
VC++ compiler and type conversion?

When I moved a program from a Mac to this Windows PC, the VC++ 2008 compiler is giving me errors for passing unsigned ints to the cmath pow() function. As I understand, this function is not overloaded to accept anything but floating-point numbers. Is there some compiler flag/setting that will ignore these errors? Also does anyone know h...

cmath functions generating compiler error

I've written a small program that utilizes the Fast Light Toolkit and for some reason a compiler error is generated when trying to access the functions in the cmath header. Such as error ::acos has not been declared. This goes on for pretty much every function it tries to use in the header. What could I be missing? The header files I ...

Ambiguous overload call to abs(double)

I have the following C++ code: #include <math.h> #include <cmath.h> // per // snip ... if ( (loan_balance < 0) && (abs(loan_balance) > loan_payment) ) { ... } and make blows up on: error: call of overloaded 'abs(double)' is ambiguous also of interest: /usr/include/s...

cmath Errors when using FLTK

For some reason, whenever I add the FLTK directory to my include path, I get a bunch of errors from cmath. I am using GCC version 4.2. Here is a sample program and the build output: main.cpp #include <cmath> int main() { return 0; } **** Build of configuration Debug for project CMath Test **** make -k all Building file: .....

cos returns wrong values?

I have a strange problem with the standard cos function of cmath/math.h. Apparently under some circumstances it returns a wrong or simply undefined value. #include <cmath> #include <iostream> int main() { double foo = 8.0 * 0.19634955; // 1.5707964 double bla = std::cos(foo); // should be 0.9996242168245 std::cout << bla << std::...

How can I work around the fact that in C++, sin(M_PI) is not 0?

In C++, const double Pi = 3.14159265; cout << sin(Pi); // displays: 3.58979e-009 it SHOULD display the number zero I understand this is because Pi is being approximated, but is there any way I can have a value of Pi hardcoded into my program that will return 0 for sin(Pi)? (a different constant maybe?) In c...

how to do trig functions to data in Windows textboxes

must you convert from strings to double? if so. how? Are there functions for trig that will accept textbox string data as is? Is there a way to pull the data from the textbox as a numeric value, not as a string? ...

When do I use fabs and when is it sufficient to use std::abs?

I assume that abs and fabs are behaving different when using math.h. But when I use just cmath and std::abs, do I have to use std::fabs? or fabs? Or isn't this defined? ...

cmath compilation error when compiling old C++ code in VS2010

I've inherited a few C++ files and an accompanying makefile, which I'm trying to bring into VS2010 as a solution. I've created an empty project and added the appropriate C++ and header (.hpp) files for one of the makefile targets. When I try to compile the project, however, I immediately get a large number of C2061 (syntax error identi...

C++ Use secant method to solve function

Hi, I have a school problem but I do not understand what it actually asks. Any of you have an idea what it's really asking for? I don't need code, I just need to understand it. This is the problem: Construct a computer program that uses the Secant method to solve the problem: f(x)  =  (1+x) cos( sin(x)3 ) -  1.4   =  0 Starting with th...

Rounding a double or float?

Possible Duplicate: round() for float in C++ In cmath there is floor and ceiling, but I cannot find round. How does one round with the standard library without writing a function and dragging it around into all projects? Thanks ...

In xcode when including cmath get error: '::acos' has not been declared, etc

I get the following errors when trying to build a small and simple project that includes <cmath> in Xcode: cmath: '*' has not been declared '::acos' has not been declared In file included from /Xcode4/Projects/libraryLAFMath/Classes/libraryLAFMath.cp In file included from /Xcode4/Projects/libraryLAFMath/Classes/libraryLAFMath.h '::acos'...

C++ : complexity of the implementation of exp in cmath and real cost of the cost of a call compared to a floating point operation ?

[I globally edited the question to be more "useful" and clear] Hello all, I was wondering about the complexity of the implementation of the function exp in cmath. By complexity, I mean algorithmic complexity if possible. Otherwise cost compared to a floating point operation (addition for example) The following lines : double x = 3; ...

cmath.h and compile errors

I used to work with math.h without any problem. Now, I use an external library which itself has a file called math.h, but which includes < cmath>. Adding this library to my project (or even just adding the include directory, without touching the code) now generates tons of errors from < cmath> : C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Stu...