
How to capture a mouse click on an Item in a ListBox in WPF?

Hi ! I want to get notified when an item in a ListBox gets clicked by the mouse, whether it is already selected or not. I searched and found this: ( see the comments) private void AddDoubleClickEventStyle(ListBox listBox, MouseButtonEventHandler mouseButtonEve...

WPF animation to expand-contract height

Hey I would like to have a trigger on an image which expands AND contracts an ItemsSource by animating its height property. I have a generic ItemsSource bound to a ObservableCollection, so I do not know the total height of this control. Once the image is clicked, it should change its image source glyph to show that the itemssource is ...

Back Button of the Firefox Browser working after double click

Hi, My application is in Perl. Here, for some pages the request is getting submitted twice, that is causing browser's back button history. I am able to see two requests for the same page in the back button's history. Hence, not able to go back in a single click. This issue is coming only for FireFox and not consistent. Can you please su...

How to stop Ajax.ActionLink inside jQuery tree item from propagating click to tree item.

Normally, as I understand, you return false from jQuery click handler, and that stops click from going further. How would I achive the same behavior with Ajax.ActionLink? Tree items use click to expand and collaps, and clicking on Ajax.ActionLink causes both action link to be executed and tree item collapsed/expanded. ...

How to disable inner-outline on selected table cell in Firefox

Hi, Using Firefox on OSX when I cmd+click on a table cell I get an blue inner outline. I searched for a way to disable this behavior on my web application but did'nt found anything. I tried to capture the onclick or set the CSS outline to 0px to no avail. I also looked at MDC Mozilla CSS extension but many are undocumented. Is the...

Jquery: How do i not select a specific column

I have a table, where i have a click event on the tr: <tr id="<%= candidate.AnsogerID %>" class="newCandidatesTableTr"> , this click event: $(".newCandidatesTableTr").click(function(e) { works just fine, but in the row i also have a click event on a td: $(".insertCandidate").live("click", (function(e) { and this conflicts eachot...

Jquery Onlick not happening second time

I'm a bit confused as to why this isn't working; I assume that because I'm adding the class and its not being added back into the collection I'm not sure. Here it is on a jsbin although code is below also. Either way I can only get the action to happen on an element once; <html> <head> <script src="http...

Click counter php mysql?

Hey, I have been looking for a simple way to track clicks on a link and store how many times the link has been clicked in a mysql database. Anyone have a solid approach on how to do this? Thanks. ...

Can I code same functionality for 2 id element's in one click function?

Is there any method to have the same coding for the click function of two different id elements in one click function? For example,I have two link elements with ids, myFormsTabSubmitted and formStatusSubmitted. Both the link is of same functionality. When I click both these links, the same div element("submitted") is showed,and other di...

Set focus to another control after TreeView click

I have a TreeView control in a Windows application. I am opening another window from the TreeView click (Single Click) event (in tabbed environment, so all windows will appear as a tab in Visual Studio). I want to set focus to one control of the new window. The problem is that, I am able to set the focus on the double click event of th...

How to Set mouse cursor position to a specified point on screen in C#?

How to Set mouse cursor position to a specified point on screen in C#? am i must hacke the motherboard buffer that receive the mouse and keyboard coordinates and presses ??? is there another one to do clicks or i am imagine ??? ...

jQuery hide/show doesn't seem to work - am I doing something wrong

I am trying to show an element (which is a table, but I am using it as a div) when a submit button is clicked. It doesn't seem to work. And I don't think that's because of bad CSS Karma acquired by using tables for layout. Code is as follows: $(document).ready(function() { $("#object-created-panel").hide(); $("#create-o...

HTML "overlay" which allows clicks to fall through to elements behind it

I'm trying to overlay a element on top of a webpage (to draw arbitrary graphics), and I've come to the point where I can stack it inside of a element on top of everything, but this prevents the user from clicking on any links/buttons/etc. Is there a way to have its content float on top of everything (it's semi-transparent, so you can s...

Google adsense track clicks method?

Hey, I am wondering what method Google uses to track clicks for there Adsense ads? do they send you to another page when you click on an ad that will track a click and then send you to the destination or do they do it another way? Thanks for any help. ...

jQuery not working in AJAX Loaded page

I am using jQuery to load a page by AJAX using $.ajax (suppose test.html).Its a simple HTML document with a few buttons and associated animations upon clicking them (also using jQuery).The .click() properties associated are working fine when I load the page directly but the buttons fail to respond when I click them in the AJAX loaded ver...

jQuery click off element event

I have a floating div that gets displayed, and I want it to be hidden when the user clicks off the div. This would be similar to the .hover() funtion callback when hovering off an element. Only I want to do this for click. I tried just setting a click event for the body, which would hide the div, but that gave unexpected results. Any...

How to catch the second select on <select > with jQuery?

The first click expands the <option>, the second click select one of them. How to catch the second click? ...

Expression blend click event animation

Hi I'm a newbie at expression blend. I've created a button and added a storyboard animation within it. I've also added a hyperlink behavior. The link works but nothing happens when I hover over it to reveal the animation. Are there any tutorials on how to link hyperlinks with animations? Any ideas would be much appreciated :) Thanks ...

How to call simplemodal osx plugin programatically?

I've implemented the simplemodal plugin for JQuery. Very nice btw! Where I'm having an issue, is I have a list of links that are generated from a database, when I click one, I make a "load" call and add the results to my osx-modal-content div. How do I call the osx plugin after my load completes? If I add class=osx to my a href, the moda...

How can jQuery be used to handle timer in click, dblclick separation

I am using the jQueryFileTree at and I want to distinguish between the dblclick and click events as a click is always triggered by a dblclick. Googling about led to be a technique in which click is handled by a timer which kicks in when a dblclick does not cancel it. Is there some way this can be u...