
How to create an NSImage from an NSView that isn't completely visible?

I have an NSView in an NSScrollView that I want to create an NSImage from. Because it's in an NSScrollView it's not always completely visible, and it can be even bigger that the screen's size. Can anyone help me? Thanks. ...

Menu Options are not changing - cocoa

I am making a cocoa app where i have a menu - you can see the picture below - but the problem is when i click on any other option e.g; subtract, multiply or division, it don't get selected. What can be the issue? Note: When i made the menu, i checked the state option of add to ON and rest of them were OFF. ...

Content types understood by an application

Given an application path (or NSBundle to an application, etc), is there a way to easily/efficiently determine what content types that application can open? My initial attempt was to read the application's Info.plist file and extract the content types listed under the kUTExportedTypeDeclarationsKey key. However, there are some flaws wi...

Importing from Photoshop

Hi all, is it possible to import a merged picture from photoshop using scripting bridge and use it as an NSImage? ...

Help with "Cannot perform operation without a managed object context"

I have an NSViewController with its own nib that requires access to the managedObjectContext to display objects in a tableview. This is how I have the managed object context set up in my view controller: @interface { ... NSManagedObjectContext* managedObjectContext; ... } @property (nonatomic, retain) NSManagedObjectContext...

How to create a static NSRange ?

Guys: It is really a stupid question, but I really don't know how to. I have a utility class and need to define some pre-defined variables. Here's how my class looks. #pragma mark File header part definiation (start offset, length) NSRange HEADER_VERSION = NSMakeRange(0, 4); /* 0,4 */ NSRange HEADER_IDENTIFIER = NSMakeRange(4, 18); /*...

Cocoa: NSTextStorageDelegate has out-of-date NSLayoutManager?

I'm working with a NSTextView and have a delegate set for its -textStorage property. Upon receipt of -textStorageDidProcessEditing: I need to apply attributes to portions of the text. My attributes are being applied, but they are always applied to the text before I made the edit, even though I'm invoking NSLayoutManager's methods not f...

Questions about using Accelerate.framework

Hey guys, I have some questions about the Accelerate.framework. I am trying to do some vector stuff. First of all what is the difference between Single Precision Float, Single-Precision Complex, Double-Precision Float, and Double-Precision Complex? And what should I be using for my own struct defined like float x; float y; float z; And ...

Text disappears in subclass of NSTextFieldCell

I've spent many hours trying to figure this one out with no luck. Someone had a similar problem on the Apple mailing lists a while ago and no one answered. Basically, it comes down to this: I've subclassed NSTextFieldCell and overridden the drawWithFrame: method to create a custom bezel. Then I call drawInteriorWithFrame: at the end of t...

Reverse engineering an NSMenu for a Status Bar Item

Hello all, I'm want to create a menu for a status bar item like the one seen in Tapbot's PastebotSync application: Does anyone have any ideas how to achieve the custom area at the top of the menu which is flush with the top? I've tried/thought of a few potential ways of doing it: Standard NSMenuItem with a view - isn't flush with ...

JS execution in WebView

How would one execute javascript code within a webkit webview on OS X when the page is HTTPS? It seems no matter what i try, HTTPS pages wont allow execution. Even something as simple as evaluateWebScript: doesnt do anything, and all i am trying to do is highlight a few fields. ...