
Signing .NET assemblies: Does this protect my assembly from tampering really?

I am implementing a "locking" system in my app which protects my app against being copied and used illegally. The system checks the signature of a hardware-based code and expects it to be signed with a Private Key that only my company owns. (The app has got the Public Key to validate the signature.) I want to make sure that no one chang...

Is there a Java Descriptor like thing in .Net?

I'm working on a static analysis tool for .NET assembly. In Java, there is a Descriptor which can be used to represent method or field in a string with specified grammar. for field: double d[][][]; will be [[[D It's useful especially when doing bytecode analysis. Coz it's easy to describe. If there a similar thing in .NET CLR? Or ...

Accessing the clr's interned string list

I just answered a question where I said that while string interning is good it can be a security problem since a strings value can be easily accessed later on. And while I'm quite sure this is true :-) I am not sure how easy it really is. I tried googling the topic but I got no relevant results (the google-fu is weak in this one), so t...

What are the most effective ways to use Lua with C#?

From my understanding, Lua is an embeddable scripting language that can execute methods on objects. What are the pitfalls to avoid? Is is it feasible to use Lua as an interpreter and execute methods in an web environment or as a rule engine? ...

Automating the deployment of a CLR database project to the database

We have a CLR database project in VS08. Right now, everytime we do a build there are multiple manual steps that have to be performed in order to deploy this project as part of our build process. I ended up writing a utility that automates parts of this process. I am wondering if there are are better tools - or even devenv switch that I a...

Common Runtime ?

Hi Something I'm not to clear about, I understand there are differences between C# and VB.NET (mainly in the use of pointers) but why if both have a Common CLR, does XNA (for example) only work with C# and not VB.NET, or is it that the add ins to visual studio have been aimed at C# rather than VB.Net, and infact the language extensions ...

Float vs Double Performance

I did some timing tests and also read some articles like this one (last comment),and it looks like in Release build, float and double values take the same amount of processing time. How is this possible? When float is less precise and smaller compared to double values, how can the CLR get doubles into the same processing time? Edit: ...

.NET Framework weaknesses to be avoided

Dupe: When I learnt the .NET Framework, I was pleased with the direction Microsoft was/is taking with their application development vision. There was a great sense of enjoyment and excitement developing on the .NET platform, with some areas delivering truly impressive c...

Is the IsNullOrEmpty bug fixed in .NET 3.0 or later?

Does anyone know if the IsNullOrEmpty bug is fixed in 3.0 or later? I currently came across the (NullReferenceException) bug in 2.0 and I have found documentation stating that is supposed to be fixed in the next release, but no definitive answer. ...

MFC vs. CLR?

In a visual studio C++ project, would MFC be faster than using the CLR? I'd specificily be using 2008. Oh and the reason I ask is because I have experience with .NET but not so much with MFC. I understand what MFC is but have never really used it much. ...

How do you distribute a .NET application?

Before I start developing a desktop application, I was wondering how large the installer will turn out to be if I build it in .NET? Now .NET probably is 5 years old. Do we still have to include the run time with the application? Or can we assume that most user will have it installed on their system? Does Vista ships with .NET pre instal...

Serial Port (rs232) in Mono for multiple platforms

I am planning on re-writing a Win32 application (native C++) in .NET - most likely using mono so I can run it on Win32, Linux and mac. The problem I am trying to solve (having only really developed for Win32) is an issue with the serial port definition. How does one typically identify differences in platform when there is only supposed...

Raise Event from store procedure to Windows Service

Hi Is it possible to trigger an action in Windows Service, or is it possible to raise an event that can be caught in a Service from a stored procedure. If you imagine a service runs every 5 minutes thats performs some action. What if something happens in a database or a stored procedure is executed and I want to trigger this action ear...

Advantage of SQL SERVER CLR

What advantages does SQLServer CLR offer over T-SQL? Is using .NET syntax easier than T-SQL? I see that you can define user types, but I'm not quite clear on why that's better. For example, you could define an email type and it would have a prefix property and a domain property. You could then search on domain or prefix or both. However...

Reflection runtime performance - Java vs CLR

A related post here pretty much established reflection in Java as a performance hog. Does that apply to the CLR as well? (C#, VB.NET, etc). EDIT: How does the CLR compare to Java when it comes to reflection? Was that ever benchmarked? ...

Why I have to use fully qualified assembly name for local assemblies?

In many places, like in app.config/web.config files I have to specify types using this verbose fully qualified names, like <add name="myListener" type="System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener, System, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" /> This MSDN site says, that Partial binding, which speci...

SQL CLR Objects for Heavy Operations

Here is my scenario: I have implemented set logic in my C# framework. Sets can contain a large quantity of objects, perhaps even up to 1 million in the worse case. Assume sets just contain lists of objects called Doc. Because of the potential large number of objects, I would like to give the developer a choice of how to create and us...

Is there a way to retrieve a C# app's current memory usage?

I am automating some profiling tasks and want to log heap space and generation sizes real-time. The profiling API seems awfully complicated for what I need, and it seems to listen in on individual allocations and collections, which isn't that important to me. Profiling tools are a great help of course, but I was looking for a more flex...

CLR and CLI - What is the difference?

I am quite new .NET framework, hence I want to know what exactly is the difference between CLR & CLI ? From whatever I have read so far, it seems to indicate that CLI is a subset of CLR. But isn't everything in the CLR mandatory ? What exactly may be left out of CLR to create a CLI? ...

RedirectedThreadFrame in Callstack

Has anyone seen a RedirectedThreadFrame in a callstack in windbg? That is from the managed callstack. I am seeing alot of exceptions being thrown inside the framework that I am never seeing bubbled to me and I am trying to figure out why. The native callstack just has: 0526f6b0 79f63d27 KERNEL32!RaiseException+0x53 0526f718 79f6410...