
How to customize ShareKit actionsheet?

I am using ShareKit ( to share my URL's to Twitter and Facebook. I want to be able to remove all of the additional social network it points to, but am not sure where to edit? ...

Getting width of UISegmentedControl after rotation to landscape

I have a custom UISegmentedControl that I placed using IB into a Navigation bar much like it is done in the iTunes App. When the device is rotated in landscape mode, I want to repopulate the segmented control to make use of the more space I have there. I do: CGFloat controlWidth = self.frame.size.width; where self is the custom UISegm...

How to use isAnimating in an iPhone app.

I want to have a custom loading menu made from a series of stills, that loops 3 times and then reveals a picture. Currently the picture is visible from the start. I want to use isAnimating to find out when the loading animation has stopped, and either change myImage.hidden off, or have the UIImageView initially containing a white image, ...

Custom string properties in interface builder

Is there a simple way to expose, say, NSString or UIColor properties of a class such that they can be modified in interface builder? This would be useful e.g. for adding color properties to a custom view (which are then used programmatically) so that they can be manipulated in Interface Builder as is appropriate. ...

Custom UITableView reorder

I'm wondering if anyone has a link to a good tutorial or can point me in the right direction to recreate the 'drag to reorder' cells in a UITableView like Epic Win App. The basic idea is you tap and hold on a list item and then you drag to where you want the item to be. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ...

Using network activity indicator while browsing in webview.

I have a button that load a link into a webview. While those links are loading, the networkActivityIndicator is animated until the site completely loads. But once a link is loaded, and I try to browse the website in the webview, by logging on to it or something, the network activity indicator does not animate. How would I implement it t...

Can't Release NSFetchedResultsController in dealloc

I have two UITableViewControllers with a fairly simple ui flow. One UITableViewController loads another UITableViewController when you select an item in the first UITableViewController. (UITableViewController) List of Stories -> Select a Story -> (UITableViewController) List of Sentences In the second UITableViewController (MakeSen...

Regularly update UITableView

I have a UITableView which I need to update about 2-3 times a second via NSTimer. The cells in this table have UIButtons which respond to touchupinside. The problem is that this created extreme sensitivity. I could not press the button for too long otherwise it wouldn't register. That issue was solved in

Notification after Video playback in mobile safari

Hi, I am trying to play some videos in a UIWebView and required to get some feedback when the video playback is finished, without any user interaction. I am looking for something similar to MPMoviePlayerPlaybackDidFinishNotification, but in UIWebView. Appreciate if anyone can share a work around. Thanks in advance. ...

Make UITableView go to top line

I sometimes reload table data and I need to redraw the table so that I see the data from the first row again. What I do now is the following: NSIndexPath *ip = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:0 inSection:0]; [self.tableView selectRowAtIndexPath:ip animated:NO scrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionTop ]; [self.tableView deselectRowAtIndex...

UIBarButtonItem Highlighted Color

I have set a custom tint color for a UINavigationBar (within a UINavigationController) which, in turn, sets an appropriate matching color for the UIBarButtonItems which are inserted into the UINavigationBar. However, when I select a UIBarButtonItem the button turns into (presumably) the highlighted state and presents a different color, w...

detecting long tap on iPhone.

Hi I am working on an iPhone app which requires me to check if the button has been tapped & held pressed for 6 seconds & then fire an action which is playing some sort of sound. How should I detect this 6 second tap ...? On the other hand the user can also keep on tapping button for 6 seconds & then the same action should fire. Wha...

View gets called on the wrong tab.

Hey! I have my main ViewController which has a tabBar and a navBar. My tabBar has 2 buttons, in the first view, I added to its navBar an Add button, which should call another view. That's working fine except that this view is being called on the other tab instead of the one where the button was clicked. This is my code: -(void)add:(i...

Playing continuos sound in iPhone app

Hi I have an iPhone application which requires me to play a looping mp3 sound during the entire lifetime of app. But based on some actions performed by user this mp3 should stop/pause for while & another mp3 should play & then this mp3 should resume playing again. I havent really used any audio API on iPhone yet, I've just used Audio...

Sharing UINavigationBars among xibs

Here's my situation: I have a UITabBarController that presents several UINavigationControllers when it's buttons are pressed (done through Interface Builder) the UINavigationControllers have UINavigationBars (their 'Shows navigation bar' is ticked in IB) on the navigation controllers I programmatically push UIViewControlleres with cust...

How to build Photo Gallery with sliding to the left and right behavior (similat to Apple Native Photos app)

I would like to build a gallery view of the photos similar to native Photos app, with possibility to slide image to left and to right. I want to display some extra buttons and label on each slide. could you advice me, please, where to dig? ...

App Crash: Low Memory

My app crashed because of Low Memory. I'm not sure if its entirely my fault because it lists about 7 or 8 other applications that crashed alongside? How should I handle this? Incident Identifier: 2CC74C33-179F-4CD2-8FAA-00CF0A344749 CrashReporter Key: 1657e021ecba3a19c5ed9f0cff62947a426a2bc2 Hardware Model: iPhone3,1 OS Version: ...

Cocoa touch/Xcode - generating NIB-less graphics context

My app delegate contains: - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application { // Override point for customization after app launch window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]]; if (!window) { [self release]; return; } window.backgroundColor = [UIColor greenColor]; ...

Runloop works on simulator fails on device

I have an iPod Touch 2nd generation and I'm trying to retrieve a photo from the assets library by using the photo name. I ran restore on the device to make sure it is factory 4.1. My header file has: #import <AssetsLibrary/AssetsLibrary.h> { BOOL fetching; } @property BOOL fetching; typedef void (^ALAssetsLibraryAssetForURLResu...

Howto make iPhone screens sliding out? (Animation)

Hi, in some iPhone/iPad Apps you can see screens sliding in and out. How does the straight slide in/out work? I could only find Curl and Flip for animation: UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromLeft, UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromRight, UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp, UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlDown, ...