to lay my hands on instance of HTTPResponse object :/ I wouldn't like to use java script for that...

Cleanup Strategies after Building Source Code using eg. Git

I (mostly) use git to download and compile various projects from their source code, keeping my source in /usr/local/src and installing the binaries in /usr/local/bin. Following the building procedure, usually with ./configure && make && make install, I'm left with a lot of cruft that ends up as 'new' files in my local git repository. T...

CMake custom clean commands

In my CMake project I'd like to have some custom behavior happen when the clean target is run. However, if I do add_dependencies(clean extra-clean) it fails with add_dependencies Adding dependency to non-existent target: clean Is it even possible to have custom clean behavior? EDIT: I am running some external tools as part of the...

bundler clean downloaded gits

I'm using latest bundler with a lot of :git => ... in my Gemfile. Bundler does not seem to remove old/ unused git repositories it downloaded. Also I couldn't find a simple "bundle clean", just like "gem clean". Of course this would only work properly when using a separatestorage per project, but this is how I do it. So I wonder what's th...

How do I setup Apache and Tomcat for JSP and SEO-friendly clean URLs

Hey guys, I'm looking for is a "Best Practices" approach for setting up Apache httpd (2.2) with Tomcat 6 so that we can: Allow JSP files to be served for directory listings (e.g. http:/ displays index.jsp via DirectoryIndex index.jsp). Hide the extensions of all URLs (both *.html and *.php files served by Apache and *.j...