
How can I Submit client side answers (to a question) to the server using JAVA?

How can I Submit client side computer user's answers(to a multiple choice question) to the server using JAVA I have a centralized server and about 1000 client systems. In these 1000 systems students take multiple choice quiz at at time (in some 2 hrs time). Now i've to send all these answers of these questions to the server in an asyn...

Performance improvement of client server system

I have a legacy client server system where the server maintains a record of some data stored in a sqlite database. The data is related to monitoring access patterns of files stored on the server. The client application is basically a remote viewer of the data. When the client is launched, it connects to the server and gets the data from ...

problem in start up my RMI server(under ISP) so that it can recieve remote calls over Internet.

i m creating a Client/Server application in which my server and client can be on the same or on different machines but both are under ISP. My RMI programs:- -Remote Intreface:- // public interface Calculator extends java.rmi.Remote { public long add(long a, long b) throws java.rmi.RemoteException; publ...

Basic Client-Server Design for persistent connections?

Here's as far as I understand it: Client & Server make connection Client sends server data Server interprets data, sends client data So on, and so forth, until client sends disconnect signal. I'm just wondering about implementation. Step 2 and 3 are confusing to me, maybe I'm over-complicating it. Is there anymore to interpreting t...

C Language: Why I cannot transfer file from server to client?

I want to ask, why I cannot transfer file from server to client? When I start to send the file from server, the client side program has a problem. So, I spend some times to check the code, but I still cannot find out the problem Can anyone point out the problem for me? ps. Thanks for the administarator fix the code first. ps2. I als...

Should I use WPF or Windows Forms Application for my project in C#?

I am developing a Client-Server based application in which client application will access server database to store billing information. It will also have report generation facility. Windows Forms is good in document printing & I don't see such facility or controls in WPF. If I am wrong then please correct me. I want database security, w...

How do I run my application as superuser from Eclipse?

I'm running in to an error when I try to run my server application from Eclipse. The error is Permission denied. I think this is because I am using port 443 to set up an SSL connection. I can get around this problem if I run my code on the command line using java and sudo. Is there a way to set up Eclipse so that ...

How to design a distributed application using a Message Broker and a Database?

I would like to implement an distributed Point-Of-Sale system, somewhat like the one described in Point of sale app architecture advice. It is a distributed system with these charachteristics: The clients are mission critical, they should work even if the network connection or the server fails, but just for a few days or so. The clien...

Cloud computing over Client-server: differences, cons and pros ?

As far as I know, Cloud computing might be a evolution in software architect, and it will replace some current architectures, such as client-server. These two architecture seem to share similarities for me (I know very little about both), but I don't know the differences between them. What are the cons and pros of cloud computing over ...

Terminal / Panel PC - Single Server Solution: Client/Server or RDP?

Hi, Our current setup involves a touch screen panel pc with embedded windows, that is connected via network to a server / dedicated pc, within the same physical location. Each of our 'units' has this hardware setup. For a quick resolution we deploy our application to the dedicated pc, and have the panel pc remote desktop to an account ...

Can the same socket be used for server and client?

Hi Geeks, I put a TCP server and client code in PIC controller. Now just wanted to know, can the same device run both client and server at sametime? And if possible can we use the same socket on a TCP stack for server and for client? ...

Flex: client / server messaging question (RPC or socket ?)

hi, I'm building a Flex application, which is going to perform many server requests (let's say, that almost all interactions require an update from server). At the moment I'm using remote procedure calls for it. But I was wondering if using a socket would be better. In other terms, is maybe better to keep the connection alive rather t...

Java Server Client Program I/O Exception

I made this program: And it works perfectly if I put the server's hostname as or my computers name (Ajay-PC). However these 2 methods are LAN or local only not internet. So I changed it to my internet ip. etc. But it didn't work. I ch...

Java: Sockets or RMI?

Hi, I need to separate our application into a light-weight gui application and a business logic application. This won't be a client/server setup as such, as the 'server' component will only have one client. The other limitation in the application is that it has only one entry/exit point. Therefore if we were to use RMI, it would only e...

High-Performance In-Browser Networking

(Similar in spirit to but different in practice from this question.) Is there any cross-browser-compatible, in-browser technology that allows a high-performance perstistent network connection between a server application and a client written in, say, Javascript? Think XMLHttpRequest on caffeine. I am working on a visualisation system th...

Sharing Data with a Client-Server across a Home-Network Recomendation

I am writing a client-server application in which there is a database maintained on a home server, which will share it's data with a client-app across several computers on a home network. This mdb database consists of three tables with no more than five-columns of data in each table, and there should typically not be more than 5,000 rec...

i am making a project on mailing system..and i want to add the feature of client-server in it.can anyone help me??

by client-sever here i meant that i want to make one computer as client and another server such that if on client comp i send a mail to a person it must be visible to him on server one..means serer can access the database of project is in j2ee n databse in oracle.pls help me out with your suggestions or any code if it is requir...

How do you build a Request-Response service using Asyncore in Python?

I have a 3rd-party protocol module (SNMP) that is built on top of asyncore. The asyncore interface is used to process response messages. What is the proper technique to design a client that generate the request-side of the protocol, while the asyncore main loop is running. I can think of two options right now: Use the loop,timeout para...

What kind of client\server protocols python supports out of the box?

Without installing third party libraries, what kind of client\server protocols python supports out of the box ? ...

Question regarding TCP Connection Forcefully shut down.

Hi All, I am designing a Client Server Chat application in Java which uses TCP connection between them. I am not able to figure out how to detect at server side when a client forcefully closes down. I need this as i am maintaining a list of online clients and i need to remove user from the list when he forcefully closes the connection. ...