
How to capture stderr on Windows/DOS ?

I want to capture the errors from a script into a file instead of to the screen. In *nix, this is done with stderr redirection, usually echo "Error" 2> errorfile.log How do I do it in CMD script under windows? Thanks! Miki ...

How to hide the console of batch scripts without losing std err/out streams

My question is similar to Running a CMD or BAT in silent mode, but with one additional constraint. If you use WshScript.Run in vbscript, you lose access to the standard in/error/out streams of the process. WshScript.Exec gives you access to the standard streams, but you can't hide your windows. How can you have your cake (hide the win...

Setting cmd.exe /V:ON flag without starting new instance

Is there any way to enable execution-time variable expansion for cmd.exe (normally done by typing cmd /V:ON) without starting a new instance of cmd.exe? Similarly, can other settings/flags be changed on the fly? ...

How to Tell FORFILES to Execute Command on Path?

I'm missing something (obvious?) about escaping my strings or spaces in the following Windows Server 2k3 batch command. FORFILES -m *.wsp -c "CMD /C C:\Program^ Files\Common^ Files\Microsoft^ Shared\web^ server^ extensions\12\bin\stsadm.exe^ -o^ addsolution^ -filename^ @FILE" Results in the following error 'C:\Program Files\Common...

What does cmd /C mean?

I can understand cmd but not /c. I was trying to invoke a java program from the current for which I use Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /C java helloworld") There arises my doubt. ...

Is it possible to add a directory to DLL search path from a batch file or cmd script?

MSDN says that the function SetDllDirectory() can be used to insert a directory into the DLL Search Path. Can this function be accessed from a batch file or cmd script, perhaps using via cscript? The aim is to have our development version of a dll found before a pre-existing older one in %WINDIR% etc. without having to write a program j...

pagination with the python cmd module

I'm prototyping a Python app with the cmd module. Some messages to the user will be quite long and I'd like to paginate them. The first 10 (or a configurable number) lines of the message would appear, and pressing the SPACE bar would display the next page, until the end of the message. I don't want to reinvent something here, is there ...

CMD.EXE batch script to display last 10 lines from a txt file.

Any ideas how to echo or type the last 10 lines of a txt file? I'm running a server change log script to prompt admins to state what they're doing, so we can track changes. I'm trying to get the script to show the last 10 entries or so to give an idea of what's been happening recently. I've found a script that deals with the last line, ...

How to add a program to the 'execute' list

Hi, I really don't know how to say, may be this is why I didn't found a solution on Google. My problem is simple. I want to run program from the execute command just by putting their names and not the path. For example type 'myprog' to open 'c:/program/myprog.exe' That's all! Thanks for your help :) ...

Move lines from one .txt file to another

I am trying to move certain lines from one .txt file to another. These lines all follow a certain pattern. I have been looking at using the find command in a batch file, but this does not delete the line from the original file. For example: find \i pattern "d:\example1.txt" >> "d:\example2.txt" Is there any way to achieve this? Th...

wput on Windows ignoring --skip-existing

Hello, Hopefully someone familiar with wget & wput on windows knows about this... wput -v --remove-source-files --skip-existing --dont-continue %stfile% ftp://%ftpuser%:%ftppass%@%ftpserver%/inbound/%stfile% basically this should not try to ftp the file if it already exists on the ftp site... however the file does not exist-- and ...

Delete First Line

I need a cmd script that deletes the first line in my text file. the scenario is the following: I take a txt file from FTP everyday, the problem is that it comes with blank line at the top then the headers of the file.. Since I'm importing that file automatically into an access table, that blank line is causing me problems.. So I urgent...

exit the batch file after running using java

Hi I know how to start the batch file using java code. When i run the batch file command prompt is opened. To close the command prompt i am using the taskill /im cmd.exe. but the problem is that the command prompt that is used to start the jboss is also closed. i want to kill the cmd with a particular process id. How do i get the proces...

Order in which Command Prompt executes files with the same name (a.bat vs a.cmd vs a.exe)

What is the order in which the Windows command prompt executes files with the same name but different extensions? For example I have a bunch of executable files (something.cmd, something.bat, something.exe), which of these would be executed when I typed "something" into a command prompt (given they were on the path etc). If that file di...

How can I delete the last line of a text file using the command prompt?

I have a text file that I am importing into access table using command prompt. The problem is that this text file has a blank line as the last line. Can anyone provide me with a script that deletes my blank line at the end of file so as I can finalize my automation process. I am using Windows 2000 platform. ...

Python one-liner to print every file in the current directory

How can I make the following one liner print every file through Python? python -c "import sys;print '>>',sys.argv[1:]" | dir *.* Specifically would like to know how to pipe into a python -c. DOS or Cygwin responses accepted. ...

How to run batch file on server and return result to client

I have a bat file on server that return result, then I want to know can I run this bat file from my client and return result to my client? e.g. Bat file return string value "Hello", I want to run this bat file from my PC and get string "Hello" display on my monitor. Thanks, Ek ...

cmd script that fails when text is found

In the windows shell: echo "foo bar" | find "foo" succeeds (i.e. errorlevel = 0). However, I want a script that fails (i.e. errorlevel <> 0) when it finds a particular word in some input text. Any ideas? ...

How can I count how many calls of a cmd file?

How can I count how many calls of a cmd file? I'm struggling with something like this but it didn't work: @IF NOT EXIST Calls.log echo. > Calls.log @for %%i in (Calls.log) do set size=%%~zi @IF %size% EQU 0 ( @ECHO 1 > Calls.log ) ELSE ( @set /p v=<Calls.log @set /A v+=1 @echo %v% > Calls.log ) ...

How to get folder path from file path with CMD

I need path to the folder that contains cmd file. With %0 I can get file name. But how to get folder name? c:\temp\test.cmd >> test.cmd P.S. My current directory != folder of the script. ...