
Load Dicom image and display it - using ClearCanvas library

This is a very narrow and specific question, but I know there are someone else out there using this, so I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope anyone of you pics this question up. I'm working on a WPF application where one part of it is a Dicom viewer. We'd like to use a 3rd party component to handle the Dicom stuff, and ClearCanvas is ...

How to give reference lines dicom pic on Dicom pics in CLEARCANVAS?

i will do that if i open my dicom pics.i have a study . if you look below pic you can see study pic left corner. Big pic is one of series. How can i do that clearCanvas open source sdk? ...

How can i change ClearCanvas DesktopForm application menu's visibility to false_

i try to write a PACS application over ClearCanvas opensource sources. But i can everything over DestopForm only _mainmenu's visibility turn into false stage. // _mainMenu // this._mainMenu.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ActiveCaption; this._mainMenu.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyl...

clearCanvas image loading question how can i use ClearCanvas.Server.ShredHost?

How can i use "ClearCanvas.Server.ShredHost" to get all images on my servers? ...

How can i use ClearCanvas in remote database?

How can i get data from REMOTE database using OnStart method? protected override int OnStart(StudyLoaderArgs studyLoaderArgs) { ApplicationEntity ae = studyLoaderArgs.Server as ApplicationEntity; _ae = ae; EventResult result = EventResult.Success; AuditedInstances loadedInstances...

can i get dicom image from remote machine in ClearCanvas?

can i get dicom image from remote machine via EndpointAddress endpoint = new EndpointAddress("");" ????? for example : EndpointAddress endpoint = new EndpointAddress("http://MYIP:myport/ClearCanvas/ImageViewer/Automation?wsdl"); ...

How to get an image from a given dicom file using clearcanvas libraries in c#

Can you please help me in extracting image(binary data) from a dicom file. ...

How to get image from dicom file using clearcanvas in

now,i m developing small project concern with dicom imaging.In my project,user can choose dicom file to view,that's all.I get byte[] from dicom,But,i don't know how to get image and how i show,i m using with clearcanvas in,if u have sample or reference,please ့help me. Regards Chong ...

using clearcanvas for dicom browser

I'm a beginner in using clearcanvas. I'm downloading a source code from clearnanvas page. I want to make a dicom browser. Could you suggest me how can i use this tool? I'm also beginner in programing. Could you suggest me any forums, pages or documentation? ...

clearcanvas read dicomdir

I'm reading attributes from each dicom file in directory and it takes a lot of time. My code : var patient_id = k_di_.DataSet.GetAttribute(DicomTags.PatientId); How can i do the same, but reading only in dicomdir? ...

clearcanvas check if file is a dicomdir

I want to read dicom tags from dicomdir. How can i check if file is a dicomdir? Now, i'm trying like that, but i know that some files haven't dicomdir in name. if (fi_name.Contains("DICOMDIR")) { DicomDirectory fi_dicomdir = new DicomDirectory(fi); fi_dicomdir.Load(fi); } ...

Saving And Retrieving In Dicom Files With ClearCanvas!

hi friends, now i m developing small project concern with medical imaging.i am using 2008 and clearcanvas for saving and retrieving dicom files.i want to ask some questions about clearcanvas.For saving,sometime it is saved with xml file,sometime it any effect in retrieving?another one is when i saving single frame dicom fil...

clearcanvas if file is a dicomfile

How to check if file is a dicomfile? ...