In my application I don't use the upper bar that displays Wi-Fi/Date/Time because it's a game. However I need to be able to let my user to pick his music, so I'm using a MPMediaPickerController. The problem is, that when I present my controller, the controller ends up leaving a 10 pixels ( aprox ) bar at the top of the screen, just in th...
I want to do some fairly complex arithmetics that require very high precision, i.e. calculating
10000000000 + 0.00000000001 = 10000000000.00000000001
10000000000.00000000001 * 3 = 30000000000.00000000003
I want to use NSDecimalNumber for this kind of math, but the problem is: How to feed it with these values?
The documentation says:
Currently, I am doing it like this:
NSDecimalNumber *myDecimalNumber = // ... assume it's there
NSNumber *number = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:[myDecimalNumber doubleValue]];
[myLabel setText:[myNSNumberFormatter stringFromNumber:number]];
First, I have an NSDecimalNumber object. Then I throw that out to double, which I feel is very ve...
My question is about how to access the TabBarController from within one of its viewControllers.
Imagine a mainClass.m that adds tabBarController which has two viewControllers - viewController1 and viewController2.
In viewController1.m there is a game. When the game is over, viewController1.m wants to tell tabBarController to displ...
I have a tight loop that iterates about 500 times. In every iteration, it will create a few NSDecimalNumber objects to do some arithmetics.
Example - this code snippet is in the for loop. the -decimalNumberByAdding: method creates a new NSDecimalNumber instance and autoreleases it.
resultDecimalNumber = [resultDecimalNumber decimalNumb...
I've got several annotations I want to add to my MKMapView (it could 0-n items, where n is generally around 5). I can add the annotations fine, but I want to resize the map to fit all annotations onscreen at once, and I'm not sure how to do this.
I've been looking at -regionThatFits: but I'm not quite sure what to do with it. I'll post ...
Hi Everyone:
I am wondering how I would go about animating a UIView's to a specific CGPoint. The following is what I have so far (which doesn't work in it's current state):
NSValue *pointValue = [[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:point] retain];
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:pointValue];
I am not sure if that would make any trouble. Normally, lets say, I sum up a few values. I would do it like this:
val1 = val1 + val2;
val1 = val1 + val3;
val1 = val1 + val4;
and so on...
Could I do something similar with NSDecimal, or should I not provide the same NSDecimal "object" twice in the parameters? (btw, how's that called? no...
Two things are strange with NSDecimalAdd(). First, when I search for examples, people seem to provide parameters by reference like NSDecimalAdd(&foobar, &foo, &bar, ....) and so on. The second strange thing is this const. Why's the parameter saying it wants a constant there? And why does this not apply for result?
NSCalculationError NSD...
I was wondering how animations work in Cocoa Touch. For example:
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:1.0];
view1.alpha = 1.0;
view2.frame.origin.x += 100;
[UIView commitAnimations];
How does UIView tracks the changes to the properties of the two views?
I suspect that KVO is used, but does it real...
I can only guess, but please correct me if I am wrong:
[encoder encodeValueOfObjCType:@encode(NSDecimal) at:&theDecimal];
where encoder is an instance of NSCoder.
But one thing is strange: Why is there no key to provide? How would I get that back then, without a key?
I am not sure about this:
// assume value is a NSDecimal type and exists
NSDecimalNumber *decNum = [[NSDecimalNumber alloc] initWithDecimal:value];
[encoder encodeObject:decNum forKey:@"someKey"];
[decNum release];
I'm wrapping the NSDecimal into an NSDecimalNumber object. I have to release it somewhere. But I am not sure... does the ...
I have an NSDecimal in a tight calculations loop, where I need to floor the value. I want to prevent creating fat NSDecimalNumber objects just for that. Is there a cost-efficient way to get a floor? That floor is just needed to calculate how many times another value might fit in there, with no rest. The NSDecimal API doesn't provide some...
Hi Everyone:
I am looking for a way to store references to variables inside a NSMutableArray. As variables are going to be created dynamically based upon what the user has chosen, I want to be able to simply sort through this array and get references to these created variables. In case it matters, I am creating a iPhone project. Howe...
I have an iPhone app with a tableviewcontroller. When you click a certain cell it opens a new uiviewcontroller with this code:
nextViewController = [[avTouchViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"avTouchViewController" bundle:nil];
The uiviewcontroller above called avTouchViewController has a property that looks like:
IBOutlet Som...
It's been a while since I messed with my TableViewController so I'm a bit rusty...but now I'd like to set it up so that when a section has zero rows to display (array is empty) then it will "lie" to the controller and return 1 for numberOfRowsInSection. Then in the cellForRowAtIndexPath it will place a UILabel over the one row's cell tha...
The documentation confuses me about this. They say:
void NSDecimalCompact (
NSDecimal *number
Discussion Formats number so that
calculations using it will take up as
little memory as possible. All the
NSDecimal... arithmetic functions
expect compact NSDecimal arguments.
The last part is important:
All the
For example, I try to do something like this:
- (BOOL)compare:(NSDecimal)leftOperand greaterThan:(NSDecimal)rightOperand {
BOOL returnValue = NO;
NSComparisonResult result = NSDecimalCompare(&leftOperand, &rightOperand);
if (result == NSOrderedDescending) { // if the left operand is greater than the right operand
For example:
- (BOOL)compare:(NSDecimal)leftOperand greaterThan:(NSDecimal)rightOperand {
NSComparisonResult result = NSDecimalCompare(&leftOperand, &rightOperand);
// rest not important
like you can see, the method just receives these two types of NSDecimal, leftOperand and rightOperand. Then it passes them on to a C API fu...
In the iPhone docset for NSDate, in the discussion area they discuss -dateWithNaturalLanguageString:locale:, however they don't document the method elsewhere on the page.
I've used the method before for iPhone and it worked just fine, although I got warnings. Now that I'm building with -Werror (which I should have been doing all along ^...