
Client Server problem with connect() or accept()

Hello, all. I'm having a bit of weird problem with client server program. I have two different kinds of clients trying to connect to one server, one is just more barebone than the other with less things to do. But other wise they are practically the same. While the barebone code can connect to server and server accepts it fine, the elabo...

How do I create Client-Server relationship on Intranet with WCF?

I am attempting to generate a proxy for a client to call a service with WCF. I have been successful in creating the Client/Server relationship on the localhost, but can't seem to get things working while running the Server app on a second computer within my home intranet. I understand that the base address to the service needs to be su...

Client server architecture question

I am working on a client server system, and am running into issues where multiple clients are executing an action at the same time. We are able to solve this by locking on the critical section of code, which ensures that the first client will complete the action before the second client enters the code block. My question is this: our se...

C socket programming: connect() hangs

FINAL EDIT: the code has been fixed to reflect changes. Thanks to all of you!! Hey all, I'm about to rip my hair out. I have this client that tries to connect to a server, everything seems to be fine, using gethostbyname(), socket(), bind(), but when trying to connect() it just hangs there and the server doesn't see anything from the c...

Create fake UDP traffic

I have to write a UDP client. Unfortunately, the source system is not always available Is there a simple tool out there that I can use to create a fake UDP server/traffic on my machine? ...

C socket programming: client send() but server select() doesn't see it

Hey all, I have a server and a client running on two different machines where the client send()s but the server doesn't seem to receive the message. The server employs select() to monitor sockets for any incoming connections/messages. I can see that when the server accepts a new connection, it updates the fd_set array but always returns ...

C socket programming: calling recv() changes my socket file descriptor?

Hey all, I have this strange problem with recv(). I'm programming client/server where client send() a message (a structure to be exact) and server recv() it. I am also working with multiple sockets and select(). while(1) { readset = info->read_set; info->copy_set = info->read_set; timeout.tv_sec = 1; timeout.tv_usec =...

Oracle XE as local recovery database and Oracle Standard as main db

Hi, I just wanted to know what you guys think about this. I have an app written in Visual Basic .Net as my front end and and Oracle 11g Standart database as the back-end. So I have like 20 pc's running this app locally. They're all inserting, updating, deleting data on this single database. I want to develop a solution in the case that ...

How to deal with database access in long-running 2-tier application?

I am currently working on server application that has to deal with reasonable amount of clients over TCP in LAN. Tasks that server has to accomplish vary from trivial to mildly-complex, and most of them include some form of database interaction. I'd like to make database access asynchronous, since not all queries are equally complex. Th...

How to send GPS data from android to a website?

Hi I'm new to Android and web service development! currently I'm working in developing Android program that will send longitude and latitude information to website (to show the location change the website map) the questions are - how to send this data to the website (the best practice)! - any suggestions for a suitable framewor...

problem with kCFSocketReadCallBack

Hello. I have a problem with my program. I created a socket with "kCFSocketReadCallBack. My intention was to call the "acceptCallback" only when it receives a string to the socket. Instead my program does not just accept the connection always goes into "startReceive" stop doing so and sometimes crash the program. Can anybody help? Thanks...

SQL Express as a main DB

Hi everyone, Does anyone out there use SQL Express 2008 R2 in a production environment? I am looking at hosting a Windows VPS as a server for a client software product I have developed. Clients connect to the server, send their data to a service running on the server, and the service updates the database. I'm trying to keep running c...

Using Java Script to pass data

How can I pass data from client to server? I have a very simple text editor created on a site and every few minutes or so I would like to send the information that has been typed in back to the server as a text file. I am trying to create an effect similar to the live type of googleWave. Speed and efficiency isn't all that important at...

What's a way for a client to automatically resolve the ip address of a server?

The project I am working on is a client/server architecture. In a LAN environment, I want the client's to be able to automatically determine the server's address. I want to avoid having to manually configure each client with the ip address of the server. What is the best way to do this? Some alternatives I have thought about doing ar...

How does real-time collaboration with multiple clients work in a system using operation transformations with a central server?

I just finished reading High-Latency, Low-Bandwidth Windowing in the Jupiter Collaboration System and I mostly followed everything until part 6: global consistency. This part describes how the system described in the paper can be extended to accomodate for multiple clients connected to the server. However, the explanation is very short...

How to create a simple server/client application using boost.asio?

I was going over the examples of boost.asio and I am wondering why there isn't an example of a simple server/client example that prints a string on the server and then returns a response to the client. I tried to modify the echo server but I can't really figure out what I'm doing at all. Can anyone find me a template of a client and a te...

What kind of socket server protocol is efficient?

When I was writing a simple server for a simple client <> server multiplayer game, I thought of the following text-based protocol using a translation library. Basically, each command had a certain meaning, eg: 1 = character starts turning right 2 = character starts turning left 3 = character stops turning 4 = character starts moving for...

Client to server data upload

I'm trying to design a system similar to the traditional server monitoring systems like MOM, Tivoli, Open View, where an agent will record data and then upload it to a central database once a day, but them also be able to send immediate alerts back to the server. I'm not sure what the best methodology might be for this. I've started look...

Client Server communication in Java - which approach to use?

I have a typical client server communication - Client sends data to the server, server processes that, and returns data to the client. The problem is that the process operation can take quite some time - order of magnitude - minutes. There are a few approaches that could be used to solve this. Establish a connection, and keep it alive,...

AJAX vs client server applications?

What advantage does AJAX have over standard client server applications that use HTML and HTTP? Thanks. ...