
SQL Cluster - using datasource (local)

Hi, Using (local) in the connection string doesn't work on my cluster. I'm assuming it's looking for the default instance on the currently active node instead of the Virtual SQL name. Anyone know how to make this work? edit note: I'd like to use (local) and not localhost - I don't want to change any application generated code. ...

What architecture? Distribute content building across a cluster.

Hi All, I am building an content serving application composing of a cluster of two types of node, ContentServers and ContentBuilders. The idea is to always serve fresh content. Content is fresh if it was built recently, i.e. Content.buildTime < MAX_AGE. Requirements: *ContentServers will only have to lookup content and serve it up (...

Hadoop on windows server

Hello, I'm thinking about using hadoop to process large text files on my existing windows 2003 servers (about 10 quad core machines with 16gb of RAM) The questions are: Is there any good tutorial on how to configure an hadoop cluster on windows? What are the requirements? java + cygwin + sshd ? Anything else? HDFS, does it play nice ...

How do I group objects in a set by proximity?

I have a set containing thousands of addresses. Assuming I can get the longitude and latitude of each address, how would I go about splitting the set into groups by proximity? Further, I may want to retry the 'clustering' according to different rules: N groups M addresses per group maximum distance between any address in a group Ad...

Can I emulate MS Compute Cluster Server on my dev machine?

I have a project for a client that will consist of managing jobs on a MS Compute Cluster. I will be developing the application outside of their network, and would like a way to develop/debug my app without the need to be on their network. I am developing the app in C#, and all I have so far is the Microsoft Compute Cluster Pack SDK. ...

tracking after cluster group status c++

Hi, I would like to write a cluster aware application that will track after the status of a cluster group. to be more specific, I'd like to probe after the group's Owner. The application should know if the local machine is the owner of the group or not and behave accordingly. can I probe the registry for that? if yes, where? if not, d...

ColdFusion Session Replication Across Physical Servers

Can I get details for session replication across physical servers with Coldfusion 8? ...

Id like to write a c# service that receives MS CLUSTER events

tried to use local system user but it does not have previledges to access the network. will the Network Service accound do the trick? , if now , what user it is recomended to use? thanks!! ...

What are the scenarios for using mirroring, log shipping, replication and clustering in SQL Server

Hi, As far as i know SQL Server provides 4 techniques for better availability. I think these are the primary usage scenarios, in summary :- 1) Replication would be primarily suited for online-offline data synchronization scenarios (laptop , mobile devices, remote servers). 2) Log shipping could be used to have a failover server with...

Cluster/Load Balancing software that displays multiple hard-drives as one?

Does anyone know of a clustering/load balancing software(free or commercial) that once setup, only requires you to login at one place and all hard drives are mounted together as one? For example, currently i have 1 server which i access by going to and one hard-drive is displayed and i upload all my website files th...

Clustering Algorithm for Paper Boys

I need help selecting or creating a clustering algorithm according to certain criteria. Imagine you are managing newspaper delivery persons. You have a set of street addresses, each of which is geocoded. You want to cluster the addresses so that each cluster is assigned to a delivery person. The number of delivery persons, or clusters...

Sessions with clustered instances of Oracle Application Server

I have two instances of Oracle Application Server (OAS) clustered together and replicating sessions. Whenever I terminate one of the instances by killing the process, the other instance picks up and contains the session. Everything works as expected. If I gracefully shutdown one instance (using opmn stopall) of OAS, HttpSessionDestroyedE...

Algorithm for clustering pictures based on date taken

Anyone know of an algorithm that will group pictures into events based on the date the picture was taken. Obviously I can group by the date, but I'd like something a little more sophisticated that would(might) be able to group pictures spanning multiple days based on the frequency over a certain timespan. Consider the following grouping...

What algorithms there are for failover in a distributed system?

I'm planning on making a distributed database system using a shared-nothing architecture and multiversion concurrency control. Redundancy will be achieved through asynchronous replication (it's allowed to lose some recent changes in case of a failure, as long as the data in the system remains consistent). For each database entry, one nod...

Good books on writing clustered applications?

I'm looking for a general, language agnostic, higher-level/theory of clustering book. Think Principles of Transaction Processing, Gang of Four, Patterns of EAA, etc. These books present general ideas, knowledge, and patterns about a particular aspect of application development. I'm not looking for something hardware centric, nor books ...

How can I cluster a graph in Python?

Let G be a graph. So G is a set of nodes and set of links. I need to find a fast way to partition the graph. The graph I am now working has only 120*160 nodes, but I might soon be working on an equivalent problem, in another context (not medicine, but website development), with millions of nodes. So, what I did was to store all the lin...

Setting up a Windows Server 2008 / SQL Server 2008 cluster

As I mention in a related question about colocation vs renting web servers, I am considering setting up a web server cluster using four Mac Minis (Intel Core Duo) and Windows Server 2008. The website I'm developing is database-driven and uses ASP.Net MVC with Microsoft SQL Server 2008. I am completely inexperienced with setting up a we...

How to compute precision and recall in clustering?

I am really confused how to compute precision and recall in clustering applications. I have the following situation: Given two sets A and B. By using a unique key for each element I can determine which of the elements of A and B match. I want to cluster those elements based on features (not using the unique key of course). I am doing ...

How to cluster objects (without coordinates)

I have a list of opaque objects. I am only able to calculate the distance between them (not true, just setting the conditions for the problem): class Thing { public double DistanceTo(Thing other); } I would like to cluster these objects. I would like to control the number of clusters and I would like for "close" objects to be in t...

Prepare Database For SQL Server Clustering

we are planning to implement sql server 2005 cluster in next few months. i wanted to know what steps / precautions need to be taken as a database developer when trying to achieve this? do we need to change any code (in front end) / stored procs etc etc? are there any best practices to be followed? reason i am asking this questio...