
Desktop.getDesktop().browse(uri); will open web page on server or client side?

Hello everybody, I have a JSF application and when user click on button I want to open a web page. Desktop.getDesktop().browse(uri); probably opens a web page on server side, how to do it on client side? when i try Desktop.getDesktop().browse(uri); it works, but maybe its because I open the JSF application on localhost so I dont know i...

operating sever client from same program

i want to make a single program for operating both server & client. i want my program to run in such a way that when program is launched, server should start listening for requests from other machines. but when i want to send data to other machines, my server should quit & client is launched so that i start sending data. once complete da...

Choosing approach for an IM client-server app

Update: totally re-wrote this to be more succint. I'm looking at a new application, one part of which will be very similar to standard IM clients, i.e text chat, ability to send attachments, maybe some real-time interaction like a multi-user whiteboard. It will be client-server, i.e all traffic goes through my central server. That mean...

Please suggest other ways of communicating between server & client.

I'm writing a TCP chat server ( programming language does not mather ). It's a school project for my nephew, so it won't be released, and all questions I'm asking are just for my knowledge :). . Some of the things it will support: chatting between users ( doh ), it will be multithreaded sending each other files I know I could easily ...

Steps to take for figuring out the delay when calling service and loading data with the result?

Hello, In a client server app, where client front end is done in silverlight using C# and the services are the WCF services. If I am to hit the service and do a query and bring back a result and I notice that it is taking a relatively long time to load my page which is just loading the grid with the data, what things should I look at ...

cms with remote database: performance issues

my problem's a bit complicated. basically i created a client/server CMS architecture that worked very well for a while. now that there are more customers, it's getting very slow and i don't really know how to fix it. let me explain you the current architecture: i've developed a content management system to serve various different custom...

What frameworks exist for data subscription and update?

There is one server with multiple clients. The clients are viewing subsets of the servers entire data. If the data that a client is viewing changes, the client should be informed of the changes so that it displays the current data. Example: Two clients are viewing a list of users in an administration screen. One client adds a new use...

Easily reuse views, controller, layout in a command line interface

My Zend application is going to get an command line php script that should email reports. There generation depends on Zend_View, Zend_Layout and is currently already working fine in the web interface. How can I reuse this whole MVC functionality in the command line? Should I add a new controller CommandLineController and call this some...

Problem in using a second call to send() in C

Hello. Right now I'm working in a simple Server that receives from client a code referring to a certain operation. The server receives this data and send back the signal that it's waiting for the proper data. /*Server Side*/ if (codigoOperacao == 0) { pr...

How to implement automatic authentication for client application?

Hello, I need to implement an authentication in my client application against my server application. I don't want users to enter any kind of credentials and I don't want to hard-code any password. The purpose is to prevent other people/application to steal data from the server. What is the best way to achieve this? ...

Do Java web-server apps have any way to PUSH?

Web-servers work in response to incoming HTTP requests... process the request and return an HTTP response. Are there any common ways that a server can PUSH data to clients in this architecture... e.g a request comes in from client1 and the server wants to notify client2? It can obviously be done by a non-web server, using sockets, but wh...

Can you add an additional entrypoint to servlet web-apps?

Imagine you have a standard java web-app using plain servlets, or SpringMVC, or whatever. You also want (for whatever reason) a way to talk to the server not using HTTP - I'll use direct sockets as it's the easiest example I can think of. Writing a web-app is easy, you have servlets acting as entrypoints. Writing a java app which monito...

Why bother with multi-layer RIA if Internet now is fast enougth to do "traditional" fat client C/S?

Why bother with multi-layer RIA if Internet now is fast enougth to do "traditional" fat client C/S? What just use a plain C++ / Delphi / Oracle Forms / JAVA-Swing application talking directly to RDBMS thru Internet? A very complex compiled exe program in Delphi is about 10MB, that amount of code downloads in a couple of minutes in a de...

How to access a remote OPC server programmatically?

I have downloaded & installed the OPCDA.NET client component evaluation & XMLDA.NET client component evaluation. It provides some C# samples for browsing the available OPC Server, connecting to the OPC server, & browsing the available items on the server. I know the programmatic way in which we can access the local OPC server. It is pro...

Applet in client-server infrastructure

Hello! I have a general question concerning client-server design. We have a Java server with Spring, a GWT client program and some HTTP-servlets for our site. At the moment we also want to develop an applet which would communicate with that server in such a way GWT-client and site requests do. Is it a good idea to communicate with the...

Does a servlet-based stack have significant overheads?

I don't know if it's simply because page-loads take a little time, or the way servlets have an abstraction framework above the 'bare metal' of HTTP, or just because of the "Enterprise" in Jave-EE, but in my head I have the notion that a servlet-based app is inherently adding overhead compared to a Java app which simply deals with sockets...

Network Communication program in python

Hi all, Basically what I'm trying to achieve is a program which allow users to connect to a each other over a network in, essentially, a chat room. What I'm currently struggling with is writing the code so that the users can connect to each other without knowing the IP-address of the computer that the other users are using or knowing th...

How do I centralize common code in silverlight with a classical Client/Server design?

The setting: I got a silverlight application and a webservice both want to use the same code. Here my problem: If make an normal dll the silverlight Application say's it can not reference it. If I make an Silverlight dll the Webservice can not reference it. I don't like duplicate code how can I share code between my Silverlight ap...

Does the port change when a TCP connection is accepted by a server?

When a client connects to a server using TCP, a new socket is created for the TCP stream. Does the connection remain on the same port the connection was made or does it get changed to some other port? ...

Best method of achieving bi-directional communication between Apple iPad "clients" and a Windows Server over LAN

We are currently starting to build a client-server system which will see 10 or more Apple iPad client devices communicating to a central Windows server over a wireless LAN. We wanted to some existing plumbing (.NET remoting/WCF/web services/etc) that would allow us to implement a reliable, secure solution without having to start at a lo...